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Samuli Korpinen, nd BalticBOOST Theme 3 WS

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1 Samuli Korpinen, 29.11.2016 2nd BalticBOOST Theme 3 WS
Synthesizing the literature review: Do we have a uniform view of the physical disturbance and loss? Samuli Korpinen, 2nd BalticBOOST Theme 3 WS

2 How do we compare fishing, sand extraction, dredging, dumping and constructions?
Consider the DISTURBANCE! (recoverable <12 years) Right after the pressure! What is the decrease in density of benthic fauna? What is the decrease % in species richness of benthic fauna?

3 Mortality of benthic fauna (based on the literature review)
Dredging (sedimentation) Decrease in density at 0.5 km distance: medium-sized dredging: ~65% decrease, big dredging: ~85-95% decrease; Decrease in species richness: 25-66% at km distance. Sand extraction (sedimentation) Decrease in density at km distance : ~50%; Decrease in species richness at at km: 33-50% decrease Disposal of dredged material (sedimentation) Decrease in density at km: ~50% decrease. Decrease in species richness at km: ~50% decrease. Shipping / boating / marinas No decrease in density

4 Spatial extents of physical disturance
Table 3. Spatial extents of physical disturbance from their source. The extents are estimated to the distance where impacts are considered negligible. Note that hydrographic conditions affect the distances and these estimates are usually applicable in exposed or semi-exposed areas. Activity Pressure extent (km) Capital dredging 4 km (fish), 3 km (benthos), 3 km (vegetation), 3 km (water turbidity) Maintenance dredging Sand extraction 5 km (water turbidity), 4 km (fish), 3 km (vegetation), 2 km (benthos) Disposal of dredged matter 4 km (fish), 3 km (benthos), 3 km (vegetation), 2 km (water turbidity) Shipping and ferry traffic 1 km (fish), 1 km (water turbidity, 30 m in depth), 0.5 km (vegetation), 0.3 km abrasion (substrate change) Boating 0.5 km (water turbidity, 4 m in depth), Marinas 0.5 km (fish), 0.5 km (vegetation) Wind turbines (operational) 0.1 km (abrasion effect)

5 Recovery times Table 4. Recoverability of benthic broad habitat types from the physical disturbance pressure. The values comprise a synthesis of several studies. Note also that hydrographic conditions affect the recovery time. Broad benthic habitat type Typical recovery time in years Features of longest recovery times Infralittoral hard bottom Disposal, dredging, sand extraction: >5 years Herring spawning, Vegetation Infralittoral mud bottom Disposal and dredging: 5-10 y (in exposed areas faster) Vegetation Infralittoral sand bottom Sand extraction: >6 y at the site, 2 y at 0.5-1km. Benthic fauna Circalittoral hard bottom Circalittoral mud bottom Disposal of dredged matter: 4 y at the site; Capital dredging: 4-6 y at the site (1 y on exposed sites). Circalittoral sand bottom Pelagic habitats 1 day – 1 week turbidity

6 Pressures and impacts from human activities

7 Impact Benthos Worst impacts from maintenance and capital dredging (incl. harbours), sand extraction and sediment disposal. Moderate impacts from boating on hard bottoms (no impact in soft), wind turbine construction and contaminated sediments (species change). Minor or no impacts from cable placement. Fish Worst impacts from maintenance and capital dredging (incl. harbours), sand extraction, sediment disposal, marinas and ship traffic. Low effects from wind turbine construction. Vegetation Worst impacts from maintenance and capital dredging, sediment disposal, small-scale dredging in sheltered areas, marinas (in sheltered areas) and ship traffic. Moderate to high impacts from sand extraction. Sedimenta-tion rate Fine matter from disposal and dredging causes worst sedimentation. Sand extraction targets at heavier sand grains and hence impacts are higher in the beginning (surface matter). Shipping and construction of wind turbines cause moderate to high impacts (higher closer to the site). Boating causes minor impacts. Turbidity Disposal and dredging cause highest turbidity. Sand extraction and shipping (in shallow) cause moderate turbidity. Boating causes moderate turbidity in sheltered sites. Abrasion Wind turbines: moderate abrasion shipping: heavy abrasion

8 Sensitivity of benthic habitats
Example of physical disturbance (siltation/sedimentation/abrasion) on infralittoral hard bottoms impact recoverability sensitivity Construction Sand extraction Disposal of dredged material Dredging Shipping

9 The BalticBOOST literature review
Focus on non-fishery pressures Catalogue with >120 studies and >420 records Focus on pressure levels, impacts, spatial extents and gradients, recovery times


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