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Information Searching Using Visualizations

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1 Information Searching Using Visualizations
See It, Find It™ Information Searching Using Visualizations Darlene Fichter Jeff Wisniewski Data Librarian Web Services Librarian U of Saskatchewan U of Pittsburgh October 22, 2009

2 The web is grand. Too bad there’s so much of it.

3 The web is grant. Too bad there’s so much of it.
A search for dog returns 44 million results. The web is grant. Too bad there’s so much of it.

4 Libraries are also grand…too bad they have so much stuff

5 Forecast: cloudy

6 Would the real Bond please step forward?
(James) bond Stocks and bonds Baseball Family ties

7 How about pulling out concepts?

8 How about pulling out “visualizing” concepts?

9 How about visual feedback as you limit?

10 Who doesn’t recognize a book by its cover? Find more like this?
I know it when I see it. Who doesn’t recognize a book by its cover? Find more like this? Searching for images using images

11 BYO Image

12 Select site to search and enter keywords into oSkope

13 Oskope results in list view mode.

14 Oskope results in grid view mode.

15 Oskope results in pile view mode.

16 Pile and grid would rule for search history.
Recognition vs. recall Want icing on your cake? Pile in reverse chronological order Pile by term in reverse order Pile by day / date

17 Lists are great but graphs can be better.

18 Oskope results in graph mode.

19 Spectra visual newsreader

20 What about the other visual search engines?

21 Quintura offers concept map and lists in a dual view.
“The map shows only those words that have close contextual relationships with the keywords in your query.” How to employ the context of the words? Being close together on the map, the words show their semantic closeness. Since any word has different meanings, it can be connected with other words on the map. Choosing only one of them, you can build the query and set the direction of your search. Quintura FAQ

22 Quintura has an image search.

23 Would kids like this?

24 Or this?

25 Look familiar?

26 Now I know where I’ve seen you!

27 Using visual search to find visuals.

28 When words are hard to come by: TinEye & Piximilar


30 You’re so vain, you probably think this search engine is about you.

31 Find me something like this.
Demo 8.2 MB download for viewer and creator tools “Synths constitute an entirely new visual medium. Photosynth analyzes each photo for similarities to the others, and uses that data to build a model of where the photos were taken. It then re-creates the environment and uses that as a canvas on which to display the photos. “

32 Photosynth 8.2 MB download for viewer and creator tools
“Synths constitute an entirely new visual medium. Photosynth analyzes each photo for similarities to the others, and uses that data to build a model of where the photos were taken. It then re-creates the environment and uses that as a canvas on which to display the photos. “

33 3D Results and Immersive Results

34 Visual on the go: oMoby

35 Visual search gobbles up more resources.
Bandwidth Screen – sometimes bigger is better Play nice with others Graphics hardware Accessibility

36 Resources AquaBrowser
BYO Image Colr pickr Encore Grokker iTunes oMoby: uBrowser

37 Resources oSkope Tiltomo
TinEye Photosynth Quintara SearchMe Spectra newsreader ndex.html uBrowser

38 More questions or comments?
Jeff Wisniewski Darlene Fichter

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