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CO: Students will be able to identify the characteristics and realize consequences of Cyberbullying. LO: Students will analyze, read, write and discuss.

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Presentation on theme: "CO: Students will be able to identify the characteristics and realize consequences of Cyberbullying. LO: Students will analyze, read, write and discuss."— Presentation transcript:

1 CO: Students will be able to identify the characteristics and realize consequences of Cyberbullying.
LO: Students will analyze, read, write and discuss the causes and effects of cyberbully

2 Six Steps of PPA Step 1: Define the problem
Step 2: Gather the evidence Step 3: Identify the causes Step 4: Evaluate the existing policy Step 5: Develop solutions Step 6: Select the best solution Feasibility vs. effectiveness

3 The Problem: There has been an increase in the reports of cyberbullying at Ditmas.

4 Negative Effects of Bullying
May undermine your confidence, self-esteem and sense of security May affect your performance and attendance Causes stress and may affect your health May affect your reputation May lead to depression or thoughts of suicide May suffer the affects for the rest of your life

5 Gather The Evidence Cyber-bullying is the use of technology to harass/threaten, embarrass, or target another person There has been an increase of students being disciplined at the deans offices. There has been an increase of parents who are complaining that their child is being cyber-bullied.

6 What Students Think… Turn to your partner and ask “What do you think happens to a person when they get bullied? ” Write an anecdote about a time when you were bullied or were a witness to someone being bullied.

7 Why Cyber-Bullying occurs
Peer Pressure Low self-esteem Displaced anger Lack of attention

8 Current Policy in Place
B39- Level 4 infraction Engaging in harassing, intimidating and/or bullying behavior, including using electronic communication to engage in such behavior (cyber-bullying); such behavior includes, but is not limited to: physical violence; stalking; verbal, written, or physical conduct that threatens another with harm; seeking to coerce or compel a student or staff member to do something; hazing; taunting; exclusion from peer groups designed to humiliate or isolate; using derogatory language or making derogatory jokes or name calling to humiliate or harass. B40 Engaging in harassing, intimidating and/or bullying behavior, including using electronic communication to engage in such behavior (cyber-bullying) based on an individual’s actual or perceived race, weight, religion, religious practices, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, or disability; such behavior includes, but is not limited to: physical violence; stalking; verbal, written, or physical conduct that threatens another with harm; seeking to coerce or compel a student or staff member to do something; hazing; taunting; exclusion from peer groups designed to humiliate or isolate; using derogator Both infractions may result in out of school suspensions

9 Evaluating the Current Policy
Do you like or dislike the current policy? TAKE THE POLL!!! Student Poll Do you think the policy in place for cyber-bullying is a fair one? Click Above

10 Develop a Solution Students who have experienced bullying need to speak out to their peers. Role playing, discussions, group discussions with classes. Make the consequences of Cyber-bullying known to students from day 1 of school. Offer support from the dean of students, and guidance counselor.

11 Evaluating Existing Policy Worksheet


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