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Cultural Competence in School Systems

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1 Cultural Competence in School Systems
Maddie Knapp

2 Purpose To show how teachers and students will both benefit from teaching cultural competence in the classroom.

3 What is Cultural Competence?
Culture: thoughts, communications, actions, customs, beliefs, values, and institutions of racial, ethnic, religious, or social groups Competence: having the capacity to function in a particular way Having the capacity to function effectively in other cultural contexts (King, Sims, Osher)

4 Diversity in Our School Systems
About 1 in every 9 children are learning English as their second language (5.4 million children) (Pratt-Johnson) 65% of public school students (K-12) are from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds 83.7% of education program graduates are Caucasian (Cole, Lardy)


6 Culturally Competent Teachers
1. Value Diversity 2. Cultural Self-Assessment 3. Consciousness of Cultural Interactions 4. Institutionalization of Cultural Knowledge 5. Adapt to Diversity (King, Sims, Osher) Courses Experience prior to teaching

7 Teaching Students to be Culturally Competent
Celebrate backgrounds all year Facilitate discussion Create relationships Books, posters, videos (Miller)

8 Sources

9 Thank you!

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