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National Education Cluster meeting

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1 National Education Cluster meeting
Sunday 19th March 2017 Skype – KatyNoble.HST Skype – mugabi-fred Skype – Abdirisak09 Skype – Samirizzat Skype – ashihan

2 Introduction from both MoE

3 Previous Meeting Action Points
Responsible Status UNHCR to share out-of-school data set / full report. UNHCR Not yet received. Cluster will circulate the Ed/CP Integrated Programming Guidance Note to partners. Cluster Coordinators Still awaiting sign off from Child Protection Cluster SAG. Partners to send Cluster their list of school names where they are currently working, so these can be added to AI ready for April reporting window. All partners A number of partners have submitted this, big thank you! Remaining partners have 1 week left to submit before AI finalized. NNGOs to submit SAG applications to Cluster by 13th March NNGO partners Submissions being reviewed now, and selected NNGOs will be announced with the meeting minutes.

4 West Mosul Mass Displacement Planning-Revised
Considering the revised scenario of 400,000 people expected to be displaced during the current military operations in West Mosul the Clusters and OCHA on behalf of the Humanitarian Partners have structured the following planning concept: 110,000 People already displaced until 18th of March 2017 hosted under several different modalities (camps, informal settlements and host families) 166,000 People are expected to be hosted in existent camps or under construction during the next 2 months. 89,000 People to be covered by out of camp solutions receiving targeted sectorial assistance 45,000 People estimated not to be identified by humanitarian partners. Within the next two months current camp availability and planned camp construction are expected to reach 27,700 plots with basic services. The government partners will be expected to contribute to assist in all displacement modalities with a stronger emphasis to people not identified by humanitarian partners

5 West Mosul update 18,284 families displaced since the military operation started last weekend – 109,704 people, over 38,396 of which are school-aged children (IOM, DTM). The NGO responsible for camp management in Hamam al Alil camp was asked to withdraw. Camps are receiving some 1,000 families a day, with some arriving in Qayyarah and Haj Ali where there are no WASH facilities for new plots. UNHCR will start developing the camp at Salamiyah in the next days (weather dependent) we need to assign a partner on this camp? There is information indicating that there are some IDPs who have settled in schools in Nimrod areas. Assessment of returnees in Khursebat (village in the newly accessible areas north of Mosul city) will take place at the beginning of the week. High level of destruction, with 90% families apparently already back (600 HH).

6 West Mosul - DTM 16th March: 1079 families/6474 individuals. The majority of new arrivals were settled in Chamamor Camp. 17th March: 603 families/3618 individuals. The majority of new arrivals were settled in Qayarah Airstrip. 18thMarch:. 373 families/2238 individuals. The majority of new arrivals were settled in Qayarah Airstrip as well.

7 Number of plots ready to receive العدد الكلي للأمكنة الجاهزة
Zone Camp / emergency site Number of plots ready to receive East Hasansham U3 - UNHCR Khazer M1- MOMD 75 Hasansham M2 - MOMD 22 Chamakor - UNHCR Hasansham U2 - UNHCR North Qaymawa - UNHCR 479 Amalla - UNHCR 193 Nargizlia 1 - MOMD 589 Nargizlia 2 – MOMD 2482 Zelikan - MOMD West الغربي Qayyarah Jad'ah - MOMD Qayyarah Airstrip - IOM Haj Ali - IOM Hammam al Alil 1- MOMD Hammam al Alil 2 - UNHCR As-Salamiyah - MOMD As-Salamiyah Total plots available العدد الكلي للأمكنة الجاهزة 3840

8 East Mosul update Partners to not forget East Mosul EiE response – a lot of the focus now is on the new camps / West Mosul displacement, but remember 100s of schools in East Mosul need support! 42+ buses moved to Gogachly, and the people dispersed into East Mosul and surrounding areas. Exact number of newly displaced to East Mosul remains uncertain… As of 13 March, 1,800 families were registered by the Mayor’s office in Mosul, some 500 families/day are arriving. A list of 600 families has been shared with DTM, Shelter/NFI. No assessment of these family’s needs is available yet. Many of the families are staying with relatives, or in unfinished structures, empty buildings, etc. As families are dropped off at Gogachly stadium, it was suggested that assistance be ready there.  Estimated number of people from West Mosul moving to East Mosul is already over 10,000. On 14 March, 750 families were taken to East Mosul.  On 15 March, there was a meeting of Deputy Governor, Mayor of Mosul and NGOs working in East Mosul. All activities to be coordinated with the Mayor at district level. A list of Mayor’s office contacts shared. As of yesterday there are 640 families arrived to East Mosul.


10 Definition for Camps – Plots able to receive IDPs
Requirement Definition Access Road conditions are suitable for safe transportation of IDPs to camp, and for the transportation of life saving assistance. Security situation permits safe access for IDPs and Service providers. Shelter Tents are pitched, inclusive of tent cover. Life Saving Service The following key services/facilities must be in place and must be available in adequate number and coverage to meet the basic lifesaving humanitarian needs of the population that is expected to be hosted in the site:  Food is available and facilities/ability for food to be cooked or processed in place; Adequate Emergency Water and sanitation facilities are available; Emergency Health Services and referral are available. These requirements are to enable the best possible solution for displaced persons, offering appropriate requirements for this emergency context, and with the full commitment of all stakeholders to ensure the continuous upgrade of services in the earliest possible timeframe

11 Inclusive education in emergencies

12 Handicap International Iraq mission
Access to education Handicap International Iraq mission

13 General findings ( Gaps):
Lack of information regarding children with different types of impairments not attending schools – no proper identification of beneficiaries is being done upon registration. Most facilities in camps across Iraq are not physically accessible, including schools and TLSs. Absence of staff trained in different communication techniques to address students with disabilities nor IEC materials in accessible formats. Absence of staff trained on how to deal with children with disabilities as well as their caregivers.

