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3 Anatomy Soft, yellow-brown, oval glands. Each weighs 30-50mg, measures 6x3x3mm. Usually 4 in number, about 10% of people have 1or more supernumerary glands and some have fewer than 4 Superior PT gland arises from the 4th pharyngeal pouch. Position is fairly constant in close proximity to d post. portion of the upper thyroid poles. Inferior PT glands arise from the 3rd pharyngeal pouch wt the thymus. Ectopic sites are more common. Arterial supply is by branches of inferior thyroid aa Histologically contains chief cells predominantly and oxyphil cells.

4 Ectopic sites Superior position: post to inferior thyroid artery, retro-oesophageal, retro-pharyngeal or intrathyroidal Inferior Position: high in the neck at level of hyoid bone, or low within the thymus in the superior mediastinum.

5 Functions Secrete parathyroid hormone (PTH) which regulates the level of calcium in the blood. BONE: se osteoclast and osteoclast activity,  Ca and PO4 absorptn fm bone. KIDNEY: se distal tubular Ca reabsorption and ↓proximal tubular reabsorption of PO4. Promotes 1α hydroxylation of 25(OH)D2 thereby enhancing absorption of Ca from the gut. Stimulates synthesis of Vit D viz  GI absorption of Ca.

A sporadic or familial disorder assd wt hpercalcaemia, elevated PTH levels and PT gland enlargement. Incidence: sporadic in 1% of adults, women > men,  with age. Familial occurs as part of MEN Type 1, MEN Type2 or familial isolated hyperparathyroidism. Aetiology: Adenoma 85%, Hyperplasia 14% and carcinoma 1%

7 Clinical features Asymptomatic CVS Hypertension MUSCULOSKELETAL
Bone, muscle, joint pain Weakness Osteopaenia Osteitis fibrosa cystica Pathological fracture GIT Peptic ulcer Nausea Constipation Vomiting Pancreatitis RENAL Nephrocalcinosis Polyuria Urinary tract calculi Nocturia CVS Hypertension LV hypertrophy Heart block NEUROLOGIC Headache Neurosis Dementia Psychosis METABOLIC Hyperuricaemia Peripheral insulin resistance Lipid abN

8 Diagnosis Biochemical Plasma Ca, ↓PO4 Urinary PO4 and Ca = 
 plasma alkaline phosphatase PTH levels E/U= Cl, ↓HCO3 Modified Chlorine phosphate ratio Imaging Radiological- BONES: subperiosteal resorption, rarefaction, loss of lamina dura, bone cyst. ABD: renal stones, calcification of pancreas. USS, CT Scan, MRI to localize the PT gland Technetium 99 scan

Hypercalcaemia of malignancy Multiple myeloma Thiazide diuretics Vit D excess Hyperthyroidism Immobilisation Milk-alkali syndrome Sarcoidosis phaeochromocytoma

10 Treatment Medical Oestrogen supplements or biphosphonate therapy to lowere serum Ca General measures include adequate hydration, avoid xss Ca intake, cessation of thiazide diuretics Hypercalcaemia crises- acute symptoms requiring urgent treatment. Ca >3.5mmol/L. Symptoms include irritability, severe weakness, prostration, nausea, vomiting wt dehydration, Rehydartion 8L N/S .Cortisone mg Forced diuresis, Frusemide mg dly Iv diphosphonate therapy haemodialysis Mithramycin 25microgram per kg

11 Surgical Treatment Indications for parathyroidectomy
Urinary tract calculi Markedly reduced bone density Serum calcium >2.85mmol/L Severe symptoms Post op care check for signs of hypoPTH 1/2hrly, determine the serum Ca levels on evening of operation and next morning. Levels should fall within 24-48hrs. Levels <1.6mmol/L, give 20ml of 10% calcium gluconate and oral supplements of Ca 3-5mg tds

12 HYPOPARATHYROIDISM Deficiency of PTH Aetiology Congenital
DiGeorge’s syndrome Acquired Post operative (thyroidectomy, compromised blood supply during thyroidectomy, parathyroidectomy) Haemachromatosis Wilson’s dx

13 Clinical features Symptoms of hypocalcaemia
Perioral numbness and tingling,Paraesthesia of fingers and toes. In severe cases, Muscle cramps, irritability, convulsion, laryngeal spasms, carpopedal spasms,ventricular arrythmia. Late complications include personality changes,cataract, Chvostek’s sigm Trosseau’s sign ECG changes – prolonged QT interval and QRS changes

14 Diagnosis Low serum Ca  serum Phosphate Low urine phosphate
Normal alkaline phosphate

15 Treatment A medical emergency requiring urgent attention
10ml iv Ca gluconate or Ca chloride initially followed by oral tablets + Vit D. Maintenance: High Calcium low phosphate diet Calcium supplements Vit D or cholecalciferol.


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