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Aim: To introduce Mise-en-Scene

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1 Aim: To introduce Mise-en-Scene

2 Mise-en-Scene Pronounced “meez ahn sen”, it is a French term and originates in theatre. Of all the technical aspects mise-en-scene is the one that we are likely to be most familiar with. When a film finishes we may not remember the camera shots or editing but we can usually recall some elements of the mise- en-scene So, what is it? Mise-en-scene refers to everything that appears in the film frame.

3 Elements of mise-en-scene
What makes up mise-en-scene? In pairs list those elements that you think are covered by the term. Location / Setting Props / iconography Costume and Make Up Lighting Use of colour All elements are controlled by the director with the help of a several design departments– remember that accidents in production of film or tv are rare! Mise-en-scene is crucial in creating the world of the show and meaning for the viewer

4 Connotation and Denotation
What you actually see eg. A Rose is a red flower Connotation? What something might stand for or represent, e.g.. To give someone a red rose might suggest love What are all of the connotations of the colour red? The mise-en-scene in a film or TV show can connote complex ideas to the viewer very quickly. Task: Look at the tv drama posters. These feature scenes from the drama they are advertising. What connotations do you get from the mise-en-scene on your poster? Consider Setting, Props, Costume, Colour and Character Position

5 Connotation and Denotation






11 Mise-en-scene and meaning
The mise-en-scene can enhance audience understanding of a film/tv show by informing them of four different meanings: The period/era. The place or cultural context. The genre The characterisation.

12 Lighting Lighting and cinematography go hand in hand although lighting is also part of the design of the film and therefore crosses over to mise-en-scene. Why is lighting important in film and TV? Can we think of films where the lighting design was significant? What lighting techniques do we know?

13 Audience Meaning Watch this clip from “Doctor Who” and aim to identify how the mise-en-scene creates meaning for the audience.

14 Homework Write at least 1 side of A4 about how mise-en-scene is used to create audience meaning…

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