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June 9, 2016 Marcheta Gillam Senior Housing Attorney

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Presentation on theme: "June 9, 2016 Marcheta Gillam Senior Housing Attorney"— Presentation transcript:

1 Being There: The Intersectionality of Housing, Health and Neighborhood Harmony
June 9, 2016 Marcheta Gillam Senior Housing Attorney Legal Aid Society of Southwest Ohio




5 Hamilton County 2012 Age # Under 1 10,545 1 year 10,774 2 years 10,746 3 years 10,841 4 years 10,363 5 years 10,195 Total Under 6 63,464




9 "Lead has no purpose in the human body," said Dr
"Lead has no purpose in the human body," said Dr. Camille Jones, assistant health commissioner for the Cincinnati Health Department. "While people may be OK, they don’t know they could have been better."

10 Early Exposure to Lead and Child IQ
Low-Level Environmental Lead Exposure and Children’s Intellectual Function: An International Pooled Analysis Bruce P. Lanphear,1,2 Richard Hornung,1,2,3 Jane Khoury,1,2 Kimberly Yolton,1 Peter Baghurst,4 David C. Bellinger,5 Richard L. Canfield,6 Kim N. Dietrich,1,2 Robert Bornschein,2 Tom Greene,7 Stephen J. Rothenberg,8,9 Herbert L. Needleman,10 Lourdes Schnaas,11 Gail Wasserman,12 Joseph Graziano,13 and Russell Roberts14 Much of the pressure on the CDC and other state and federal agencies to lower blood lead action levels came from studies of IQ conducted in Cincinnati and other cities in the United States and around the world. IQ is a measure of relative intelligence determined by an individually administered standardized test. Most IQ tests have a mean of 100 and standard deviation of 15. The range of “normal” on these tests is between 85 and About seven out of 10 individuals have IQs in this range. While these tests have been subject to criticism in the past (Montagu 1999), they consistently predict a variety of important social, educational, and vocational outcomes. In a pooled analysis of seven longitudinal prospective studies conducted across the globe, we conducted a study of more than 1,300 children (story about the study). We found, after control for important covariate factors, a substantial decline in IQ across a broad range of blood lead concentrations, but the greatest loss in IQ was observed between about 2 to 10 ug/dL. Amounting to a loss of about 7 points or more than half a standard deviation in the log-linear model.

11 Brandon’s House n

12 Brandon’s House

13 Brandon’s House

14 Brandon’s House

15 Section (B) It shall be unlawful for any person to spit on the floor of any factory, store, office, or other structure used as a workroom or as a dwelling place Section (B) It shall be unlawful for any person to spit on the floor of any factory, store, office, or other structure used as a workroom or as a dwelling place.

16 Section (C) (2) Interior and exterior surfaces of property found to have coatings as identified as the probable source of undue lead absorption or lead poisoning in human beings, shall, in a lead-safe manner, have the coatings removed, covered or made inaccessible to small children. Section (C) (2) Interior and exterior surfaces of property found to have coatings as identified as the probable source of undue lead absorption or lead poisoning in human beings, shall, in a lead-safe manner, have the coatings removed, covered or made inaccessible to small children.

17 Lead is a poison. Lead affects small children. Elimination of Lead is cost-effective: $1 invested: $17- $231Million(per Environmental Health Perspectives).

18 Living Near Our Double Railyard:
Results: Infants living very near (<100m) stop-and-go bus and truck traffic had a significantly increased prevalence of wheezing…when compared with unexposed infants. The incidence of wheezing among nonwhite infants was at least twice that of white infants, regardless of exposure. J Allergy Clin Immunol August 2005; Ryan, et. al.



21 Mold and 8 Month Old Babies and Asthma:
Conclusion: In this birth cohort study, exposure during infancy to 3 mold species common to water-damaged buildings was associated with childhood asthma at age 7 years. (J Allergy Clin Immunol 2102; Reponen, et al.


23 Collaborative Calvary Example No. 1:
A medical-legal partnership colocated in a pediatric care setting identified and treated a large cluster of poor quality, substandard housing. Housing improvements were possible because of strong collaboration between clinicians, attorneys, community partners, and families. Identifying and Treating a Substandard Housing Cluster Using a Medical-Legal Partnership; Beck, et al, Pediatrics Vol 130 No 5 November 2012

24 Collaborative Calvary Example No. 2:
Our findings indicate that legal assistance is effective in bringing about considerable symptomatic and objective improvements in poorly controlled adult asthma patients whose self-reported environmental exposures are amenable to mitigation. Improved asthma control was also accompanied by decreased ED visits and hospital admissions by over 90%, implying significant health and financial benefits. The use if systematic steroids, associated with a myriad of adverse effects, was eliminated in 73% of the patients. O’Sullivan et al Journal of Asthma, 2012; 49(9):



27 The Developing Brain

28 Hopes From Decades Past
* Increased Blood Lead Testing *Next Door *Upstairs, Downstairs *Outside (sidewalks, demolition and industrial emissions) *Turnover *School

29 New Hopes *All of the above *Home water and school water * Proud Commitment to Infrastructure

30 “Always bear in mind that your own resolution to success is more important than any other one thing.” -- Abraham Lincoln

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