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VOPE Institutional Support Toolkit

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Presentation on theme: "VOPE Institutional Support Toolkit"— Presentation transcript:

1 VOPE Institutional Support Toolkit
An introduction and invitation to get involved (insert date here) (insert conference name) (insert presenter name) For the Toolkit Champion: A lot of literature about presentations suggests that telling a story as part of your presentation will increase the quality and keep the audience’s attention better. Thus it is suggested that you enhance this presentation with the story of your VOPE. How it came about, how long it has been operating and any anecdotes you can share. Give examples of how your VOPE will be able to use the toolkit or has used the toolkit to illustrate how useful the content is. You have 15 minutes to present the Toolkit, test the slides and see if you can keep to the time period using all the slides (adapt the presentation if it is to long by eliminating some slides).

2 Objectives / Aims of the session or Anticipated Outcomes
What you can learn - For workshop participants Show what is in the Toolkit. How to use the toolkit. How to contribute to toolkit. What we can learn - For Toolkit Champions and Toolkit Developers Usability of toolkit. Usability of resources. Gaps and priorities for further development. Check if this is valid for your presentation, add or delete any items not relevant or appropriate to the specific session. For workshop participants Become aware of a range of helpful resources to be used to build strong and transparent VOPEs Become involved in disseminating the contents of the toolkit to other potential users Become users and even contributors to the Toolkit For Toolkit Champions and Toolkit Developers Provides valuable feedback on the usability toolkit and existing resources Highlights gaps and priorities for further development

3 Agenda Optional: My VOPE story… Overview
Website Navigation and Contents A call for your participation / help? Adapt the agenda if you do not want to share anything from your VOPE. And remove the relevant slides (number 4 and 5)

4 MY VOPE This slide should be removed if you do not want to add info of your VOPE. (Please also adapt the agenda and remove the next slide if you do not want to include your own VOPE story in the presentation)

5 My VOPE story Add notes here about your VOPE. (Refer to notes on first slide) How it started How long it has been operating Number of members Strategic objectives Any anecdotes / learnings you can share


7 About the Toolkit Voluntary Organization for Professional Evaluation (VOPE) Institutional Capacity Toolkit Collection of curated descriptions, tools, advice, examples, software and toolboxes developed by VOPEs and other organizations working to support non-profit organizations. This Voluntary Organization for Professional Evaluation (VOPE) Institutional Capacity Toolkit is a collection of curated descriptions, tools, advice, examples, software and toolboxes developed by VOPEs and other organizations working to support non-profit organizations. It was compiled by EvalPartners, the International Evaluation Partnership Initiative, together with the Toolkit Task Force responsible for Institutional capacity building of VOPEs.   

8 Who was involved? Funding Compiled by EvalPartners Toolkit Task Team
Provide advice Review deliverables as necessary Help to identify resources Sign off on deliverables Funding: UN Woman, IOCE It was compiled by EvalPartners, the International Evaluation Partnership Initiative, together with the Toolkit Task Force responsible for Institutional capacity building of VOPEs.    Toolkit developed by

9 How was the Toolkit developed?
Design Toolkit Framework Collect Data Topics Resources Check and Sign off (TKTF) Launch at EvalMENA (Feb 2015) Translate to French Toolkit framework was designed Data collected Different topics e.g. How to set up a VOPE Resources identified that provides advise, examples e.g. constitution of a VOPE Checked and signed off by the TKTF. Launched at EvalMENA, Feb 2015. Translate to French and resources collected by volunteers! Toolkit developed by

10 Who this toolkit is for This toolkit is for volunteers and staff involved in establishing and managing emergent and developed VOPEs.   If your VOPE has just started out, this resource is for you. If your VOPE has been around for a long time, but you are interested in making it more transparent or active, this resource is also for you.

11 What this toolkit is It is NOT an exhaustive list of topics to which VOPEs should pay attention It is a good collection of information for VOPEs to consult BUT it does not replace the kind of information that an experienced professional or trained information specialist might be able to advise on. All of the material is included as is, and there is no guarantee that the material will be appropriate in your context. This toolkit is not an exhaustive list of topics to which VOPEs should pay attention. It is a good collection of information for VOPEs to start to consult, but it does not replace the kind of information that an experienced professional or trained information specialist might be able to advise on. All of the material is included as is, and there is no guarantee that the material will be appropriate in your context.

12 Sections of Toolkit Toolkit is divided in 4 parts: Linked to development of you VOPE Presenter notes: You can ask the audience here to by a show of hand indicate in which categories they fall. You can then use the info to direct the rest of your presentation to that aspect. Toolkit is divided in 3 parts: Linked to development of you VOPE (new, founded but only starting the journey, been around the block a few times). However as your VOPE changes and evolve you will find useful resources and advise in different sections. New Founded, starting the work of a VOPE A few years later…

13 Contents Sections and Subsection posts Resources
Discussion, advise, tips Resources Presenter notes: You can ask the audience here to by a show of hand indicate in which categories they fall. You can then use the info to direct the rest of your presentation to that aspect.

14 Designed to help, advise, support in:
Steps towards founding a VOPE Decide on formalization Define a vision and mission Constitutions / founding documents and bylaws Register as a legal entity Establish a membership policy and membership register Annual General Meetings (AGMs) Annual reports communications Developing an online presence for the VOPE Social media presence Human Resources (HR) Administration of membership Administration of voting Finance Receiving payments Purchasing Hosting conferences, workshops etc. Hosting online evaluation capacity building events Doing advocacy Publications and newsletters Developing guidelines and standards Evaluation awards Connecting regionally and internationally Making statements on issues of importance in evaluation

15 EvalAgenda2020 The aims of EvalAgenda2020 are to:
Strengthen the enabling environment for evaluation. Develop Institutional capacities. Participate in EvalPartners efforts to build individual capacities for evaluation, focusing on evaluators, commissioners and users of evaluation. Support the inter-linkages among these first three dimensions by working together. EVALSDG's EvalGender+ EvalYouth EvalIndigenous Global Parliamentarians Forum for Evaluation


17 First time visitor The first time visitor will have the About pages as a landing page.


19 VOPE Toolkit Sections


21 Navigation Click the topic header to access additional information and a rich set of resources.

22 There is an introductory description about each toolkit topic.
English and French You can print of download sections and resources. Currently Available in English, and French as well. You can print of download sections and resources

23 Besides the overview description, each topic provides links to a set of curated examples, software, tools and advice. These resources are sourced from third party websites, or contributed by other VOPEs. A flag will indicate the resource language, and the TOP RESOURCES will be highlighted.

24 Flag indicates language of the resources. English or French, currently.

25 Rate or Comment on a Resource
Use the rating or comment options to provide feedback on a resource.

26 WE NEED YOUR HELP/ call for participation?

27 Call to action - You can be part of this exciting venture!
Become familiar with the online version Advocate and share Train others on the toolkit Contribute additional resources Suggest/ contribute new topics to be included in the website Submit comments on the website itself

28 Thank you, Questions?

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