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Educational Strategies Findings: 3 themes emerged

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1 Educational Strategies Findings: 3 themes emerged
Health Professions Education Health Education and Leadership Zimbabwe (HEALZ) Occupational science curriculum for UZ BSc Occupational Therapy program Munambah NE; Nhunzvi C; Marimbe B; Rapport MJ & Chiwaridzo M. University of Zimbabwe, College of Health Sciences Directions for HEALZ Scholars: This poster template can serve as a guide as you develop your own poster. You may adapt it to suit your needs: You may move or resize text blocks or add new text blocks when appropriate. You are encouraged to add visuals. Consider charts, diagrams, or photographs. Regardless of the format, your poster should include the following information: -a summary of the key literature relevant to your work -Needs assessment – a brief description of methods and results (demonstrated need for your curriculum) -the goals and objectives of your curriculum -a description of the curriculum, how and when it will be taught and any pertinent details like a schedule -how you plan to assess your learners achievement of goals and objectives -how you plan to evaluate your curriculum Remember that your poster should demonstrate that your project is feasible, aligned, and complete … Please refer to the HEALZ Project Quality Rubric for more guidance. Background Curriculum Goal: To produce a competent OT as informed by occupational science to provide Occupation-based practice to meet the health and social needs of clients, in Zimbabwe and abroad. Educational Strategies The health and social care needs are met in an occupationally just society (1). In Zimbabwe, formal occupational science curriculum need to inform research, training and practice. The benefits of occupational science in OT include the provision of language, stimulation of occupation-based practice, broadening areas of practice, provision of a theoretical interface platform, revealing of new research directions and pressure for practice development across system levels and practice sectors (2). Objectives: At the end of this of the training, Occupational Therapy students should: Demonstrate an understanding of occupational science, as applied in occupational therapy. Identify occupational needs of individual/groups they serve. Develop appropriate occupation-based programs in line with the identified occupational needs. Implement an occupation-based programme for a given individual/group. Conduct scientific research from an occupational perspective. Needs Assessment A qualitative design using the case study approach was employed. Purposive sampling with maximum variation - ensured rich information generation. In-depth interviews and FGDs were audio recorded, transcribed verbatim and thematic analysis applied. Findings: 3 themes emerged Educational Strategies Assessments Practice learning  Case scenarios and presentations Lectures  Tests, written assignments Problem based learning  Practice, case studies Dialogue Team ratings Team based learning  Team projects – evaluation Evaluation plan Evaluation Questions Outcomes Sample Responsible Summative Evaluation To what extend are the OT graduates well prepared and informed by OS for OT practice Students report being well prepared in sought competencies Student cohorts beginning August 2016 Program coordinator Students pass their respective courses Division of OT Evaluation Committee Formative Evaluation To what extend are the students satisfied with demonstration of an understanding of OS as it informs OT practice BSc OT students report adequate understanding of OS and demonstrate this in OT practice Students at the end of OS course 1 What are faculty perceptions regarding implementation of OS curriculum Reported satisfaction with ability to implement and evaluate OS curriculum OT lecturers and clinical educators References World Federation of Occupational Therapy (2012). Crouch, R., & Alers, V. (Eds.). (2014). Occupational therapy in psychiatry and mental health. John Wiley & Sons.

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