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Infrastructure Delivery Management Toolkit: 2010 Edition

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1 Infrastructure Delivery Management Toolkit: 2010 Edition
Delivery Process 1: Portfolio Management Programme Management Sonny Schmidt development through partnership

2 The IDMS DP1: Portfolio Management DP2: Project Management
Prov Infr Strat DP1: Portfolio Management DP1-1 Infrastructure Planning DP1-2 Programme Management Develop U-AMP (including prioritised MTEF works list) Develop C-AMP (including work plans) Dev Proc Strat Develop/review IPMP Manage Implementation G1(a) G1(b) G2 PC1 PF1.4 PF1.3 PF2.1 PF2.2 PF2.3 PF3 PF4 PF5 DP2: Project Management DP2-1 Planning (Develop IPIP) DP2-2 Design DP2-3 Works DP2-4 Close Out Package prep Package definition Works planning Design developt. MFC Info Con/Del works Handovr works Project Close Out Update Asset Register G3 G4 G5 G6(a) G6(b) G7 G8 PC2 PC3 PC4a PC5 PC4b T1 T2 Delivery Gates: G1a – Approved U-AMP (incl MTEF list) G1b – Approved C-AMP (incl Works list G2 – Accepted Procurement Strategy G3 – Accepted Strategic Brief G4 – Accepted Concept Report G5 – Accepted Design Development Report G6 a – Accepted Production Information G6b - Accepted Manufacture, Fabrication & Construction information G6c ?? – Sonny to confirm if required G7 – Accepted works in accordance with requirements G8 – Works taken over by User, complete with record information Procurement Milestones: PC1 – Procure PSP for Programme Management, incl strategic procurement services PC2 – Management Contractor / Framework Contract PC3 – Design and Construct PC4a – Design by Employer (Consultant procurement) PC4b – Design by Employer (Contractor procurement) PC5 – Develop and Construct Performance Management Processes: PF1.1 – Develop Indicators from Strategic Plan objectives PF1.2 - Develop Indicators from Programme Implementation Plans and Budgets PF1.3 – Develop Indicators from Project / Operational & Maintenance Plans PF1.4 – Link Indicators and RACI to individual Performance Agreements PF2.1 – Monitor & Evaluate Inputs, Activities and Outputs against plan PF2.2 – Monitor & Evaluate Outcomes against plan PF2.3 – Monitor & Evaluate Impacts against plan PF3 – Publish Performance Information PF4 – Review / Appraise individual performance PF5 – Take management action Triggers: T1 – Trigger – To O&M on requirements for works that will be delivered T2 – Trigger – To other Dep’s on requirements for other services (staff, books (Edu), pharmaceuticals (Health), etc) PF1.4 PF1.3 PF2.1 PF2.2 PF2.3 PF3 PF4 PF5 DP3: Operations & Maintenance DP3-1 Recognise & accept assets DP3-2 Mobilisation for Facilities Mgt DP3-3 Operations DP3-4 Maintenance DP3-5 Demobilise Facilities Mgt G8 PF1.4 PF1.3 PF2.1 PF2.2 PF2.3 PF3 PF4 PF5

3 User and Custodian Portfolio Management Outputs
organisations Custodian U-AMP Construction procurement strategy IPMP Organisation and Support plan Monitoring reports Recommended actions C-AMP Work Plans Portfolio Management outputs by responsible organisation The Implementing Agent is managed by the User on the basis of the SDA between the organisations and the IPIP it submits


5 Programme Management (1)
Definition: “a group of related projects managed in a coordinated way to obtain benefits and control not available from managing them individually”. The PMI’s Standard for Program Management definition Shared resources: Documentation, Resources, Lessons, Budget Effective PMO required to achieve these benefits. Outputs include 2nd gate in Gateway Process CPS and IPMP are User responsibilities – may procure PSP to assist (Procurement Milestone PC1 in IDMS)

6 “Programme View” of Budget
Summary budget for previous 3 asset organisation Can be re-ordered to show “Asset View” – costs per asset in single line Different views required for different reporting requirements

7 Portfolio Structure Portfolios, Programmes and Projects
Highest level Portfolio Lower level Portfolios Projects Higher level Programmes Lower level Programmes Other work Portfolios, Programmes and Projects

8 Programme Management Roleplayers
Programme Structure Corporate Structure

9 Construction Procurement Strategy
User is responsible for developing and managing the CPS and IPMP Refer to PG2: Construction Procurement Strategy Key portion of IPMP

10 Infrastructure Programme Management Plan
The “IPMP” The Client Department’s: MTEF Infrastructure Projects, and Management Requirements See as an “Instruction” to the Implementing Department/Agent (part of Service Delivery Agreement)

11 PMI Project Management Plan
Communications Management Plan HR Management Plan Risk Management Plan Procurement Management Plan Time Management Plan Cost Management Plan Quality Management Plan Scope Management Plan Project Management Plan

12 Multi Project Environment
Communications Management Plan HR Management Plan Risk Management Plan Procurement Management Plan Time Management Plan Cost Management Plan Quality Management Plan Scope Management Plan Project Management Plan

13 Part 1: Management Requirements applicable to all Programmes/Projects
IPMP: Three parts Part 1: Management Requirements applicable to all Programmes/Projects Communications Management Plan HR Management Plan Risk Management Plan Procurement Management Plan Time Management Plan Cost Management Plan Quality Management Plan Scope Management Plan Programme Management Plan

14 Part 2: Management Requirements applicable to specific Programmes
IPMP: Three parts Part 2: Management Requirements applicable to specific Programmes Communications Management Plan HR Management Plan Risk Management Plan Procurement Management Plan Time Management Plan Cost Management Plan Quality Management Plan Scope Management Plan Programme 1 Communications Management Plan HR Management Plan Risk Management Plan Procurement Management Plan Time Management Plan Cost Management Plan Quality Management Plan Scope Management Plan Programme 2 Communications Management Plan HR Management Plan Risk Management Plan Procurement Management Plan Time Management Plan Cost Management Plan Quality Management Plan Scope Management Plan Programme 3 Communications Management Plan HR Management Plan Risk Management Plan Procurement Management Plan Time Management Plan Cost Management Plan Quality Management Plan Scope Management Plan Programme 4

15 Part 3: Programme MTEF Project List
IPMP: Three parts Part 3: Programme MTEF Project List Separate list for each programme: Active Projects: Budgets based on Committed Cost Approved Projects: Budgets (preferably) based on Tender Estimates Proposed Projects: Budgets based on Preliminary or Conceptual Estimates Prog 1 Project List Prog 2 Project List Prog 3 Project List Prog 4 Project List

16 Thank you 2006 Ver planning philosophy remains the same
GIAMA requirements added – essentially a combination of the outputs of each of the steps in the roadmaps Good working relationship between Custodian and User essential Flows now linear – easier for people to use

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