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Advanced maternal age and risk of non-chromosomal anomalies: data from a tertiary referral hospital in Turkey NADİYE KÖROĞLU SBÜ KANUNİ SULTAN SULEYMAN.

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Presentation on theme: "Advanced maternal age and risk of non-chromosomal anomalies: data from a tertiary referral hospital in Turkey NADİYE KÖROĞLU SBÜ KANUNİ SULTAN SULEYMAN."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advanced maternal age and risk of non-chromosomal anomalies: data from a tertiary referral hospital in Turkey NADİYE KÖROĞLU SBÜ KANUNİ SULTAN SULEYMAN TRAINING AND RESEARCH HOSPİTAL

2 Introduction Congenital anomalies are among the most important causes of fetal and neonatal mortality and morbidity during childhood Major congenital anomalies are considered as those structural defects that are associated with a high incidence of mortality and morbidity, diagnosed prenatally or in the first year of life.

3 Purpose The relationship between advanced maternal age (AMA) and aneuploidy has been clearly demonstrated, however, it is not yet clear whether there is a similar relationship between advanced maternal age and nonchromosomal congenital anomalies (NCM) . Whether advanced maternal age is a risk factor for non- chromosomal major congenital anomalies involving various organ systems using data from a referral centre in Turkey.

4 Materials and Method 387 women of years of age who underwent fetal karyotype testing due to positive prenatal test results or advanced maternal age included in the study (September March 2015). Fetuses with chromosomal anomalies were excluded from the study. The relationship between non-chromosomal anomalies and maternal age of <35 or ≥35 (AMA) was studied.

5 Variable Age≤34 (n=316) AMA (n=71) P value Mean Maternal age 26,9± 3,9 37,5± 2,92 <0,001 Gravida 2,12± 1,23 3,38± 1,70 0,000 Parity 0,69± 0,87 1,70± 1,38 Presence of consanginous Marriage 27,85% 25,58% 0,019 Diagnostic test perf AS Cordocentesis 58,23% 21,2% 54,93% 28,17% 0,123 Anomaly type CNS Multiple Cardiac Skeletal Urogenital Gastrointestin Other 31,3% 24,05% 15,82% 14,87% 6,96% 6,01% 0,95% 26,76% 14,08% 25,35% 12,68% 7,04% 11,27% 2,82%

6 Variables Age≤34 (n=316) AMA P value CNS Anomalies Anencephalus Spina bifida Hydrocephalus Encepholocel Holoprozencep Other 23,13% 31,34% 19,40% 13,43% 2,99% 9,86% 16% 28% 32% 12% 8% 4% O,501 Cardiac anomalies Hipoplastic left Aort coarctatio VSD VSD+ASD Fallot tetrology Conotruncal an 2,82% 30,9% 8,45% 19,72% 5,63% 9,52% 4,76% 47,62% 14,29% 0,275 Gastrointestinal anomalies Present Absent 11,71% 88,29% 7,04% 92,96% 0,177 Urogenital anomalies 13,61% 86,39% 14,08% 85,92% 0,522 Musculoskeletal anomalies 27,22% 72,78% 16,90% 83,10% 0,046 Multiple anomalies 29,75% 70,25% 25,35% 74,65% 0,280

7 Conclusion In this study we found that the risk of muskuloskeletal system anomalies decreased with advancing maternal age. No other organ system anomalies were found to be associated with an increased or decreased risk with advancing maternal age. No significant difference could be detected in the incidence of major congenital anomalies of other organ systems between those under the age of 35 and those equal to or over the age of 35

8 The incidence of non-chromosomal anomalies does not increase in fetuses of pregnant women over the age of 35, in contrast to chromosomal anomalies. Women can be reassured that advanced maternal age is not associated with an increased risk of NCA.


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