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5/12/2018 Genome Database for Rosaceae New Data and New Functionality

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Presentation on theme: "5/12/2018 Genome Database for Rosaceae New Data and New Functionality"— Presentation transcript:

1 5/12/2018 Genome Database for Rosaceae New Data and New Functionality Efficient Tripal Database Platform for Genomics, Genetics and Breeding Research Fruit and Nut Workshop Plant and Animal Genome Conference 2017 Dorrie Main*, Sook Jung, Chun-Huai Cheng, Taein Lee, Ping Zheng, Jing Yu, Jodi Humann, Kristin Scott, Morgan Frank, Heidi Haugh, Cameron Peace, Kate Evans, Mike Kahn, Albert Abbott, Ksenija Gasic, Mercy Olmstead, Michael Coe

2 GDR Vision Part 1 Discovery Translation Application
Facilitate Rosaceae Research Discovery Translation Application Made possible by A highly supportive and engaged community Continuous funding ( ) from NSF PGRP, USDA SCRI, Industry and Land Grant Universities An excellent development and curation team

3 The Team

4 GDR Vision Part 2 Develop open source software resources to facilitate sharing of tools and data across the bioinformatics community CHADO

5 New Data in GDR in 2016 Data Type 01/01/16 01/01/17 Increase Genes
150,815 242,182 91,367 Genomes 11 16 5 Genetic maps 160 180 20 Genotypes 28,298 15,513,927 15,485,631 Germplasm 16,345 18,642 2,297 Markers 2,311,771 2,900,018 588,247 Phenotypes 783,639 876,885 93,246 Publications 6,703 6,888 185 QTLs 2,318 2,695 377 Transcripts 60,716

6 New Functionality in 2016 GDR redesigned to make it easier to access data and tools. Synteny analysis for peach-apple-strawberry-pear in GBrowse_Sy RubusCyc database added and other Cycs updated Reference transcriptomes (RefTrans) for Rubus and peach New search interfaces developed (1) SNP marker search (2) SNP genotype search (3) Gene and transcript search (4) Map search (5) Germplasm image search Dynamically generated data overview page implemented Crop Ontology developed and implemented for Rosaceae species 16 short audio-visual tutorials added

7 Redesigned GDR

8 Genera/Species Pages

9 Reference Transcriptome Analysis (RefTrans)

10 Reference Transcriptome Analysis (RefTrans)

11 Reference Transcriptome Analysis (RefTrans)

12 Reference Transcriptome Analysis (RefTrans)

13 Crop Ontology

14 Work in Progress Generating RefTrans for other Rosaceae species
Implementing a comprehensive breeding information management system (TripalBIMS)

15 Some Requests (Please)
Cite us (Jung et al., 2014 – on website) Join our mailing list to receive biannual newsletters and community communication Please tell us if you find a problem with the site, have new functionality you would like Come to the GDR training workshop today 4 – 6 PM in the California room, GDR Demo Tues at AM in the California room Come participate in the RosEXEC/RosIGI open meeting Sunday 8-10,10-12 in the Hampton Room

16 Usage of GDR in 2016 19,821 visitors 58,710 visits 245,787 pages
149 countries

17 Funding and Acknowledgements

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