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CMT3342 Computing Project Management Week 3 Pirkko Helena Harvey Associate Professor Computer Science School of Science and Technology.

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Presentation on theme: "CMT3342 Computing Project Management Week 3 Pirkko Helena Harvey Associate Professor Computer Science School of Science and Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 CMT3342 Computing Project Management Week 3 Pirkko Helena Harvey Associate Professor Computer Science School of Science and Technology

2 Project management methods and related software development lifecycle approaches – Part 2

3 Project management lifecycle
Concept Definition Implementation Handover and closeout (APM BoK 2006)

4 Project lifecycles Manage the project Project management lifecycle
Modify the system Systems development lifecycle System Lifecycle Project Start Project End

5 Project lifecycles Manage the project Project management lifecycle
Modify the system Systems development lifecycle System Lifecycle Project Start Project End

6 Project lifecycles Manage the project Project management lifecycle
Modify the system Systems development lifecycle System Lifecycle Most common product life cycle in IT is SDLC Project Start Project End

7 Project management lifecycle
Select Project Proposal Determine Business Case Commence Project Manage Project Close Project Evaluate Project Adapted from Marchewka 2003

8 Project management lifecycle
Select Project Proposal Determine Business Case Commence Project Manage Project Close Project Evaluate Project Systems Development Lifecycle Adapted from Marchewka 2003

9 Systems development lifecycle approaches
Sequential - introduction last week Incremental - introduction last week Prototyping Iterative / Evolutionary

10 Sequential Traditional approach based on sequential design
Referred to as the waterfall model Fixed requirements Design tasks only begin after requirement are completely defined Limited client involvement Sometimes referred to as command and control approach. Structured, linear approach No / Little feedback Works well if requirements are known upfront Problematic if requirements are unknown upfront and/or are changing.

11 The Waterfall Model Winston Royce (1970) Royce actually believed in
System Requirements Winston Royce (1970) Software Requirements Analysis Royce actually believed in incremental and iterative models. An accident that people picked up on his Page 1 diagram Larman (2004) Program Design Coding Testing Operations

12 V-Process Model Basically a waterfall model More Detailed Design
Increasing Levels of Testing Level of Abstraction Field testing User requirements User acceptance testing System specification System testing System design Function testing Systems architectural design Integration testing Code Unit testing Time

13 Incremental / Phased Delivery
Delivery to Customer of Increment 1 of Increment 2 of Increment 3 of Increment 4 of Increment 5 Waterfall Models

14 Crashed Increments Use of two teams Delivery to customer
on completion of each increment

15 Prototyping Take care over the term ‘prototype’
Can be used in different context Design prototypes: engineering, construction etc. Physical models, architectural blueprints, engineering drawings Can be a sample or model of a product built to test a concept or process Can be something to be replicated or learned from Can provide specifications for a real, working system rather than a theoretical one

16 Prototyping Prototyping has several benefits
Can be a throw-away version of some aspect of the system for demonstration to the stakeholders Testing out some ideas or aspect of risk: for example the user interface or maybe technical feasibility Aim to get rapid feedback before committing too much effort/resources Evolutionary prototypes have an advantage over throwaway prototypes - they are functional systems

17 Prototyping Prototyping has several benefits
Can be a throw-away version of some aspect of the system for demonstration to the stakeholders Testing out some ideas or aspect of risk: for example the user interface or maybe technical feasibility Aim to get rapid feedback before committing too much effort/resources Evolutionary prototypes have an advantage over throwaway prototypes - they are functional systems Read more on different types of prototypes

18 Systems development lifecycle models
Sequential: waterfall model Incremental: multiple waterfall models Incremental phased delivery Prototyping Iterative / Evolutionary: Evolutionary delivery (Evo) Spiral model RUP (Rational Unified Process) DSDM (Dynamic Systems Development Method) XP (Extreme Programming) Scrum Lean

19 Systems development lifecycle models
Sequential: waterfall model Incremental: multiple waterfall models Incremental phased delivery Prototyping Iterative / Evolutionary: Evolutionary delivery (Evo) Spiral model RUP (Rational Unified Process) DSDM (Dynamic Systems Development Method) XP (Extreme Programming) Scrum Lean Later – Agile Lectures

20 Some Timelines Waterfall 1970 SSADM Early 1980s
RAD Prototyping Early 1980s DSDM 1994 Iterative IBM FSD Harlan Mills Gilb’s Evo 1976 Boehm’s Spiral mid 1980s Unified Process (UP) mid 1990s Agile Manifesto 2001 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010

21 ‘Iterative’ / Evolutionary
Terminology Issues: Larman (2004) sometimes uses “Incremental and Iterative”, sometimes shorter “Iterative” Gilb (1988) uses “Evolutionary” ‘Incremental’ means building in steps ‘Iterative’ means repeating/going round again But there is also learning from feedback ‘Evolutionary’ not in the biological sense of small random mutations or survival of the fittest

22 ‘Iterative’ / Evolutionary
Based on the Shewhart Cycle from 1930s. Also known as the Deming Cycle (Deming worked with Shewhart). Involves increments/iterations Time-boxing (varying durations) Delivery to market or client Incorporates feedback (learning) Being prepared to retreat Not ‘freezing’ the requirements Decide what to do in the next increment/iteration using the feedback from the last increment/iteration and the current set of requirements

