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Presentation on theme: "MUSKOKA MASTER AGING PLAN"— Presentation transcript:

Community Forum September 8, 2016 Title slide – display as people are arriving

2 PROJECT WORK PLAN June Steering Committee start-up meeting July
Information review Working group meetings Surveys developed/distributed Key informant interviews August Focus groups/interviews/survey completion Sept. Community forum Implementation plan October Final report/Steering Committee review

3 AFC CATEGORIES Transportation Housing Social participation Social inclusion Civic participation Communication Outdoor spaces and buildings Community support / health services

4 SERVICE GROUPS Based on abilities, not age: Well and fit seniors
Seniors requiring some assistance with activities of daily living Seniors requiring 24-hour supports

5 CONSULTATION METRICS Community survey – 378 responses Service provider survey – 67 from 47 organizations Focus groups – 7 sessions, 192 participants Key informant interviews – 12 Committee members – interfaces so far!

6 COMMUNITY RATINGS Overall Services Rating: Excellent – 9% Good – 42% Fair – 37% Poor – 12%

7 COMMUNITY RATINGS AFC Category Score Outdoor Spaces and Buildings 2.3
Transportation 1.9 Housing Social and Recreational 2.6 Health Community Life 2.5

Community Transportation 58% Wait lists/wait times 55% Cost 48% Location of services 43% Physical mobility 41% Admission/eligibility criteria 40% Lack of awareness of services 39% Hours of service 28% Language/cultural differences 4%

9 SURVEY OF PROVIDERS Conducted on-line
Quantitative information on needs 67 respondents from 47 organizations Good cross section of services Comprehensive and thoughtful answers We got lots of advice! Please persist make sure they hear us

10 SYSTEM GAPS Well/Fit Some Assistance 24 hour Support
Affordable, accessible housing Primary care and medical specialists Active transportation Public transit Some Assistance Public and special transit, volunteer driving In-home and caregiver supports Mental health supports and dementia care System navigation 24 hour Support Housing and long-term care beds Personal support workers Medical specialists

11 FOCUS GROUP SESSIONS Bracebridge Dwight Gravenhurst Honey Harbour/Pt. Severn Huntsville MacTier Port Carling – for a total of 192 participants

12 SENIOR’S WISH LIST Expanded transportation
Housing specific for seniors Improved accessibility Medical service Home supports Cost relief Coordination between services Recreational activities Access to information

Mayors; District Chair; Municipal officials; Hospital; Health Unit … 12 so far, more to come … Corroborating findings from focus groups and surveys

14 GOOD DATA CONVERGENCE Needs identified by community survey = Gaps identified by provider survey Points raised in focus groups = Ratings from community survey High level views from key informants = Survey and focus group information

15 SWOT ANALYSIS Present: Strengths Weaknesses Future: Opportunities
Threats Display during flip chart exercise.

16 A “PREFERRED FUTURE” September 8, 2020

17 IDEA GENERATION Ideas to address the SWOT and move us towards our vision Big or small Don’t discuss or critique Anything goes!

18 GROUP ASSIGNMENTS Outdoor Spaces Transportation Housing Social/Recreation Health Information/Coordination Community Life Other – form your own

19 BREAKOUT GROUPS 1. Review the data 2. Discuss and expand 3. Create 5 to 7 broad strategies 4. Test against SWOT 5. Summarize on flip chart and present

20 PROJECT WORK PLAN June Steering Committee start-up meeting July
Information review Working group meetings Surveys developed/distributed Key informant interviews August Focus groups/interviews/survey completion Sept. Community forum Implementation plan October Final report/Steering Committee review

21 WRAP-UP Display during closing remarks


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