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LETTING GO Saint Francis University Counseling Center

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Presentation on theme: "LETTING GO Saint Francis University Counseling Center"— Presentation transcript:

1 LETTING GO Saint Francis University Counseling Center
David Wilson, Director Susan Obarsky, Counselor Carrie Vinglish, Administrative Assistant Located in Room 120, Saint Francis Hall

2 Counseling Center Individual, marital, group therapy
Educational programs Crisis intervention & consultation Services are free and unlimited Located in 120 Saint Francis Hall

3 What Makes A Good University…
Faculty? Staff? Programs / Majors? Graduation Rates? Facilities?

4 What Makes A Good University…
If there is a problem with son or daughter, a parent feels confident the issue can be resolved, and assistance is immediate and professional.

5 Most Difficult Times During Freshmen Year
The first two weeks and last two weeks of semester Semester exams (mid-term and final) Mid-semester and holiday breaks

6 Feelings You May Experience

7 3 C’s of the Freshman Year
1. Chaos New residence New friends New schedule New language: RA, Professor, “Torvo” What do we know about chaos?

8 3 C’s of the Freshman Year
2. Conflict New friends vs. old friends Boyfriend / girlfriend separation Space issues with sharing close quarters

9 3 C’s of the Freshman Year
Crisis Little things become BIG things Everything becomes a CRISIS Panic – CALL HOME

10 Homesickness Not uncommon!
Is it a vague complaint of “I just don’t want to be here?” Is this the same reaction that others have at work, boot camp, high school? Is it “normal” to struggle with something new?

11 “Helicopter Parents” Definition: Hovering so long their offspring
never get a chance to grow up. “BULLDOZER PARENTS”

12 “HOW CAN I MISS YOU… … if you won’t go Away?” U.Cal - Davis

13 Three R’s of Freshmen Adjustment

14 What’s missing? “Bells”
Time Management 15 hours of class 10 hours of study 5 hours of work 30 hours / 105 hours per week What’s missing? “Bells”

15 S E X Parents, please talk to your students about S E X !

16 S E X S l e e p E a t X e r c i s e

17 List three things your student will miss most about home this fall.
1. 2. 3.

18 List three adjustments you anticipate making this fall.
1. 2. 3.

19 Questions to SFU Freshmen
The three things you miss most since coming to college?

20 Answer Sibling Bedroom Pet Parents My friends

21 On average, how many times do you talk with your parents per week?

22 How many times would you recommend that parents call their freshman student per week?

23 What method of communication do you use with your parents most often?

24 What topics do you discuss most often?

25 Question Has the level of appreciation for your parents improved, decreased, or has had no change?

26 Answer IMPROVED!

27 Mark Twain said… “When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to be around the man. But when I got to be 21, I was surprised at how much he had learnt in 7 years.”

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