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Deforestation – How Will they Suffer?

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Presentation on theme: "Deforestation – How Will they Suffer?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Deforestation – How Will they Suffer?

2 Starter How Will they Suffer?

3 Deforestation: How does the Soil Suffer?
Starter Deforestation: How does the Soil Suffer?

4 Deforestation: How Will Suffer?
Starter Deforestation: How Will Suffer?

5 Title: Sustainable Management of the Tropical Rainforest
Learning Objectives LO1) To identify why it is important to protect the rainforest to stop its depletion. LO2) To describe some of the ways in which the rainforest can be managed to protect the natural environment and help the local people LO3) To evaluate the different schemes in place that can help sustain the rainforests

6 My Progress For an A* - B you should be able to describe each scheme in place and evaluate its impact on rainforest management. For B – C you should be able to describe at least three schemes in place and explain how they can help manage the rainforest. You should have a clear understanding of the ones that are the most effective and why. For C – D you be able to describe one or two schemes in the rainforest and how these help the forest to survive.

7 Key words Management Stewardship Eco – tourism Debt Carbon Global

8 So, why Bother Saving the Rainforest?
LO1) To identify why it is important to protect the rainforest to stop its depletion. So, why Bother Saving the Rainforest?

9 LO1) To identify why it is important to protect the rainforest to stop its depletion.
Trees take in carbon dioxide from the air and give out oxygen. Important Because…________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Trees are a valuable resource which we need in modern society. Important Because… ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Trees form an essential part of the rainforest ecosystem. Important Because… Scientists believe that the rainforests contain many undiscovered species. Important Because__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Trees act like a giant umbrella to the ground when it rains. Important Because… __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10 Some Important Clues…! They provide a habitat and food for many animals. If one natural species is affected it can have knock on effects within the food chain. Along with the roots which soak up moisture , trees act as a great natural flood defence. It is possible that these new plants could help in the development of new medicines and drugs. This controls the amount of CO2 in the air and helps us to breath. Trees are vital in the battle against carbon emissions. Timber is used in furniture and building construction. It is also a resource for heating and cooking. If trees are not replanted then future generations will have to go without. LO1) To identify why it is important to protect the rainforest to stop its depletion.

11 Title: Sustainable Management of the Tropical Rainforest
Learning Objectives LO1) To identify why it is important to protect the rainforest to stop its depletion. LO2) To describe some of the ways in which the rainforest can be managed to protect the natural environment and help the local people LO3) To evaluate the different schemes in place that can help sustain the rainforests

12 Sustainable forests The word sustainable means:
Meeting the needs of current generations whilst also protecting the environment for future generations. Why is growing mahogany trees good for….. The rainforest The local people/country Why is creating forest guardians good for….. The rainforest The local people/country Why is giving local people sheep good for….. The rainforest The local people/country LO2) To describe some of the ways in which the rainforest can be managed to protect the natural environment and help the local people

13 Selective logging (Helilogging) & Replanting
Trees which are needed for their timber are selected from the forest based on their height and size. Rather than cut down whole areas of forest for a few - they chop down individual trees and collect them through helicopters. Specific valuable species of trees are replanted after they have been selected and removed. However it may take years for them to grow back to a high quality of useful timbre. LO2) To describe some of the ways in which the rainforest can be managed to protect the natural environment and help the local people

14 Reserves / Protected Estates /
National Parks Reserves mean that the forest is completely protected from all activities, except for research and collection of genetic material. National Parks limit developing new buildings LO2) To describe some of the ways in which the rainforest can be managed to protect the natural environment and help the local people

15 Key Term - Ecotourism : How does this help the rainforest?
LO2) To describe some of the ways in which the rainforest can be managed to protect the natural environment and help the local people

16 Ecotourism Ecotourism:
Nature tourism usually involving small groups with minimal environmental damage. It enables the undisturbed natural environment to create an income for local people without it being damaged or destroyed. Key Features of Ecotourism: Involves local guides Buildings use local materials and are environmentally friendly e.g. sustainable water, energy and waste management Construction of buildings provides local people with employment. Limited transport involved. Mostly nature based activities e.g. bird watching, canoeing, walks LO2) To describe some of the ways in which the rainforest can be managed to protect the natural environment and help the local people

17 Shifting Cultivation / Slash & Burn
A small area of land is burnt down by locals to clear an area for crops. The ash from the fire adds nutrients to the soil. When the soil starts to loose its nutrients the farmers leave that area and clear another area. Most recently burned area of rainforest The old patch is left to recover, gaining nutrients from the surrounding plants LO2) To describe some of the ways in which the rainforest can be managed to protect the natural environment and help the local people

18 Title: Sustainable Management of the Tropical Rainforest
Learning Objectives LO1) To identify why it is important to protect the rainforest to stop its depletion. LO2) To describe some of the ways in which the rainforest can be managed to protect the natural environment and help the local people LO3) To evaluate the different schemes in place that can help sustain the rainforests

19 Decide if the solutions are local, national or global
Decide if the solutions are local, national or global? Then rank them in order of effectiveness. Then answer Q) Justify your top choice of Rainforest Management Strategy L, N, G? Rank order 1. Forest Policy Develop the timber processing in Malaysia and make it more profitable, make sure that low value wood is not sold on as it destroys the forest. Find other types of trees to export to countries around the world – this takes the pressure off the high value mahogany. Increase research into forestry and how to be efficient at it e.g. how to conserve the environment and make more money. Introduce Sustainable Management Systems where only certain trees are felled and used for export. Replant trees when they are chopped down. 2. Permanent Forest Estates and National Parks Select areas that can be protected and used for conservation. Building is prohibited although large areas are used for logging. 3. Forest Stewardship Council The FSC is an international organisation that promotes sustainable forestry. Products with the FSC mark have been produced using wood from sustainable forests. 4. Developing eco – tourism Tourism that introduces people to the natural way of the forest. This does not cause environmental damage but the money made by tourists can actually benefit the local area and wildlife. 5. Debt relief An international policy that recognises the importance of rainforests and pays governments to protect them for the future. Some debt can be wiped off in return for rainforest protection. 6. Carbon sinks Large areas of rainforest in Liberia are protected by becoming National Parks. In recognition of the forests role in reducing global warming the European Commission and other NGO’s (non-governmental organisations such as charities) have given Liberia money to develop. Justification - LO3) To evaluate the different schemes in place that can help sustain the rainforests

20 My Progress For an A* - B you should be able to describe each scheme in place and evaluate its impact on rainforest management. For B – C you should be able to describe at least three schemes in place and explain how they can help manage the rainforest. You should have a clear understanding of the ones that are the most effective and why. For C – D you be able to describe one or two schemes in the rainforest and how these help the forest to survive.

21 Summary Test! 10 Seconds to explain a) Whats the strategy b) why its important c) how it works d) why it isn’t too good Then swap!

22 This is sustainable because

23 This is sustainable because

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