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Uranium Enrichment Louis Croquette.

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Presentation on theme: "Uranium Enrichment Louis Croquette."— Presentation transcript:

1 Uranium Enrichment Louis Croquette

2 Fundamental Question:
How does the uranium enrichment process work?

3 Contents U 238 vs 235 Grades of uranium Enrichment Methods
Separative Work Units

4 U238 vs U235 U238 Not fissile but very common (99.284%)
Half-life of billion years After two beta decays becomes Plutonium-239 (fissile) Cannot support chain reaction

5 U238 vs U235 (continued) U238 (continued) Uses
Source material in breeder reactors (Makes Pu-239) Radiation shielding Downblending Tamper in nuclear weapons

6 U238 vs U235 (continued) U235 Fissile but not very common (.72%)
Can support a chain reaction Half-life of million years Most neutron absorptions result in fission Used mostly in making reactor- and weapon-grade material

7 Grades of Uranium Slightly-enriched uranium Low-enriched uranium
Highly-enriched uranium

8 Slightly-enriched uranium
.9%-2% Can be used to replace natural uranium in heavy water reactors Increases safety and decreases cost Increased efficiency

9 Low-enriched uranium Concentration <20%
3%-5% uranium is typically used in reactors Research reactors use 12%-19.75%

10 Highly-enriched uranium
>20% Weapons-grade is typically 85% or more Enrichments of over 97% have been achieved Critical mass needed for weapon decreases as purity increases

11 Enrichment Methods Diffusion Gaseous Thermal Centrifuge Zippe Laser

12 Enrichment Methods (continued)
Very difficult since isotopes have very similar chemical and physics properties Can only be separated by small differences in mass Mostly done by use of compound UF6

13 Uranium hexafluoride Highly toxic, violent reaction with water, radioactive Used often in uranium enrichment because it has a triple point (64.05C) and slightly higher than normal atmospheric pressure Yellowcake (U3O8) dissolved in nitric acid, giving uranyl nitrate Pure uranyl nitrate is extracted by solvent extraction Treated with ammonia to produce ammonium diuranate (ADU, (NH4)2U2O7) Reduction with hydrogen to get UO2 Converted with hydrofluoric acid to uranium tetrafluoride Oxidized with fluorine to get UF6

14 Diffusion Gaseous Forcing hex through semi-permeable membranes
Based on Graham’s law (rate of effusion is inversely proportional to square root of molar mass) Slight separation between 235 and 238 Large number of stages are required for decent grades to be produced (called a cascade)

15 Diffusion (continued)
Gaseous (continued) Eventually U235 and U238 are separated by comparable amount Currently being phased out in favor of centrifuge enrichment methods Thermal Uses heat across a thin liquid Smaller U235 tend towards the hotter surface and heavier U238 tends towards the colder surface Not very efficient, quickly abandoned after World War II

16 Centrifuge Uses centrifugal acceleration to separate molecules Gas
Heavier particles move towards wall and lighter particles stay close to the center Allows hex to flow in and out constantly of the device Allows for easy cascading Casing contains vacuum to minimize friction

17 Centrifuge (continued)
Gas (continued) Motor spins rotor to generate centripetal force RPM typically above 50,000 Process is silent, sound indicates failure Zippe Gas centrifuge with thermal components Enriches uranium more quickly but process is more complicated

18 Laser Laser lower energy inputs lower capital costs
significant economic advantages Atomic Vapor Laser Isotope Separation and Molecular Laser Isotope Separation Absorption lines of U235 and U238 differ very slightly Only U235 gets excited U235 is collected on an electromagnetic plate and unwanted U238 passes through

19 Separative Work Units Function of amount of uranium used and degree of enrichment Slightly complicated formula used to calculate it Gas centrifuges are a lot more efficient than diffusion Shown by comparing SWU’s

20 Separative Work Units (continued)
Equation SWU = P·V(Np) + W·V(Nw) – F·V(Nf) Where P is the product amount, Np is the product concentration, W is the waste amount, Nw is the waste concentration, F is the feed amount, Nf is the feed concentration, and V(x) is a value function that takes the form: V(x)=(2x-1)ln(x/(1-x)) where x is a given concentration

21 Works Cited Brown. Chemistry: The Central Science. Ninth ed. Place of Publication Not Identified: Prentice Hall, Print. Schwarcz, Joseph A. The Genie in the Bottle: 64 All New Commentaries on the Fascinating Chemistry of Everyday Life. New York: W.H. Freeman, Print.

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