23 The Shewhart Cycle or Deming Cycle
Decide Actions Needed Plan Actions Act Plan Study* Do Study Results of Actions Taken Execute Plans * Deming finally decided to use ‘Study’ instead of ‘Check’ (Gilb 2005)

24 Iterative Result Cycle
Based on the Shewhart Cycle For each Iteration: Requirements Act Actual Results Feedback Study Deliver Increment Designs Stakeholder Value Plan Do Plan Increment Sequence for delivery Estimated value known Slightly modified from (Brodie and Woodman 2008)

25 Evolutionary Project Management (Evo)
Developed by Tom Gilb (2005) in the 1960s (published from 1976) Principles Small Steps (2%-5% of project time and money budget) Early High Value Actual Benefits Evaluation of High Risk Frequent Delivery Use Feedback Allow Requirements to change

26 Evo Result Cycle Strategic Management Cycle Development Cycle
Feedback ‘Go’ Strategic Management Cycle ‘The Head’ Development Cycle Backroom ‘The Body’ Production Cycle Backroom Delivery Cycle Frontroom (Gilb 2005) Result Cycle

27 Evo Step Development and Delivery
Backroom ‘KITCHEN’ Frontroom ‘RESTAURANT’ A A Potential Next Step (Step 4) D B B C H Step 3 D C E G Development & Production Cycles Delivery Cycle F F Implementation Cycle for F Step 2 G E H Step 1 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Time From (Gilb 2005)

28 Evo Step Development and Delivery
Think how a restaurant prepares food in the kitchen and then delivers it to the table. Total preparation can take weeks, but courses delivered as customers want them! You don’t have to build everything only in the duration of one increment. But focus must be on early delivery and early feedback! Backroom ‘KITCHEN’ Frontroom ‘RESTAURANT’ A A Potential Next Step (Step 4) D B C B H Step 3 D C E G Development & Production Cycles Delivery Cycle F F Implementation Cycle for F Step 2 G E H Step 1 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 (Gilb 2005) Time

29 Recap: Systems development lifecycle approaches
Waterfall Sequential Incremental Prototyping Iterative / Evolutionary Linear – one pass / one delivery Build and deliver the system, increment by increment Increment 1 Increment n ... Throwaway version of some system aspect Prior to building the real system Test ideas Get feedback Act Plan Use feedback Study Do

30 Which of these lifecycles need to be considered e. g
Which of these lifecycles need to be considered e.g. in a student project? What activities do they involve? DISCUSS Project management lifecycle Systems development lifecycle System Lifecycle Project Start Project End

31 Factors influencing project failure Yardley (2002)
Technical Failure Human Failure Process Failure Lure of the leading edge Lack of executive support Absence of any project management methodology Poor technical design Lack of leadership Absence of any systems development methodology Technical solution to a non-technical problem Uncommitted project team Absence of any benefits management methodology Dependence on software packages to satisfy requirements Dysfunctional project team Failure to identify and mitigate project risks Lack of tools throughout development lifecycle Failure to manage third parties Failure to manage requirements Technology-led development Lack of a project ‘champion’ Lengthy project timescales Lack of project ownership Insufficient testing Stakeholder conflict ‘Big-bang’ approach to computerization Resistance to change Hostile organizational culture Inexperienced project managers Lack of business justification Unclear or ambiguous business priorities Lack of user training Misaligned stakeholder motivation

32 Summary Project management lifecycle
Systems development lifecycle approaches Systems development lifecycle models Provides many easy to read articles of various project management topics, whitepapers etc.

33 IMPORTANT - next week Assessment Preparation Week
Week 4: NO lecture and NO labs Week 4: Complete searches for publications for the Essay Further guidance online: “Information; Resources and Relevance of Publications” Handout “The Rise and Fall of the Chaos Report Figures” by J. Laurenz Eveleens and Chris Verhoef Week 5 labs (w/c 3 November) : Group Project team formation Formative feedback on the Essay ‘Overview’ Section. You must bring a draft into labs

34 References Yardley, D. (2002), Successful IT Project Delivery, Addison-Wesley, ISBN Association for Project Management (2006), Project Management Body of Knowledge (5th Edition) (APM BoK 2006), ISBN Project Management Institute (2008), A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (4th Edition) (PMBOK Guide), ISBN X. Marchewka, J. T. (2003), Information Technology Project Management: Providing Measurable Organizational Value, Wiley, ISBN Royce, W. (1970). Managing the Development of Large Software Systems: Concepts and Techniques. Proceedings of IEEE WESCON. August Originally published by TRW. Larman, C. (2004), Agile and iterative Development: A Manager’s Guide, Addison-Wesley, ISBN Gilb, T. (2005), Competitive Engineering: A Handbook For Systems Engineering, Requirements Engineering, and Software Engineering Using Planguage, Butterworth-Heinemann. ISBN Dalcher, D. & Brodie, L. (2007), Successful IT Projects, Thomson, ISBN Brodie, L. & Woodman, M. (2009), Using Metrics to Express Quality, Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Software Quality Management (SQM 2009), The British Computer Society, ISBN , pp

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