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Incremental Changes Wind, Water, and Ice.

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1 Incremental Changes Wind, Water, and Ice

2 Remember…. Earthquakes and volcanoes cause sudden and catastrophic change. Most shaping or sculpting of Earth’s surface happens by a combination of slow, step by step changes called weathering and erosion.


4 Weathering: Mechanical & Chemical process that breaks down rocks by means of water, glacial ice, wind and waves.

5 Erosion Occurs when the products of weathering are transported from place to place.

6 Deposition- to deposit
The process of these materials being laid down or deposited by wind, water, and ice. Through the deposition process, material is not gained or lost, it just changes form. Weathering and deposition never produces new material.

7 Red Deer River Starts out crystal clear high in the Rockies, and as it travels eastward, accumulates tremendous amounts of silt, sand, and dirt- causing the river to change from clear to chocolate brown.

8 Mechanical weathering
Happens when rock is broken apart by physical forces, such as water or wind. In our cold climate, rock is often broken down by water freezing in cracks. This action slowly helps to break apart even the largest rock formation.

9 Hoodoos in southern Alberta: Wind

10 Chemical Weathering Happens when water and oxygen react with the minerals in rocks to produce new minerals. New minerals are usually softer, and can crumble more easily. Acids can wear away rock by dissolving the minerals in them.


12 Biological weathering
Is the wearing away of rock by living things, like roots and stems putting enormous pressure on their surroundings.

13 Effects of Moving Water
Rivers and streams are probably the most powerful forces of erosion that alter the landscape.

14 Sediment As rivers flow, they carry a load of silt, sand, mud, and gravel called sediment. Weathering process takes a long time and is influenced by the nature of the moving water- like the speed or steepness of the terrain.

15 Sedimentation The process of sediments being deposited, usually at the bottom of oceans, lakes, and rivers.

16 Fluvial Landforms These are landforms that are created by running water. In Alberta, the Badlands of Southern Alberta are fluvial landforms.

17 Eroding Away Sometimes, erosion can change the landscape very quickly. Landslides: sudden and fast movement of rocks and soil down a slope. Landslide

18 Glaciers- Rivers of Ice
A glacier is a moving mass of ice and snow. For over 2 million years, this force of erosion has visited North America, at least 4 times. Ice once covered areas of Alberta to heights of m and has greatly shaped its landscapes.


20 Bedrock As glaciers flow, they pick up large fragments of rock that act as grinding tools to carve and scrape the landscape. The glacier grinds the bedrock, the layer of solid rock beneath the loose rock fragments, producing a polished, but scratched, furrowed surface.


22 When the glacier melts, or retreats, it leaves its eroded rock fragments in the form of small hills called drumlins and moraines and snake- like hills called eskers.

23 Drumlins

24 Moraines

25 Eskers

26 Assess your learning: Page 367, 1-10. Open book test! Monday
Check & Reflect Page 366, #s 1-5 Assess your learning: Page 367, Open book test! Monday

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