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Editing an Excel Worksheet

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1 Editing an Excel Worksheet

2 Chapter 3 – Editing an Excel Worksheet
Undoing Changes Copying and Moving Formulas Inserting and Deleting Rows and Columns Inserting and Deleting Individual Cells Smart Tags Adjusting Column Widths Formatting Data Items Displaying Cell Formulas

3 Classwork & Homework Classwork Problems 3-2 and 3-5
Homework Problems 3-3 and 3-6

4 Edit Select block of cells Clear block of cells
Copy block of cells by dragging Copy block of cells by Copy/Past (mouse) or Ctrl-C/Ctrl-V or ribbon Copy list of consecutive digits Move a block of cells (Cut/Paste) or drag the entire selected block

5 Undo Changes Use the UNDO arrow. It will undo the LAST editing change.
If you UNDO too many edits, you can REDO.

6 Relative vs. Absolute Cells (CH 3)
Relative Cell References: Most commonly used cell reference. Tells Excel to look for referenced cell a certain number of cells up/down and left/right from origin cell. When cell is copied or pasted, formula retains relative position. Good for multi-cell calculations. Absolute Cell References: Tells Excel to look at a specific row and column. Does not change when formula is moved. Excellent for referring back to worksheet inputs.

7 Copy and Move Formulas If formula is copied, the address will change RELATIVE to new position unless Absolute Address (with the $) is used. If a formula is moved, all the cell addresses within the formula (relative or absolute or both) will STAY THE SAME. Be careful that the formula refers to the correct OBJECT CELLS and that the correct addressing (relative or absolute) is used. Use F4 key to toggle between relative and absolute

8 Insert and Delete Columns (single and multiple)
Rows (single and multiple) Individual Cells (single and multiple). Be careful with how remaining cells are moved Difference between DELETE a cell and CLEAR a cell. (Good test question!)

9 SMART TAGS Small buttons adjacent to cells offering choices that facilitate various editing and error-correcting tasks. Appear automatically depending upon user actions. Can be intrusive and can be turned off in the Excel Options (from Office button)

10 Adjust Column Width Dragging
If ##### appears in a column, you need to increase the width. Can double-click in the column heading as well

11 Format Data Items Select the cells to format first, then choose the desired format from either the Number panel or the Format icon on the Cells panel of the ribbon. Remember that the number of significant figures in a calculated result so NOT EXCEED the number of significant figures in the associated input data Cell alignment can be used to make the worksheet visually appealing and easier to read

12 Quick Format Commands Right click on the mouse

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