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Presentation on theme: "Encouraging Foodborne FATTOM Pathogens OOD CIDITY IME EMPERATURE XYGEN"— Presentation transcript:

1 Encouraging Foodborne FATTOM Pathogens OOD CIDITY IME EMPERATURE XYGEN
OISTURE FATTOM Encouraging Foodborne Pathogens

2 Food Moist protein-rich foods, such as meat, milk, eggs and fish are potentially hazardous.

3 pH is a measurement of how acidic or alkaline a food is.
F ACIDITY T T O M pH is a measurement of how acidic or alkaline a food is. pH = acidic foods (ex. lemons) pH = alkaline (ex. crackers) pH =neutral to slightly acid (bacteria grows best)

4 Acidity Bacteria grow best in an environment that is neutral or slightly acidic (thrive in the PH range between 6.6 and 7.5). Most bacterial growth is inhibited in very acidic conditions. That is why acidic foods like vinegar and fresh fruits (especially citrus) seldom provide a favorable climate for pathogenic bacteria.

5 Foodborne microorganisms need sufficient time to grow!
F A TIME T O M Foodborne microorganisms need sufficient time to grow! They are capable of doubling their population every twenty minutes. If potentially hazardous food remains in the temperature danger zone for two hours or longer, foodborne microorganisms can grow to levels high enough to make someone ill.

6 Temperature Microorganisms grow and reproduce quickly between the temperature of 41 degrees F and 135 degrees F. Food must be handled very carefully when: Thawed Cooked Cooled Reheated

7 Oxygen Microorganisms that need oxygen (air) to grow are called aerobic. Some (very few) microorganisms will grow only in anaerobic conditions. i.e. Botulism

8 Moisture Water is essential for the growth of Foodborne pathogens or microorganisms.

9 Perishability Water Activity Food Examples 0.95
F A T T O MOISTURE Water Activity Food Examples 0.95 Fresh Fruit, Meat, Milk Cheese Margarine Salted Meats Jam Nuts Honey 0.5 Pasta 0.3 Dried Vegetables 0.2 Crackers Perishability

10 Institute of Food Technologist National Restaurant Association Education Foundation. Serve Safe.4th ed.

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