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Rock Cycle Investigation

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1 Rock Cycle Investigation

2 Exploration A Obtain two crayons of the same color.
Using the pencil sharpeners, shave the crayons into a small pile onto a piece of notebook paper.

3 Exploration A Describe what you did to your crayons in exploration A.
What process in nature breaks down rocks? What are some forces in nature that cause this process to occur? What do we call the fragments of rocks left by this process?

4 Exploration B Once rock fragments (sediments) have been created, they are usually moved by some force of nature. In this exploration, you will act as this force.

5 Exploration B Obtain a sheet of aluminum foil for your group and fold it in half. One student at your table will now transfer his or her color of “rock” fragments to the center of the foil. Spread the rock fragments into a layer covering an 8 cm x 8 cm area of the foil. Each of the group members should now apply their “rock” fragments (one at a time) to the foil in the same manner, creating layers of color. When you finish, fold the foil over the rock sediments. Allow a 1 cm distance between the sediments and the four foil folds. Then, label the foil package with your name using a piece of masking tape.

6 Exploration B Describe what you did to your crayon shavings in Exploration B. What is the force that moves rock fragments called? What are some of the causes of this force?

7 Exploration B Draw and describe your sediments.
The forces responsible for erosion cannot carry sediment forever. Eventually, the sediment is laid down somewhere. What process in nature involves the laying down of sediment?

8 Exploration B As time passes, new sediment is laid down on top of older sediment. What is this process of layering sediment called? What forces could interfere with this process?

9 Exploration C Obtain your foil package from the previous exploration. Place your foil package between the two boards. Apply force with your hands or feet in order to smash the rock fragments for four minutes.

10 Exploration C Describe what you did to your crayon shavings in Exploration C. What do we call the process of smashing rock fragments?

11 Exploration C As you were smashing the crayon shavings, think about what is also happening. What do you think would happen if you took several pieces of wax and compressed them together? What do we call the process of rock sediment sticking together? Your teacher will explain what is happening in this process. Describe the process below.

12 Exploration C Once your rock has been mildly compressed, carefully open the foil package. Observe the new product. Look closely at the central region which should be more tightly compressed. Lift this portion from the non-compressed fragments and carefully break it into two parts.

13 Exploration C What observations can you make about your rock?
What type of rock have we formed?

14 Exploration D The previous explorations demonstrated how rocks are eventually covered over by other layers of rock and subsequently, buried deeper into the earth. This part of the investigation will demonstrate what will happen next.

15 Exploration D Place the foil package on a hot plate for a few seconds. Your teacher will instruct you on the actual length of time. Next, place the foil package between the two boards. Place the boards in the vises and clamps. Tighten the vises and clamps as tightly as possible.

16 Exploration D Describe what you did to your crayon shavings in Exploration D. What is the purpose of placing the shavings on a hot plate for a few seconds? What is the purpose of placing the shavings between the clamps and vises?

17 Exploration D Release the pressure on the vises and clamps after a few minutes. Remove the foil package to examine your new rock. Look closely at the central region which should be more tightly compressed. Lift this portion from the non-compressed fragments and carefully break it into two parts.

18 Exploration D Describe your new rock. How is it different than the rock that was formed in exploration C? What type of rock have we formed?

19 Exploration E Place all your rocks into an aluminum bread or pie pan.
Place the pie pan on the hot plate and turn the hot plate on. Use a popsicle stick to stir the shavings. Hold onto the pie pan as you do this to make sure it does not fall off the hot plate. While your system is running, set up the equipment for the next part of the lab. This involves lining an aluminum tray with foil and filling it with ice.

20 Exploration E When most of the rock is in the molten (melted) state, turn the hot plate off. While the wax is still in the molten state, pour the molten wax into your aluminum pan filled with ice.

21 Exploration E Describe what you did to your crayon shavings in Exploration E. What happened to your “rock” after it had been on the hot plate for a few minutes? What is the process of changing a material from the solid to liquid state?

22 Exploration E What is the name for molten rock?
What is the difference between magma and lava?

23 Exploration E What happens to the molten wax after it has been on the ice for a few minutes? What is the process of molten material hardening over time? What type of rock is formed from cooled molten rock?

