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Weapons of Mass Destruction

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Presentation on theme: "Weapons of Mass Destruction"— Presentation transcript:

1 Weapons of Mass Destruction

2 Background Read through page 44
What are the three main categories of WMD? Give three examples of when state’s have used WMD. What are the problems with the 1997 Chemical and Biological Weapons conventions?

3 Geography of nuclear weapons
Use the link to find out who has nuclear weapons Use maps, key and annotation

4 Evaluation of WMD Positives of WMD Negatives of WMD

5 Key treaties on nuclear weapons
Annotate the sheet showing key treaties

6 The 1968 non-proliferation treaty
Read through pages 45 to 46 Describe the non-proliferation treaty (NPT) Evaluate its success Good Bad

7 Key Nuclear Flashpoints
Make brief notes on the following. The Indian sub-continent Iran and the Middle East North Korea

8 Obama and non-proliferation
Read through the following articles Q and A Obama Make notes on this link. START. Explain why Obama’s position can be seen as a ‘balancing act’

9 Back to Trident
To what extent is the renewal of Trident justifiable?

10 Essay question To what extent does nuclear proliferation threaten peace and security? (Total for Question 6 = 45 marks)

11 Topics to revise Clash of civilisations ‘New’ Wars etc
Changing nature of terrorism To what extent is counter terrorism compatible with upholding human rights. Nuclear proliferation and WMD

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