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European Southern Observatory

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1 European Southern Observatory
Scoring: a novel approach towards automated certification of pipeline products Reinhard Hanuschik, Wolfgang Hummel, Mark Neeser, Burkhard Wolff Data Processing and Quality Control Group European Southern Observatory

2 Complexity and mass production
VLT: 11 instruments VLTI: 2 instruments 2009/10: 2 survey telescopes roughly 50 modes about 150 data types most of them pipeline-supported

3 Complexity and mass production
each data type or instrument component controlled by QC1 parameters metrics for instrument performance extracted by data pipelines stored in database data frequency varies on timescales between a day and a semester

4 Complexity and mass production
two challenges … … the complexity challenge!

5 Complexity and mass production
current VLT instruments: avg: 30 GB/night … the volume challenge! VIRCAM: OMEGACAM: 400 GB/night

6 The solution: The solution: scoring
scoring: well-established outside astronomy … QC process: measure quality compare quality assess quality: score and certify

7 Scoring: the solution measure quality: done by automatic procedures
pipelines other QC procedures implemented for CALIB data progress on SCIENCE data

8 Scoring: the solution compare quality: trending
first step towards assessment: same/different behaviour as others?

9 Scoring: the solution assess quality: scoring
compare new result to trending pick out outliers and flag them

10 Scoring: the solution required: thresholds
statistical thresholds: e.g. +/- 3 sigmas + independent from specs - sensitivity variable control charts specified thresholds: e.g. lower/upper level + stable thresholds - requires careful configuration and thinking saturation noise

11 Scoring of pipeline products
each new pipeline product is scored most relevant QC1 parameters: compare to trending, score as OK: 0 NOK: 1 (outlier) count scores, assign total score, e.g.

12 Scoring of pipeline products
score report:

13 Scoring of pipeline products
score reports for multi-detector instruments (CRIRES: N=4) … detailed information on demand!

14 Scoring of instrument health
all scores go into database re-arrange them by instrument properties detector health calibration lamp performance system efficiency score-based instrument QC cal file1 scores FLAT instrument scores cal LAMPs cal file2 scores ARC

15 Scoring of instrument health
example: detector properties for GIRAFFE instead of …

16 Scoring of instrument health
and finally:

17 Conclusions scoring: automatic flagging of outliers
useful to auto-certify pipeline products quick-look monitoring of instrument health powerful concept to handle large and complex data sets hierarchical approach: from global overview (instrument score) to QC1 parameter per product and detector (6 levels)

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