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Drill: You have two minutes to work with classmates to list a minimum of ten mythological characters.

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Presentation on theme: "Drill: You have two minutes to work with classmates to list a minimum of ten mythological characters."— Presentation transcript:

1 Drill: You have two minutes to work with classmates to list a minimum of ten mythological characters.

2 The Creation Myth and An Introduction to the Main Characters
Mythology The Creation Myth and An Introduction to the Main Characters

3 Questions What is a pantheon?
According to Greek mythology, who was the first god?

4 Chaos an empty void the first god

5 Tartarus the region beneath the earth Tartarus IS the underworld

6 Eros god of love known as Cupid in Roman mythology

7 Erebos Erebos IS the darkness of the underworld

8 Night Night IS the darkness of the Earth also known as Nyx

9 Aither Aither IS the brightness of the heavens

10 Day Day IS the brightness of the Earth also known as Eos

11 Gaea known as Mother Earth, IS the earth her first child is Uranus

12 Uranus known as Father Heaven, IS the sky
had three sets of children with his mother, Gaea: 3 Cyclopes 3 Hecatonchires 12 Titans dreadfully wounded by his children

13 Pontus IS the water on Earth

14 Mountains IS the land of Earth

15 Cyclopes sons of Gaea and Uranus
three of them – their Greek names mean Thunder, Lightning, and Flash of Light each Cyclops had one eye in the middle of his forehead thrown into a dark hole under the earth

16 Hecatonchires sons of Gaea and Uranus gods of storms and hurricanes
three of them each had 100 hands and 50 heads also thrown into a dark hole under the Earth

17 Cronus the strongest and the bravest of the Titans
ruler of all the Titans, of heaven, and of earth wounded Uranus swallowed his children to keep them from taking his power eventually became god of time – this is where we get the word chronology

18 Rhea Cronus’ sister Cronus’ wife queen of the Titans Zeus’ mother

19 Hades first child of Cronus and Rhea god of the underworld
brother of Zeus and Poseidon

20 Poseidon second son of Cronus and Rhea god of the sea
brother of Zeus and Hades symbol: trident

21 Demeter first daughter of Cronus and Rhea goddess of agriculture
symbols: halo, torch, and boar

22 Hestia goddess of the hearth and home no symbols

23 Hera sister of Zeus wife of Zeus queen of the gods and goddesses
symbols: peacock, cow

24 Zeus last child of Cronus and Rhea
hidden by his mother so Cronus could not swallow him overthrew Cronus and released his siblings from the underworld king of the gods and ruler of mankind symbols: eagle, thunderbolt

25 Family Tree Chaos Gaea Tartarus Eros Erebus Night Gaea Uranus Pontus
Mountains Aither Day 3 Cyclopes 3 Hecatonchires 12 Titans (Cronus Rhea) Hades Poseidon Demeter Hestia Hera Zeus

26 Statue of Zeus

27 Zeus, Hera, and the Olympians


29 Three Questions: Who was the first god in the Greek pantheon?
List the first five gods created by Chaos. Where does Zeus fit into the Greek Pantheon?

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