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Why do we use Milepost? “one stop shop for data”

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Presentation on theme: "Why do we use Milepost? “one stop shop for data”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why do we use Milepost? “one stop shop for data”
Milepost Train the Trainer-getting logged in State, District, School, Classroom, Individual Data District RTI forms –Blue/Yellow/ELP Create a quick guide for teachers Teacher friendly-easy to find and use charts/graphs and allows teachers to easily group students for intervention and track the data. MVMS piloted using Edify for ECA Increase awareness of data and use to drive instruction Track data on at risk students instructional issues and always have data in transition Provides an easy platform to analyze state testing data and make appropriate adjustments in instruction. “Any solution meant to have meaningful impact on students requires the voice of the educator at its core” -Silverback Learning

2 Why is Assessment Important?
Asking students to demonstrate their understanding of the subject matter is critical to the learning process; it is essential to evaluate whether the educational goals and standards of the lesson are being met.

3 Quick- Reflection/Share Pair
Why pre-test and what do I do as the instructor with this information? What is formative assessment? What is summative assessment? From what you know right now, what are the most important things you would need to launch a data-driven instructional model in your school? What are ways in which you collect student data and how has this benefited the instruction and learning in your classroom?

Standards (and objectives) are meaningless until you define how to assess them. Because of this, assessments are the starting point for instruction, not the end. Formative assessment is daily-Ways to check for understanding! Summative is the skills we want students to know at the end of the unit or course. Standardized tests, such as the Idaho Standards Achievement Test (ISAT) is used to determine whether students have achieved the standards for their grade level and subject area. When assessment works best, it does what? Chart 5 things per group

5 When Assessment works best, it does the following:
Provides diagnostics feedback Helps educators set standards Evaluates progress Relates to a student’s progress Motivates performance Edify does each of these things!

6 EdifyAssess powered by silverback Classroom and district assessment-focused on student needs
* Standard-based assessment with great editing and reporting features Standards aligned assessment creation Automated online & bubble sheet scoring Instant student results to drive data-driven decisions Quick and Manually create using Edify question bank or own questions Modify options Important tool for evaluating and improving student achievement Edify delivers meaningful data with speed, accuracy, security, and efficiency Easy for teachers and students to login Question banks full of DOK level questions Integrated with Milepost

7 Quick Create Manually Create Find Reports Use Data in PLC/PD
Use Data to Drive Instruction /Growth

8 Manually Creating Assessments
-You want to manually create three questions for a Edify assessment from a passage you are using for a unit on Earthquakes. -Please take three post-it notes and create three questions you would ask about this passage on the movement of the earth’s crust. -Next go and put each question under what DOK level you think each question fits.

9 Creating DOK Questions
DOK Question Stems Make any changes to where your questions actually belong on the chart

10 Consulting services “Putting the Pieces together”
Support is quick to help and solve problems Listen and value educators suggestions Work as a team to customize to the school or district needs Edify offers experience and expertise in the design, evaluation and alignment of your organization’s assessment through its consulting services. We enjoy collaborating with other districts to share ideas and offer support!

ALIGNED TO: To state test (format, content, & length) To instructional sequence (curriculum maps) To college-ready expectations (standard) RE-ASSESSES: Standards that appear on the first pre- assessment appear again on subsequent interim/unit assessments Curriculum maps and assessments will change based on the data. Based on data identify action steps/adjustments along the way. Data will drive instruction

12 We have Created in edify our district benchmarks for ELA and math k-8
Aligned to district curriculum and focus standards from curriculum maps for each trimester Use data from screeners, benchmarks, and eca to create quiz, unit test, or practice test on specific standards Use data to create groups/classes for tier 2 and 3 students Can create ISAT, ACT, SAT practice test in Edify-Possibilities are endless! We have created quick notes for Edify to share with our teachers How it all fits together: Standards/Objectives=Assessment=Teaching/Differentiation=Grading/Reporting= Learning and Growth!

13 Edify Data ANALYSIS: Are we teaching what we think we are teaching?
IMMEDIATE-Is the assessment meeting the objectives and learning goals? USER-FRIENDLY- Data reports include analysis at question level, standards level and overall individual, class, and school data. TEACHER-OWNED Analysis-what to do next based on the data, does the assessment make students think critically, analyze, and make inferences? TEST-IN-HAND Analysis: Teacher & PLC together take an active role in making decisions about the purpose of the assessment and the standards being assessed. DEEP-Moves beyond the score/grade to use the data to drive instruction by answering these questions: Are we teaching what we think we are teaching? Are students learning what they are supposed to be learning? Is there a way to teach the subject better, thereby promoting better learning?

14 QUOTES about Edify FROM Our students…
“The teachers use the data from our assessment to become better teachers. They see what they need to re-teach so we can learn it. We end up learning more and doing better on the next assessment.” “I like the assessments because they help me know what I need to work on. Every time I have a new objective to learn, and my teacher pushes me to keep learning those new standards. I like seeing my results fast and what I need to work on.” “My teacher would do anything to help us understand and do well on our tests. He knows that this can be a hard subject so he will teach and re-teach the lesson until everyone gets it. I like taking the tests on the iPad.” Thank you for your participation today ! Jodi Togiai

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