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Community College Funding: How it works and why it matters

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1 Community College Funding: How it works and why it matters
California Community College Leadership Academy (3CLA) September 21, 2017 Kathy Blackwood, Executive Vice Chancellor, San Mateo County Community College District

2 Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)
Acquire better understanding of: How K-14 education is funded in California How CCC districts are funded Acquire a working knowledge of: The basics of FTES/WSCH The very basics of fund accounting and the BAM Where to look for CCC fiscal information Understand where we’re going from here: New initiatives: Strong Workforce, Guided Pathways, Promise Programs New funding formula

3 California Public Education Structure
University of California (UC) California State University (CSU) K-14 education in California Proposition 98 – passed in Nov. 1988 K-12, the big dog – why? Community colleges Political strengths/Political weaknesses Prop 98 “share” UC: 9 campuses, 270,000 students both graduate and undergraduate CSUs: 23 campuses including the Maritime Academy; 480,000 students K-12: 1,025 districts with 10,453 schools with 6,227,000 students

4 California Community Colleges 2016-2017
How many districts? 72 How many colleges? 114 Newest – Compton College How many centers? 76+ Grandfathered - 37 State Approved - 39 Newest – Rancho Cordoba Education Center Los Rios CCD March 2016

5 California Community Colleges 2017-2018
Total system-wide budget Approximately $7 billion Community Supported (Basic Aid) Districts How can you tell they’re community supported? Aren’t we all? Nine districts as of P Mira Costa, South Orange, Marin, San Mateo, San Jose-Evergreen and West Valley-Mission In as of 16/17 (P2) – Napa College, San Luis Obispo, Sierra College But they were in at 15/16 P2 and out by 15/16 Recalc

6 Funding Rates 2016-2017 UC - $26,391 270,000 students 10 colleges
CSU - $14,723 480,000 students 23 colleges K-12 - $11,601 6,227,000 students 10,453 schools CCC - $7,949* 2,127,000 students 1,186,000 FTES * - includes state GF, property taxes, student fee revenue and unrestricted lottery funds – source CCLC

7 Review of the CCCCO Organization
Structure – BOG 1102 Q Street Appointments State Agency New Chancellor! Eloy Ortiz Oakley of LBCC Power compared to UC & CSU? Governance Structures CCC division of the state government Loose confederation Compare to structure of a district Power of the chancellor – only the Bully pulpit

8 How California Funds K-14 Education
Proposition 98 Passed by voters in November 1988 K-14 receives a share of state revenues collected Minimum funding guaranteed by formula Three “tests” Community college system receives approximately 11% share of Prop 98 revenues Minimum guarantee percentage of Prop % However, not a guarantee… Legislature can suspend to fund at a lower level Minimum guarantee has also become maximum guarantee Funding follows state economy When economy is good, increases in funding When economy is poor, decreases in funding What’s wrong with this reality for our colleges and students?

9 How the CCCCO Funds the Districts
Unrestricted General Fund Principal Apportionment process – Exhibit C Becomes Exhibit E once final recalculated certification (R1) Eight months after close of fiscal year (Feb P1) SB361 Funding Allocation Model Replaced Program Based Funding from AB1725 Differences of SB361 methodology compared to Program Based Funding formula Other CC District source of Funds Categorical program entitlements (SSSP, DSPS, Student Equity, BFAP),competitive grants, regional grants (SBDC), regional collaborative (adult ed), Economic Development, special purpose funds, etc. More often based on FTES counts and students served counts as well as Pell grants, unemployment, etc.

10 SB361 Funding Formula Equalized FTES marginal funding rates
Credit FTES - $5, (17/18) 6 districts grandfathered base rate is higher Ex.- West Kern = $6,766,65/cr. FTES Non-credit - $3,097,58 (17/18) Career Development/College Prep – CDCP - $5, (17/18) Old “non-credit enhanced” Now equalized with credit rate Base Allocations for colleges and centers based on size Acknowledges economies of scale Minimum level of service to operate a college Acknowledges rural (small) district funding need/support

11 SB361 Funding Formula Challenges
Large recent state investment in specialized programs Categorically funded That’s great for our targeted student needs Declining support for core funding for unrestricted general funds Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) Growth/Access (earned) Base Augmentations Budget challenges for district’s unrestricted general funds due to state primarily investing new Prop 98 funds for CC’s in new Categorical Programs Small or no COLAs in the foreseeable future Implicit Price Deflator formula New Growth/Access Model Constrains many districts to miniscule growth opportunities regardless of unfunded FTES and actually serving more students

12 What are budgets? Authorization to spend Approved by Board of Trustees
Estimate of revenues and expenditures Salaries & benefits Other expenses Allocation of resources

13 What are Budgets? Maximum amount that can be spent in a major classification Transfers and revisions must be approved by a 2/3 majority of the board This includes transfers from contingency Title V 58307

14 Budget Calendar On or before the 15th day of September of each year the governing board of each community college district shall prepare and keep on file for public inspection a statement of all receipts and expenditures of the district for the preceding fiscal year and a statement of the estimated total expenses for the district for the current fiscal year. Title V 58300

15 Budget Calendar Jan. 10: Governor’s Budget
May 15: Revised Governor’s Budget June 30: District Tentative Budget June 30: State Budget Sept 15: District Final Budget

16 Common Budget Builders
COLA Deficit factor Growth/Decline in FTES (impacts categorical, lottery, and adjunct budget) Interest Lottery Compensation settlements Productivity Benefits Utilities Supplies/equipment Other operating Reserves for contingency

17 Common Differences Redevelopment funds Bonds/other debt
Contract education Leased space revenue Farms/other industries Capital construction Debt payments Contract instruction Leased space costs Golden Handshakes

18 Budget Cuts Personnel: Productivity/Growth Operations Increase revenue
Hiring freeze Managed hiring No OT/Comp time Productivity/Growth Increase class size Grow – where? Eliminate low performing programs Operations Utilities Conference/travel Renegotiate contracts Increase revenue What are you no longer going to do?

