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The Tale of Creation Based on Hesiod’s tale.

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1 The Tale of Creation Based on Hesiod’s tale

2 In the beginning there was no earth, sky or sea.
There was only confusion and darkness, called _________

3 Chaos gave birth to the _________ (first) deities of which there are 5.

4 Parthenogenesis is a Greek
term to explain reproduction without sexual intercourse. A parthenogenetic birth would allow for the creation of a new element (god/goddess) thru just one parent.

5 The first to come from Chaos
was ________, the goddess of Night and all that sleeps. Later came _______, the god of the dark and all that is associated with death.

6 Then out of the dark void, Chaos
created love or _____, the god of perpetual youth and love. Order began to appear in the universe.

7 From this order, Chaos then
created a place of punishment known as _____________, the god of the lowest region of the universe.

8 Following many years, Gaia
created two sons. First came Uranus, also known as Father ___________. Pontus was the god of the _________.

9 In time Gaea took Uranus to be her mate,
together they had many children to populate the earth.

10 First, they had three monstrous sons.
Each had fifty heads and one hundred hands Very strong and powerful These were the ________________.

11 Then, they had three more sons.
They were just as big and just as ugly They had one eye in the middle of their heads.

12 3 Cyclopes Names - Brontes, Steropes, and Arges. They had weapons of lightning,_________, and lightning bolt.

13 Deceit Father Uranus despised his early sons the Hecatoncheires and the Cyclopes. He became afraid of their brute strength. He tricked them into going to Tartarus, and there he locked them away. Gaea was angered by his deed.

14 The Titans As time passed Gaea and Uranus had another set of children who are known as the Titans, which means ________. There are 12 Titans, 6 males and 6 females These gods/goddesses resemble humans in shape and form only much larger and more powerful in strength.

15 Cronus Among their children was the greatest Titan, ______
Cronus struck his father with the _____ Then, he became ruler over heaven and Earth He married his sister ____,

16 The Beginning-Cronus and Rhea Cronus is the second ruler of the world
The Beginning-Cronus and Rhea Cronus is the second ruler of the world. Rhea is the goddess of vegetation. Cronus and Rhea were two of the original Titans… a group of mighty beings who ruled the world.

17 Cronus The age in which Cronus and Rhea ruled was known as the Golden Age. This was a time of no sickness or death for mankind. Cronus was said to a “wise” ruler and often appears as an elderly man with the sickle at his side. Today he is known as “Father Time”

18 Cronus Cronus was so afraid to lose power
So one by one, Cronus swallowed his children; Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, and Poseidon.

19 The Birth of the Titans When Rhea was pregnant with her sixth child, she thought of a plan. She secretly gave birth to the child, Zeus, and gave him to Mother Earth. Gaea took the child to the Island of Crete in secret.

20 Zeus Rhea then pretended to give Cronus a child to swallow, but it was really a stone. She was successful in fooling Cronus.

21 The Island of Crete Zeus grew to be a healthy and strong. He was raised by nymphs and given special goat milk to make him strong. He remained hidden until he reached adulthood.

22 The Trickery of Zeus Once Zeus reached manhood, his mother
came to bring him to the palace disguised as a cupbearer (servant) for the king. He was also given a special elixir (drink) to give to King Cronus…which he did. When Cronus drank the potion, his stomach rumbled and he vomited up his children.

23 The Olympians Of course, his siblings were delighted to be released from their prison. Together they forged a union to defeat the Titans and rule as the true and powerful gods of the world. They would need help though if they were to be successful. Gaea was the first to be consulted.

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