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Designing a Career Path

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1 Designing a Career Path
EMC2010 Leadership Workshop Sponsored by TC1 Kimball Williams Designing A Career Path FR-AM-1 EMC Leadership

2 Designing a Career Path
Career vs Job What do I want to be … When I Grow up Doctor / Lawyer / Indian Chief IEEE Dream Jobs How do I get from here…to there? Time lines and reality Dealing with barriers How do I know when I get ‘there’? Kimball Williams Designing A Career Path FR-AM-1 EMC Leadership

3 Designing A Career Path
A ‘Career’ vs. a ‘Job’ Why pick a job instead of a career? Jobs are relatively easy to get, No uncomfortable life choices involved, No decision stress, No sense of urgency No need for long range planning. If a job is all you want, there are plenty of ditches to be dug. A job is not permanent. Kimball Williams Designing A Career Path FR-AM-1 EMC Leadership

4 Designing A Career Path
A ‘Career’ vs. a ‘Job’ Most 1st employment opportunities are ‘Jobs’ as opposed to ‘Career’ track entry points. We suggest you set your sights higher. Ask some of the ‘hard’ questions, and look at the results. Ask where this choice will lead you in the future. Kimball Williams Designing A Career Path FR-AM-1 EMC Leadership

5 Designing A Career Path
Make your ‘lists’: Do a self assessment of your strong points and weak points. List the things that interest you. List your skills. List the things that you value. Do you work well with others? Are you best ‘on your own’? Is security important to you, or adventure? Kimball Williams Designing A Career Path FR-AM-1 EMC Leadership

6 Designing A Career Path
Compare your skills Things I do well: Eating Sleeping Daydreaming Things I suck at: X Everything else in the known universe. Kimball Williams Designing A Career Path FR-AM-1 EMC Leadership

7 You know your starting point!
Right where you are today! Your self assessment tells you that your starting point is…(HERE!) Now all you have to decide is where you want to go. So…what choices do you have? Kimball Williams Designing A Career Path FR-AM-1 EMC Leadership

8 What do I want to be…When I Grow up
No one starts off in life with the goal of: “I want to be mediocre in my field, and stand out as a complete looser!” So… Begin by choosing to be a winner, Choose career options that are interesting, Move toward goals that are rewarding, Avoid options that lead to dead ends. Kimball Williams Designing A Career Path FR-AM-1 EMC Leadership

9 Doctor / Lawyer / Indian Chief
Kimball Williams Designing A Career Path FR-AM-1 EMC Leadership

10 Doctor / Lawyer / Indian Chief
Well, maybe…but, Be realistic. Is this your first career step? Do you still need some classes to finish your BS degree? Then… The chance of you becoming the CEO of IBM in the next two years, is…slim. Kimball Williams Designing A Career Path FR-AM-1 EMC Leadership

11 Designing A Career Path
IEEE Dream Jobs Each year IEEE Spectrum publishes a list of at least 10 ‘dream’ jobs. Each person in that job decided where they wanted to go, and set off in that direction. They got the training and background they needed for the job. They kept up their progress on a path toward their goal. They got there! Kimball Williams Designing A Career Path FR-AM-1 EMC Leadership

12 Designing A Career Path
Dream job examples Software designer for Industrial Light and Magic working on SyFy movies. Power switching systems designer for high speed magnetic levitation rail trains. Design, installation and maintenance of sensors and sonar systems for marine biological research vessels. Field engineer supporting a geological team investigations into volcano behavior. Kimball Williams Designing A Career Path FR-AM-1 EMC Leadership

13 Designing A Career Path
A ‘Career’ vs. a ‘Job’ NOTE: The ‘Dream Jobs’ we talked about are just that … jobs. They may form steps along a career path, They may be rewarding by themselves. However, they are still only jobs. What you want to build is a career. A career plan should always include a “next step”! Kimball Williams Designing A Career Path FR-AM-1 EMC Leadership

14 Choose the path you want.
“If you don’t care where you are going, any road will do.” You now have a goal! You can choose your path. By knowing where you are now, and where you want to be, you have already defined much of your journey. Kimball Williams Designing A Career Path FR-AM-1 EMC Leadership

15 Prepare for the journey
With what you know now you can determine several elements: What should I take with me? What must I leave behind? How long should I plan for the journey? Will I need help to get there? What obstacles are likely to be in the road? The answers to these types of questions will help you plan ahead. Kimball Williams Designing A Career Path FR-AM-1 EMC Leadership

16 How do I get from here…to there?
Understand that there may be more than one path. Choose wisely. Look for alternatives. Be aware of options. Ask questions on the way. Listen to the advice of those who went before you. But, in the final analysis, this is your trip, and it must be your choices you follow. Kimball Williams Designing A Career Path FR-AM-1 EMC Leadership

17 Designing A Career Path
Time lines and reality Training for some careers may take more time than you can afford. Be realistic. Be persistent. Be patient. Be open to changes. Be ready to ‘multiplex’ if needed. (A BSEE in night school takes ~ 12 years). Kimball Williams Designing A Career Path FR-AM-1 EMC Leadership

18 Designing A Career Path
Dealing with barriers Life doesn’t stop for careers. Some times it doesn’t even slow down! Review you self assessment every few years to make needed ‘mid course’ corrections. Network with others in your field. Volunteer for worthy causes. Contribute to your professional environment. Kimball Williams Designing A Career Path FR-AM-1 EMC Leadership

19 How will I know when I get ‘there’?
“Do what you love, and you will love what you do.” You may be surprised to find all that your heart desires, right in your own back yard. Kimball Williams Designing A Career Path FR-AM-1 EMC Leadership

20 Designing A Career Path
Questions? Kimball Williams Designing A Career Path FR-AM-1 EMC Leadership

21 Designing A Career Path
Thank You! Kimball Williams Designing A Career Path FR-AM-1 EMC Leadership

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