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*-car* *-zar* *-car*.

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Presentation on theme: "*-car* *-zar* *-car*."— Presentation transcript:

1 *-car* *-zar* *-car*

2 *plural: +es* *plural: +es* *ADJECTIVES* *plural: +s* *plural: +s*


4 Irregular Yo form: Exijo

SPELL CHANGES: *Keep –go verbs in mind! *-car qu; -gar gu; -zar c *-ar/-er stem-change in every form EXCEPT nts. *-ir stem-change: ei in all forms INCLUDING nts. *-ir stem-change: eie in all forms, but ei nts. *-ir stem-change: oue in all forms, but ou nts. *Irregulars: Ser; Estar; Dar; Ir; Saber Yo form Drop –o Add opposite endings -ar verbs -e -emos -es -en -er/-ir verbs -a -amos -as -an

6 Subjunctive Tense with Verbs of Hope
Esperar = to hope/wish Desear = to hope/desire/wish Querer (eie) = to want Ojalá = I hope

7 Subjunctive Tense with Verbs of Hope
Use present tense with the verbs of hope and the subjunctive when there is a subject change! Column A indicates a subject change with the word que (that) Column B DOES NOT have a subject change, therefore the verb infinitive is used

8 Subjunctive Tense with Verbs of Hope
Esperar Desear Querer Subjunctive tense *matches subject* Different subject que Ella quiere que su hijo se comporte bien. *Infinitive: comportarse* She wants her son to behave well. **If there is no subject change, omit que and use the infinitive** El niño quiere comportarse bien. The boy wants to behave well.

9 Subjunctive Tense with Verbs of Hope Ojalá
Ojalá = I hope May be used with OR without que Used with the subjunctive Ojalá no llueva mañana. I hope it doesn’t rain tomorrow. *Infinitive: llover (oue)* Ojalá que tengamos tiempo. I hope that we have time. *Infinitive: tener*

10 Subjunctive Tense with Verbs of Influence
Aconsejar – to advise Dejar – to allow Exigir – to demand (Yo exijo) Insistir (en) – to insist Mandar – to command/demand Pedir (ei) – to ask/order Prohibir – to prohibit Recomendar (eie) – to recommend Sugerir (eie) – to suggest

11 Subjunctive Tense with Verbs of Influence
Subjunctive tense *matches subject* Verb of Influence Different subject que Yo sugiero que llegues temprano. *Infinitive: llegar I suggest that you arrive early. The present tense is used for the first verb because it states a fact. Subjunctive is used for the second verb because it expresses a possibility rather than fact AND because there is a subject change.

12 Subjunctive Tense with Verbs of Influence
If there is no subject change, omit que and use the infinitive Nts. esperamos llegar temprano. We hope to arrive early.

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