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Impression materials.

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1 Impression materials

2 Market Share by Volume %

3 tooth undercuts

4 stone stone

5 Impression materials - types
Elastic Nonelastic

6 Impression materials - types
Nonelastic plastic waxes (reversible) impression compound (plastic, reversible)

7 Impression materials - types
Nonelastic rigid plaster (irreversible) zinc oxide - eugenol impression paste (irreversible)

8 Impression materials - types
Elastic hydrocolloids (aqueous) agar (reversible) alginate (irreversible) elastomers (nonaqueous) polysulfide polyether silicone (condensation, addition)

9 Aqueous Impression Materials
Hydrocolloids Aqueous Impression Materials

10 Elastic impression materials Hydrocolloids
Colloid - a two phase mixture in which one of the phases (the dispersed phase) is very small ( nm). 1000 nm = 1 μm

11 liquid - liquid milk emulsion gas – liquid soap foam foam liquid – gas fog liquid aerosol solid – gas smoke sol aerosol

12 Elastic impression materials Hydrocolloids
solution - solute and solvent are not physically separate. sol - dispersed phase and dispersion medium are physically separate.

13 Elastic impression materials Hydrocolloids
sol - a colloid in which small solid particles are suspended in a liquid. typical particles - 1 nm to 500 nm 1000 nm = 1 μm

14 Elastic impression materials Hydrocolloids
hydrocolloid - a sol in which the dispersion medium is water

15 Reversible Hydrocolloid
Agar Hydrocolloid Reversible Hydrocolloid

16 sulfuric ester of a polymer a gallactose molecular wt. ~ 150,000
Agar - chemistry a polysaccharide sulfuric ester of a polymer a gallactose molecular wt. ~ 150,000 insoluble in water

17 Agar – a polysaccharide (sulfuric ester of a polymer of gallactose)
2 OH OH . HSO4 HO HO H 8 N ~ 90

18 Agar – structure of the gel
agar fibrils arranged in interpenetrating tangles – “brush heaps” water is held in the interstices of the brush heap

19 Agar Hydrocolloid - composition
Water Potassium* Borax** Fillers % 80 – 85 % 1 – 2 % 0.2 % * hardens gypsum ** strengthens the gel

20 Agar Hydrocolloid – reversible reaction
Forms sol 71 – 100oC reversible Forms gel 30 – 50oC

21 Agar Hydrocolloid – Conditioning Baths
Temp o C Time Boiling 100 Storage 66 – 69 Tempering < 15

22 Agar Hydrocolloids – 3 bath system
storage boiling tempering

23 Agar Hydrocolloid – tempering bath
Removing tubes of agar hydrocolloid from the tempering bath.

24 Agar hydrocolloid: water cooled trays
A water-cooled tray is used. The initial investment in agar (baths and water-cooled trays) is relatively high.

25 Irreversible Hydrocolloid
Alginate Irreversible Hydrocolloid

26 Alginate hydrocolloid:

27 Alginate Hydrocolloid - composition
brown seaweed – algae linear polymer with numerous carboxyl groups anhydro - β - d – manuronic acid called alginic acid

28 Alginate Hydrocolloid - reaction
H2O + Na-alginate + CaSO4 (paste) soluble in water Ca-alginate + Na2SO4 (gel) insoluble in water Reaction is irreversible

29 Alginate Hydrocolloid - mixing
gelation time dependent on water-powder ratio – faster with less water do not change water-powder ratio – may affect strength warm water decreases gelation time – each 10oC will halve the gelation time

30 Alginate\ Hydrocolloid – storage in air
Alginate impression of metal die simulating three-unit FPD preparation. Initial. 4 hours later.

31 Storage at 100% humidity minimizes wt. loss

32 Alginate Hydrocolloid – dimensional stability
set alginate exudes fluid – syneresis rinse impression – exudate could inhibit setting of the surface of dental stone dimensions will change at a rate that depends on the humidity at which the impression is stored best advice – pour stone immediately

33 Both Hydrocolloids – elastic recovery
neither agar nor alginate is perfectly elastic permanent deformation: alginate: 1.5 % agar: 1.0%

34 Both Hydrocolloids – reducing elastic recovery
To reduce permanent deformation: use the hydrocolloid in a thicker layer – smaller percentage deformation remove the impression faster – permanent deformation is reduced at higher strain rates

35 Combined agar – alginate technique
alginate is tray material agar is syringe material Basic idea: take advantage of the ability of agar to do a better job of replicating fine detail.

36 Combined agar-alginate technique:
A single water heater is used to boil and store the agar cartridges. No need to temper. The agar will cool as it is being ejected from the syringe. agar is the syringe material

37 Combined agar-alginate technique:
Injecting the agar wash around the prepared tooth. The impression is completed using the alginate in non-water-cooled tray. Note that the agar wash defined the margins of the impression.

38 Combined agar – alginate technique - method
boil agar – 5 minutes 5 minutes at 70oC Syringe agar over prepared teeth (syringe cools the agar) Place tray filled with alginate material over the agar

39 Combined agar – alginate technique - advantages
can use custom tray rapid set (3 minutes) reduced equipment costs: syringe & one heater low cost per impression

40 Hydrocolloids - disadvantages
low tear strength large dimensional changes during storage poor transfer of detail to stone electroplated dies not possible

41 End

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