24 Review of Explorations A – E
Using information from explorations A through E, compare our model of rock formation with the processes that occur in the natural world. Use the following word bank: Cementation (Lithification), Compaction, Cooling, Deposition, Erosion, Igneous Rock, Heat, Pressure, Magma/Lava, Metamorphic Rock, Melting, Sediment, Sedimentary Rock, Stratification, and Weathering.

25 Actual Process/Product
Model Process Actual Process/Product Sharpeners Crayon Shavings Moving Shavings to Foil Placing Shavings on Foil Layering Crayon Shavings Smashing Crayon Shavings by Standing on Them Crayon Shavings sticking together following being hand pressed Type of Rock Formed due to processes above Placing shavings on hot plate for a few seconds Crushing shavings with vises and clamps Type of rock formed from being crushed with clamps and vises Placing pie pan with shavings on a hot plate for several minutes Molten Wax – Crayon Trays with ice Type of rock formed after being placed on hot plate and in trays

26 Exploration F In this exploration, you will look at another model of the rock cycle that is quite tasty. Obtain the rock ingredients from your teacher. Do not eat the substances. Describe what your teacher does to the edible ingredients at the beginning of the edible lab. Explain what process this demonstration represents.

27 Exploration F Obtain two pieces of wax paper. Your teacher will come by and sprinkle some substances on your waxed paper. Do not touch, mix, or disturb the substances. What processes does the sprinkling of substances on the wax paper represent? Explain.

28 Exploration F Obtain two boards for this step. Your teacher will add corn syrup to your substances. Place another sheet of wax paper over the top of your substances. Fold the wax paper so the substances will not spill. Place the waxed paper package between the boards and smash down firmly for four minutes.

29 Exploration F What process was being modeled when you smashed the edible ingredients by standing on them between boards? What purpose does the corn syrup serve?

30 Exploration F Carefully remove the top piece of wax paper. Try to keep the newly formed rock as intact as possible. Draw a picture of your newly formed rock in the space below. Include the type of rock formed.

31 Exploration F Place the wax paper back on top of your rock. Each member of your group will rub his/her hands together very quickly to produce heat. One at a time, you will place the “rock” package between your hot hands and press. When one person begins to feel their hands cool, another person should be ready with hot hands.

32 Exploration F What processes are being modeled when you rubbed your hands together and then squeezed the wax paper package of edible ingredients between your hands?

33 Exploration F Remove the top piece of waxed paper again. Draw a picture of your rock. Include the type of rock formed.

34 Exploration F Obtain one Dixie cup and one stirring stick for each member of your group. Each member of the group should write his/her name on their cup. Gently break your rock into enough pieces so that each member of your group has one. Each member should place their piece of rock into their Dixie cup. Take your cups of rocks to your teacher to heat for you in a microwave. When all of your rock has melted, take your cups back to your table.

35 Exploration F What was the purpose of the microwave?
What would you have to do to your edible ingredients to demonstrate the remainder of the rock cycle?

36 Exploration F Using the substances provided by your teacher, sample some of the liquid rock. Remember that the liquid rock will be very hot, so be careful. When the lab activity is over, your group must complete all of the following before you will be dismissed. Throw away the stirring stick, plastic bag, cup, and wax paper. Thoroughly clean your table. Throw away all paper towels used to clean your table. Sweep or clean up the floor around your area.

37 Idea Questions How are sedimentary rocks formed?

38 Idea Questions What holds sedimentary rock particles together? Describe the process.

39 Idea Questions How do metamorphic rocks form differently from sedimentary rocks?

40 Idea Questions How do the variables mentioned in your answer to question three affect the substances that make up metamorphic rock?

41 Idea Questions Describe how an igneous rock is formed?

42 Idea Questions Define and know these vocabulary terms:
Cementation (Lithification) Compaction  Cooling  Deposition  Erosion  Heat & Pressure  Magma/Lava  Melting  Sediment  Stratification  Weathering

43 Idea Questions Draw and label your own diagram of the rock cycle. Include the three types of rocks and the processes that change one rock type into another. Include the terms from question six in your diagram.

