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China, India, Persia and Judaism

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1 China, India, Persia and Judaism
Unit 2

2 Aryans Nomadic Group invaded India Established City-states & Sanskrit (remember Harappa??) Brought Hinduism and Caste System to India

3 Caste System Priests (Brahmins) Warriors and Political Rulers
Landowners Peasants The “Untouchables” Born into Caste-Can’t change social class

4 Please draw a venn Diagram

5 Hinduism Major Beliefs of Hinduism --no single holy book
Gods—many gods, each is manifestations of supreme being Reincarnation—at death soul is reborn as another living thing (endless cycle of rebirth) Karma—person’s behavior in life determines form in the next life (Good life=higher class, bad life=lower class) Sacred Objects—Ganges river (power to wash away sin) and Cows (not to be eaten) --provided people with a guide from birth to death

6 Buddhism Began in India, around 500 B.C., by Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha), as a search for truth Based on philosophy of self-denial, reincarnation, meditation Beliefs of Buddhism Gods and Holy Book—No supreme god or holy book, basic beliefs found in sutras Four Noble Truths—Life’s Meaning, pain and suffering is caused by human desires, to find peace one must give up wrongful desires Eightfold Path—The eight beliefs to follow to give up selfish desires Nirvana—state of eternal peace, achieved by following eightfold path and escaping constant reincarnation Buddhism spreads quickly throughout Asia, popular because it rejects the caste system

7 “Four Noble Truths” of Buddhism
1. All life is suffering 2. Suffering is caused by our craving (wanting of things) 3. Suffering can only be stopped by ending our craving. 4. Only a carefully disciplined and moral life, such as a life of concentration and meditation, can end our craving. According to the “Four Noble Truths,” how can we end our suffering?

8 Mauryan empire (321 B.C.—232 B.C.)
Asoka: Emperor Highly centralized, expanded empire through war Converted to Buddhism, used Buddhist ideals to guide rule Allowed all religions in India Expanded roads, schools, hospitals, and education across India

9 Gupta Empire (320 BC—535 AD) Gupta Empire
Encouraged trade with foreign lands in Indian Ocean and China “Golden Age of Hindu Culture”—period of peace and stability Built Universities to encourage art and literature Indian scholars excelled at math and science -developed concept of zero, decimal system, and Arabic numerals used today -Calculated earth was round not flat, and solar year

10 The Dynasties of China (1027 B.C.—221 B.C.)
Chinese history is divided into periods based upon the dynasties (ruling family) in charge.

11 Zhou Dyansty (1027 BC—221BC) *Used the Mandate of Heaven to justify rule Ruler chosen by heaven, if ruler is bad heaven will choose to end their rule, and appoint new family --used as the basis for rule in China for centuries *To keep power Zhou rulers gave nobles land in exchange for military service *Expanded Chinese borders, but nobles became to powerful and began civil war

12 Legacy of Zhou: creation of Chinese Philosophies
Confucianism—Confucius Natural order--each person has a role in society, which reflects their position in the universe Role of People—if people fulfill their role and meet their obligations, society will be in harmony Relationships—superior show love/responsibility and inferior show loyalty/obedience in each Daoism—Lao Tzu --nature has a “way” or Dao that people should accept and not resist or change --respect for nature and harmony

13 Major Eastern Religions
Hinduism Buddhism Confucianism Where it began: Main Beliefs:

14 Qin Dynasty B.C. Qin dynasty unified all of China through conquest Organized into districts with military and civil administrators Created canal and road system to unite empire

15 The 1st emperor of China, was Qin Shihuangdi or Qin Shih Huang-ti
Shi Huangdi’s most remarkable achievement was the Great Wall.

16 Han Dynasty (202 B.C.-A.D. 220) Established examinations based on knowledge and Confucian ideas to select people for civil service (govt officials) --weakened nobles, and allowed commoners to move up social ladder Advances in silk weaving, paper development, and ceramics Children and Women in Han China were subordinate to men, but wealthy women were well treated and influential

17 Silk Road Silk Road trade route connected Rome and China. Chinese traded silk, iron, and bronze in return for gold, linen cloth, glass, ivory, horses and cattle.

18 The Fall of the Han Dynasty
Han ruled for 400 years Weakened by a series of rebellions, led to imperial government giving more power to governors (tax/raise armies) Economic hardships from expanding population Han emperor turns over power to warlord, ending dynasty and beginning civil war in China

19 India China Empires in chronological order:
Dynasties in chronological order Characteristics: Dynasties: Achievements:

20 Ancient Israel (Hebrews)
Influenced by Mesopotamia and Egypt Abraham begins settlement in Israel Move to Egypt to avoid drought (enslaved) Moses leads migration from Egypt back to Israel and settlement at Jerusalem

21 Contributions of the Hebrews:
Monotheism – belief in one universal God New religion called Judaism based on monotheism and moral conduct Monotheism becomes basis for Christianity and Islam Moses brings 10 commandments to Hebrews

22 The Ten Commandments --Hebrews relationship with God is explained in the first part of the Bible the Old Testament. --The Ten Commandments – gave the Jews a law code from God, that forbid stealing, murder and other forms of immoral behavior --This is the root of Judaism. “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before Me.” Laws found in Old Testament

23 Persian Empire – B.C.

24 “I am Cyrus, King of the World”
*Cyrus the great united the Persian Empire *Darius expanded empire to largest extent *Divided empire into provinces (paid tribute) but benefited from trade

25 Contributions of the Persians
Pursued a policy of tolerance in dealing with the extensive territories and cultures they conquered. Introduced the idea of coinage/ money economy or metal disks representing money. Created the first extensive, well built road system to unite the empire. Known as the Royal Road (increase trade and communication)

26 Zoroastrianism (Zoroaster)
Initially polytheistic began two god system (good/light and evil/dark) Those who lived good lives would go to heaven, bad lives would go to hell

27 Israel Persia Characteristics: Achievements:

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