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Get Ready to Work Sign in & pick up handout Get out your nametag

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Presentation on theme: "Get Ready to Work Sign in & pick up handout Get out your nametag"— Presentation transcript:

1 Get Ready to Work Sign in & pick up handout Get out your nametag
Log on to a computer-open edTPA Handbook and Rubric Level Progressions Reduce the size and split your screen Have your drafts: Task 1A and 1B accessible

2 Find Something Good in Every Day

3 Seminar Two Planning Commentary
Work Flow: Read bold statements under Task 1: What Do I Need to Do Peer Review & Critique: Task 1A & 1B Look Fors: Task 1C and 1D Overview: Plan Com: Task 1E Partner Analysis: Rubrics and Rubric Progressions

4 Key Questions: What Do I Need to Do?
What are your content key understandings for lesson planning? How many work samples will you collect? Where do I place citations? When do all Task 1 work submissions need to be completed? When do I note changes to my lesson plans? Key Questions: What Do I Need to Do?

5 Task 1A-Context for Learning
Peer Review & Critique Task 1A-Context for Learning Task 1B-Lesson Plans (Take 20 minutes to review partner work and provide written feedback on critique form.)

6 Task 1C-Instructional Materials
Review specifications for Task 1C + Include: handouts, photos of supplies, text resources, ppt, etc. + Some photos or scanned docs may need to be reduced + Save all as pdf, not jpeg or gif + Align all materials to central focus and standard for day + Differentiate materials for small groups and individuals, as needed Task 1C-Instructional Materials

7 Types of Informal assessment (Progress monitoring)
Q/A Thumbs up/down/sideways Observation Notes Exit ticket Checklist Practice worksheets Question stems Oral/Written response Clicker response Concept maps Think-pair-share Retelling Bell work Writing sample Response card Short writing assignment

8 Types of Formal Assessment (Scoring, Benchmarking, Mastery Levels)
Standardized Test Benchmark Test Chapter/Unit Test Performance Assessment Raft (Role, Audience, Format, Topic) Graphic organizer with rubric Problem Based Learning Project Lab experiment with report Multimedia project with rubric Creative writing assignment Pre-Test and Post-Test Composition based upon criteria Real life Problem Solving with explanations

9 - Include multiple assessment types, based on objectives - Avoid low level repetition of facts and skills - Consider alternative assessments or embedding choices for small groups or individuals - Task 3 requires you to choose one of these assessments to analyze for student performance [whole class, small groups, and individuals] both qualitatively (by features) and quantitatively (by points or scores in different areas/components) Task 1D Assessments

10 Planning Commentary Q Prompt 1 /Rubric 1
Content Focus Describe CF and purpose for teaching content. Be specific Include: content standard, learning objective/s Describe how the standards & objectives address the key understandings Explain how the lesson plans build on each other and help students connect to the key understandings Rubric 1-Planning for Content Understandings 1- Inaccuracies, omissions, or lacks alignment 2- Plans vaguely support S learning-key understandings 3- Plans clear connections - key understandings 4. Clear and consistent connections

11 Rubric Level Progressions (Go to resource before final draft.)
Guiding Question Artifact evidence for rubric Commentary Q for rubric Level Three Descriptors Above Level 3 Descriptors

12 Planning commentary Q Prompt 2
Planning to Support Varied S Learning Needs 1. What do S know? (pre-assess) 2. What prerequisite skills are being addressed? 3. How are you addressing personal experiences, culture, & interests of S? 4. Give S examples to justify the planned learning tasks based on above information.

13 Planning Commentary Rubrics 2-3
Rubric 2-Plans to Support Varied S Learning Needs 1- No evidence of support or IEP/504 not addressed 2- Planned supports loosely tied to objectives & CF 3- Pl supports tied to obj. and CF-attention to whole class only 4- Tied supports-address whole & sm. groups with similar needs and individual needs 5- All above + identify and address key misconceptions Rubric 3-Use Knowledge of S to Inform Teaching & Learning 1- Justified learning tasks is missing or not aligned to S assets 2- Justified learning tasks with limited attention to S prior learning or S assets 3- Justified L. T. as appropriate with examples S prior learning or S assets. Includes superficial connection research / theory 4- All above-prior learning and S assets. Connection to research/theory 5- All above-justifies with connection to research/theory

14 Planning Commentary Q Prompt 3
Using Knowledge of S to Inform Teaching and Learning Refer to specific examples in L.P. and I. M. to explain thinking Include: research or learning theory to support explanations Explain the connection between learning tasks materials based on S experiences, culture, & interests. Be specific Now make those connections with S prior learning, assets above, and research/theory Explain how the learning tasks and materials are tied to objectives and central focus? Justify the plan for instructional strategies & supports (learning tasks, materials, technology, etc.) as appropriate for whole class and specific small groups, & individuals

15 Planning Commentary Q Prompt 4
Identifying and Supporting Language Demands Identify one language function * Go to about page 45 now and read that definition with your associate Identify one key learning task with that function-student practicing it (identify lesson day or #) Identify & describe the vocabulary, syntax/discourse (ways the learning is communicated) page 45 definitions What are the instructional supports in your plans that address prerequisite content/skills, whole group and small group or individual learning needs What supports are in your plans related to what S know, what S are learning, and what S struggle with in performance

16 Planning Commentary Rubric 4
1- Language demands not identified or not consistent with function or task-Lang. supports missing or not aligned 2- Identified vocabulary with function-superficial attention to language demands-Lang. supports primarily address vocab. definitions 3- General Language supports address vocabulary AND 1 or more: function, syntax, discourse 4- Targeted Language supports address vocabulary, function, AND 1 or more: syntax, discourse 5- Level 4 plus-Lang. supports meet needs of student with different levels of language learning

17 Planning Commentary Q Prompt 5
Planning Assessments to Monitor & Support S Learning Describe your multiple formal and informal assessments in the lesson plans (Task 1D) Informal assessments are evident throughout the learning segment ( directly aligned to objectives) Formal assessments are also included to provide both qualitative and quantitative evidence of S understanding and learning Describe how both are strategically designed or adapted for groups or individuals with specific needs (daily and throughout the learning segment) Explain how your assessments were adapted as required by IEP or 504 plans

18 Planning Commentary Rubric 5
Assessments that Monitor & Support S Learning Assessment evidence of recall- no attention to IEP or 504 requirements Assess provide limited evidence to monitor S progress of key understandings Assess provide evidence to monitor S progress of 2 or more key understandings Multiple assess provide evidence to monitor S progress of all key understandings Level 4 plus-Assess designed to monitor individual and groups of S learnings according to specific needs

19 Next Steps Task 1C, 1D and 1E drafts due next seminar
Draft to supervisor following Sat, 9pm Final Folder Tues, 9pm Read edTPA Handbook - all of Task 2

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