44 The Rock Cycle






50 Idea Questions In your own words, define the rock cycle.

51 Expansion A Obtain salol, a plastic spoon, two microscope slides, tongs, candle, matches, ice cubes, and a hand lens. Use a plastic spoon to place a small amount of salol near one end of each of two microscope slides. You need just enough to form a spot 0.5 to 1.0 cm in diameter. Carefully hold one slide with tongs. Warm it gently over a lit candle until the salol is almost completely melted. Caution: Move the slide in and out of the flame to avoid cracking the glass.

52 Expansion A Set the slide aside to cool slowly.
While the first slide is cooling, hold the second slide with tongs and heat it as in step three. Cool the slide quickly by placing it on some ice cubes. Carefully blow out the candle. Observe the slides under a hand lens. Compare the appearance of the crystals that form on the two slides.

53 Expansion A Describe what you did in Expansion A.
What would be considered the independent variable in this experiment (What were we changing on purpose)? What would be considered the dependent variable in this experiment (What were we observing or measuring in the end)?

54 Expansion A Describe what the crystals looked like after cooling in the ice. Describe what the crystals looked like after cooling at room temperature. What is the relationship between crystal size and cooling time?

55 Expansion A Describe the rock cycle processes we were modeling based on what we did to the salol? Include the type of rock being modeled in the end. How do you think this experiment relates to the differences one may observe between various igneous rock?

56 Expansion A What factors could cause a difference in the time it takes for magma or lava to cool? Would magma or lava cool fastest? Explain your answer.

57 Expansion B Use a hand lens to examine samples of granite and obsidian. Describe the texture of both rocks using the terms coarse, fine, or glassy. What is the texture of granite? What is the texture of obsidian?

58 Expansion B Which rock has no crystals or grains?
Given the physical properties of these rocks, what can infer about how quickly or slowly each type of rock formed? Include the two terms that match the cooling rates below.

59 Expansion C Using a hand lens, observe samples of gneiss and granite. Look carefully at the grains or crystals in both rocks. Observe how the grains or crystals are arranged in both rocks. Draw a sketch of both rocks below and describe their textures. What are the two types of textures of metamorphic rocks?

60 Expansion D In this activity, you will examine rock samples and refer to a rock classification key. You will classify each sample as igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic.

61 Expansion D Obtain the six rock samples required for this activity.
Observe each sample as a whole. Then, closely examine it with the hand lens. Record in the table below all visual properties of the sample. For example, include properties such as color shade (dark, medium, light, mixed), texture, mineral or sediment size, layering, or banding.

62 Expansion D Look at the classification key at the back of this investigation. Each item in the key consists of paired statements. Start with item one of the key. Choose the statement that best describes the rock you are examining. Look at the end of the statement and then go to the item number indicated. Examine the rock sample again and choose the statement that best describes the rock.

63 Expansion D Continue to work through the key until your choices lead you to a classification that fits your rock. Record the classification in the chart. Repeat steps two through four for each of the other rock samples. As a class, discuss your observations and the classification you came up with for each sample. Correct any classifications that end up being incorrect. With your teacher’s help, identify the name of each rock sample and then, answer the questions below.

64 Description of Visible Properties
Sample Number Description of Visible Properties Rock Type Name of Rock Sample

65 Expansion D What problems, if any, did you experience in applying the key? Which samples did not seem to fit easily into a category?

66 Expansion D How could you improve the key?
What have you learned from this investigation that would help you make a classification key that someone else could follow?

67 Expansion D How would you make a key to classify a music collection?
Write two pairs of number statements that would start the classification process.

68 Probe: Is It a Rock. (Version 2) What is a rock
Probe: Is It a Rock? (Version 2) What is a rock? How do you decide if something is a rock? Put an X next to the things that you think are rocks. Cement Block Dried Mud Hardened Lava Asphalt (Road Tar) Glass Piece of Clay Pot Coral Limestone Iron Ore Concrete Coal Brick Gravestone Marble Statue Granite Explain your thinking. What “rule” or reasoning did you use to decide if something is a rock?

69 Expansions E & F Two Column Notes Assignment Minerals and Rocks Video

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