14 Ensuring Physical Accessibility
Learn about physical accessibility standards (which are not included in the current emergency facilities standards). It is 2 per cent cheaper to build an accessible structure than to adapt it afterwards. Train contractors and key staff on accessibility standards.

15 Good examples from Iraq

16 Accessibility with limited resources

17 Ensuring Accessible Communication
At least one staff should be trained on alternative communication techniques for children with disabilities. IEC should be in accessible formats (Large font, contrasting colours, illustrations and drawings, materials in audio, videos with caption). Use signage in different formats inside the facility.

18 Ensuring Positive Attitudes
Children with disabilities are one of the most likely group to suffer from negative attitudes from the community which leads to stigma, especially those with intellectual impairments and mental health problems. Raise awareness among the staff and students to welcome students with all types of impairments in the activities. Raise awareness in the community and families about their right to access education. Develop inclusive activities and ensure a safe and comfortable environment for them.

19 General recommendations
Identify children with disabilities out of school, going beyond the “visible” impairments. Identify how their impairments affect the family dynamics/relationships to develop tailored interventions. Identify the main barriers to access education. Take different types of impairments when designing different activities.

20 HI’s support Awareness session :
To understand disability, impairment and inclusion. Specific trainings: Inclusion of persons with disabilities in the humanitarian response: WASH, shelter, CFSs and Schools. All types of support are free of charge.

21 HI’s support Personalised support and coaching:
After a full assessment of the activities, a personalised support plan is developed upon agreement between HI the said organisation. Assessment at field level. Develop tailored field solution Provide technical recommendations

22 Thank you! For more information contact: Rafid Shikwana
Inclusion Technical Advisor- Iraq Mission  E: M: +964 (0) Aurele Roux Technical Unit Coordinator - Iraq Based in Erbil E: M : +964 (0) Thank you!

23 Refugee education - UNHCR

24 Funding update (2017 IHPF) Approx. $50m pot of money for all Clusters to bid for. Allocation paper being written this week and will be circulated to all partners, along with Education Cluster specific priorities. Will be aligned against the 2017 HRP (being published very soon) Partners to start preparing their submissions now!!! The submission window will be short! What are the likely Education Cluster priorities, which we’ll be scoring all submissions against? - Minor school rehabilitations; Mine Risk Education budget lines for accredited org.); - PSS / Psychological First Aid; - Activities supporting out-of-school children; - Teaching Learning materials Activities supporting secondary school / youth; - Remedial education / catch up classes - Prefab classrooms for overcrowded schools hosting IDPs, or for schools with total damage waiting for full renovations - West / East Mosul - Salah Al Din - Anbar Hamdaniyah towns?? - Out of camp response / urban vulnerable children Areas having high # of returnees

25 Information Management
REMINDER: Send us all your school lists by 21st March!

26 Mosul Crisis Response: Education Dashboard 18 March 2017
Funding required: $10m Current Funding: $38% Current No. Partners: 9 Type of Orgn Among the recently displaced people by the Mosul emergency, 35% are school aged. The feared displacement in Western Mosul may double this figure. Children Displaced* 89,208 Major EiE Activities Children supported through EiE Activities Major EiE Activities Out of this, 18,833 are boys & 16,996 girls IDP children participating in non-formal education majorly in camp settings. 6,915 EiE Supported Children 35,809 Teachers & PTAs These have been trained on PSS, PFA & BLP, and classroom management. These trainings are aimed at improving their capacity in teaching in the TLSs Teachers/Facilitators trained 389 Displaced school-aged children in camps are not accessing any form of education activities due to funding gaps. Given the ongoing Western Mosul, these numbers are feared to proliferate, increasing the pressure to provide EiE support. IDP Children Need EiE Support 53,399 Education Cluster partners 5 EiE Response vs Gaps in Major Camps 53,522/480,000 Challenges Insufficient education space in the new camps for West Mosul Displacement. Continued support needed from Mine Action partners to cross-check the UXO clearance in East Mosul and Qayyarah schools Insufficient number of textbooks available for formal learning, as the Federal MoE does not have enough. Limited funding has stalled the scaling up of the response into the non-camp sites many children have been out of school over a year. R e s p o n Disclaimer: *The gaps are estimated with IDP statistics as extracted from DTM & CCCM datasets compared with current response achievements Contact:



29 Information Management
Activity Info training videos: YouTube (English) : For the Syrian Refugee Database YouTube (Kurdish) : For the Syrian Refugee Database YouTube (Arabic) :  For the IDP Database YouTube (English) : For the IDP Database Google mapping of assessments: Fill your completed and planned assessments then all education partners know Assessments – kobo log-in needed?

30 Sub-National meetings
Centre South: 26th March, 10am, NCCI Baghdad Dahuk: 28th March, 10:00 Pm, venue tbc Erbil: 3rd April, 9am, SCI office Kirkuk: 26th March, 10.30am, SCI office 

31 Next meeting: Monday 3rd April 2017
Thank you! Next meeting: Monday 3rd April 2017 Skype – KatyNoble.HST Skype – mugabi-fred Skype – Abdirisak09 Skype – Samirizzat Skype – ashihan

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