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Rock Types.

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Presentation on theme: "Rock Types."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rock Types

2 Granite, Obsidian, and Gabbro
Examples: Intrusive Intrusive Extrusive Granite, Obsidian, and Gabbro

3 Sandstone, Limestone, and Coal
Examples: Detrital Organic Organic Sandstone, Limestone, and Coal

4 Phyllite, Schist, and Gneiss.
Foliated Foliated Phyllite, Schist, and Gneiss. Foliated

5 Honors Extension: Think back to the different plate boundaries…
Convergent cvc Convergent cvo Convergent ovo Divergent cvc Divergent ovo Transform On the left side, write the types of rocks you think could be found at each boundary and explain why. You can draw a picture as part of your explanation if you want. You could make 3 columns: Boundary, Rock Type, Explanation

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