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The verb “SER”.

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Presentation on theme: "The verb “SER”."— Presentation transcript:

1 The verb “SER”

2 A few facts about “ser” The verb “ser” is one of the most commonly used verbs in Spanish. The verb “ser” stands for “to be” in English. The verbs “ser” just like the English verb “to be” is irregular. Irregular means that it changes form based on the subject of a sentence.

3 How does it look like Notice that there are several version for “are.” To choose the correct version of are you need to pair it with the correct Subject Pronoun. S.P (English) Subject Pronouns + verb am = soy are = eres, somos, sois, son is = es

4 To learn how to use it use this chart
To be in English Ser in Spanish I am Yo soy You are Tú eres He is / She is / You are Él es / Ella es / Usted es We are Nosotros (as) somos You all are Vosotros (as / Spain) sois They are Ellos (as) son / Ustedes son

5 Additional practice: Choose Spanish verbs
Choose menu item # 7 Graded Practice Click off “time me,” Click “Customize,” and select “ser” from the list of verbs, click “ok” Click “start” and then begin to drill!

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