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Circulatory System Chapter 12.

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1 Circulatory System Chapter 12

2 Circulation Oxygen in the alveoli enters the capillaries.
The blood inside capillaries transports oxygen to the rest of the body.

3 Circulation (cont.) The heart, blood, and blood vessels make up the circulatory system which transports nutrients, gases, wastes, and other substances through the body.

4 The beating noise you hear from your heart is actually the valves in your heart closing.

5 Circulation (cont.) Blood vessels transport blood to all organs of the body. Contractions of the heart’s muscles pump blood to the rest of the body. Blood travels through the body in tiny tubes called vessels.

6 Circulation (cont.) Arteries carry blood away from your heart.
Veins carry blood back to your heart. The heart is made up of 4 chambers Right atrium, Left atrium, Right ventricle, Left ventricle Atriums are the upper chambers of the heart Ventricles are the lower chambers of the heart

7 Circulation (cont.) Capillaries are tiny vessels that allow gases and nutrients to move between the blood and the entire body.

8 Circulation (cont.) The liquid part of blood is called plasma and contains nutrients, water, and CO2. Blood also contains red blood cells, which carry oxygen, and platelets, which help the body heal when a vessel is cut. White blood cells help the body defend itself from toxins and diseases.

9 Blood Types Different people have different proteins on the surfaces of their red blood cells which scientists classify into groups called blood types.

10 Blood type O is the universal dOnOr
Blood type AB is the universal receiver

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