19 Building Blocks: Adjunct Budget
Definition of FTES One Full Time Equivalent Student is defined as 525 contact hours over an academic year An academic year is defined as 35 weeks 525 hours per year / 35 weeks per year means that a FT student is in class 15 hours a week One Weekly Student Contact Hour (WSCH) is one student in class one hour per week for 35 weeks

20 Building Blocks: Adjunct Budget
Definition of Productivity or Load – Weekly Student Contact Hours per Full Time Equivalent Faculty (some use FTES/FTEF) One full time faculty teaching 15 hours per week with 35 students in each class is generating 525 WSCH/FTEF Note that the formula needs to be adjusted for quarter system schools.

21 16/17 Hourly teaching budget development model
Projecting Costs 16/17 Hourly teaching budget development model FTES WSCH Prod Target FTEF Needed FT FTE Available Hourly FTE Needed Average Cost per FTE Budget Needed 6,867 103,005 500 206.01 118.67 87.35 $62,885 $5,492,747 This represents over 14% of CSM’s Fund 1 site allocation. Salaries and benefits for regular employees represents about 82% of CSM’s Fund 1 site allocation. 4% left for everything else.

22 Communicating FTES WSCH Prod Target FTEF Needed FT FTE Available
Hourly FTE Needed Average Cost per FTE Budget Needed 6,867 103,005 500 206.01 118.67 87.35 $62,885 $5,492,747 510 201.97 83.31 $5,238,727 525 196.20 77.54 $4,875,842 490 210.22 91.55 $5,757,134 480 214.59 95.93 $6,032,538 Calculations reflect current year numbers. Each change in 10 points is approximately $250K.

23 Communicating = Changing
What is the difference between 525 and 535? 525 WSCH per FTEF is a class size of 35. 535 WSCH per FTEF is a class size of 35 ⅔. Take 1 more student -- NO!! Cañada average enrollment/section for 16/17 is 29

24 Communicating = Changing
SIMPLY KEEP EVERY STUDENT THAT SHOWS UP ON THE FIRST DAY OF CLASSES! But if Canada wants to get to 525, need to add an average of 6 more students in every class to take your average class size from 29 to 35. If you could get to the statewide norm of 525, you would save approximately $600K.

25 Budget and Accounting Manual (BAM) Basics
You need to know the basics of Fund Accounting (the BAM) to Read and understand the CCFS 311 Understand district account codes Chart of accounts The Basics Fund Program – source of funds Activity – where spent Object – for what?

26 BAM Fund Accounting General Fund Special Revenue Fund
Unrestricted Restricted Special Revenue Fund Child Care Centers Parcel Tax Capital Projects Fund General Obligation Bonds Scheduled Maintenance Debt Service Payment for General Obligation Bonds Enterprise Fund Bookstore, Cafeteria, Fitness Center, Copy Shop, Farm, etc. Internal Service Fund Self-Insurance Trust Funds Financial Aid Student Body

27 Fund Budget % of Total Unrestricted General Fund $177,330,818 42.58% Restricted General Fund 48,185,039 11.57% Child Development Fund 1,269,697 0.30% Capital Projects Fund 98,296,552 23.60% Debt Service Fund 54,369,200 13.05% Bookstore Fund 7,693,000 1.85% Cafeteria Fund 289,000 0.07% San Mateo Athletic Club (SMAC) 3,940,000 0.95% Community, Continuing, and Corp Ed 1,391,000 0.33% Self-Insurance Fund 1,566,330 0.38% Trust Funds (Financial Aid) 17,942,178 4.31% Reserve for Post-Retirement Benefits 4,200,000 1.01% TOTAL $416,472,814 100.00%

28 Unrestricted General Fund
Revenue 1 Federal Revenue 2 State Revenue 9,927,904 3 Local Revenue 167,402,914 4 Total Revenue 177,330,818 Revenues start with 8xxx

29 Expenses 5 Cost of Sales 6 Certificated Salaries 71,177,060 7 Classified Salaries 38,719,695 8 Employee Benefits 41,477,136 9 Materials & Supplies 7,777,026 10 Operating Expenses 23,857,604 11 Capital Outlay 385,042 12 Total Expenses 183,393,563

30 Transfers & Other 13 Transfers In 14 Other Sources 15 Transfers out (4,683,407) 16 Contingency/Deficit (83,627) 17 Other Out Go 18 Total Transfers/Other (4,767,034) Fund Balance 19 Net Change in Fund Balance (10,829,780) 20 Beginning Balance, July 1 33,882,785 21 Adjustments to Beginning Balance 22 Net Fund Balance, 6/30 23,053,006

31 Where to Find Additional Budget and Fiscal Information
Chancellor’s Office Website Community College League of California Association of California Community College Administrators Association of Chief Business Officials Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (glossary) Calif. Dept. of Finance (state budget)

32 New Inititatives Guided Pathways:
$150M - $15M goes to the CO off the top Remainder takes each college from where they are to the next step in implementing the pathways Strong Workforce: CTE funding Based regionally Integrated Planning: Basic Skills, Equity and SSSP funding to be integrated Possibility of a single mega block grant

33 New Funding Formula Chancellor’s Task Force on Fiscal Affairs
Same group (more or less) developed SB years ago Looking at outcomes based funding Reviewing other state models – successes and failures Proposal will be vetted through state governance processes

34 Questions? Kathy Blackwood

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