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Sick leave among young adult psychiatric outpatients

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1 Sick leave among young adult psychiatric outpatients
Katerina Trantou, MD and specialist in psychiatry, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Sweden

2 Steinn Steingrimsson, MD, PhD and specialist in psychiatry,
Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Sweden Christina Andersson, Med.dr., occupational therapist, Katarina Harring, occupational therapist,

3 Swedish health care system for young adults Sickness benefit
Unemployment benefits Income support Parental leave benefit Activity compensation Student benefits and allowances Work- disability Extended schooling

4 Background ↑ total number of young adults with activity compensation (AC) in Sweden during the last years 85% of AC is because of the psychiatric diagnoses 60% of young adults with AC for extended schooling continue on with AC for workdisability ↑ risk for young adults with AC to continue with disability pension There is only a few studies specifically for the young adults and their sickness absence in relation to their psychiatric diagnoses

5 Objectives To examine occupational status or sickness absence related to the primary psychiatric diagnoses as well as treatment measures

6 Methods A cross sectional retrospective chart review 1092 patients
19-29 years old Study period: 2014/03/01–2015/02/29 2 outpatient clinics serving 3 districts in Gothenburg as well as 3 municipalities around Gothenburg Included diagnoses : mood disorders, anxiety disorders, personality disorders, neuropsychiatric diagnoses, eating disorders Excluding primary diagnoses of bipolar type 1 or 2, substance use or schizophrenic disorders

7 Parameter Age Number of visits: Gender at the emergency clinic
Primary diagnosis Secondary diagnosis Care plan Subgroup of workability or sickness absence Number of visits: at the emergency clinic at inpatient units at outpatient clonics: to the doctor to the nurse to the psychologist to the occupational therapist to the physiotherapist to the medical social worker

8 Sickness absence Workability Subgroups Working Sickness benefit
Studies at college/university Jobseeker Parental leave Sickness absence Sickness benefit Activity compensation

9 large variation among inhabitants backgrounds

10 Community data Community/area Inhabitants Unemployment
Foreign background Angered 50000 15% 50% East Gothenberg 45000 12% 45% Örgryte/Härlanda 58000 3% 14% Härryda 37000 Mölndal 63000 20% Partille 4% Total 290000 7% 26%

11 Demographics 1092 patients 439 men / 653 women

12 Demographics



15 Workability/sickness absence and gender

16 85 patients with sickness benefit
Most had sickness benefit for more than 365 days 7 part-time sickness benefit

17 Sickness benefit and diagnoses

18 Activity compensation and diagnoses

19 Results- Workability and diagnoses


21 Conclusions Most young adult patients are expected to have workability
Sickness absence more common among young women than among young men

22 Conclusions Multiple diagnoses can be a risk factor for sickness absence among young adults with psychiatric disorders The neuropsychiatric diagnoses are overrepresented among young adults with activity compensation Mood disorders and personality disorders are more frequent among young adults with sickness benefit

23 Thank you!

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