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The mark tree Unnisa Suarez.

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1 the mark tree Unnisa Suarez

2 The Mark Tree A ruler, wrapping twine, metal pipes, and eye screws

3 How to assemble my instrument:
Get a 3/8ths of a metal pipe. Cut it into 8 pieces from a large length to small: Here are the specific measurements- 1.) Cut 19.7cm., 2.) Cut 18.3 cm., 3) Cut cm., 4.) Cut cm., 5.) Cut 15.5 cm., 6.) Cut 14.3 cm., 7.)14.1 cm., 8.) Cut 13.5 cm. Make 2 holes across from each other through one of the pipes for the string to go in. To make a hole, use a drill of 1/8 bet. Put the holes at 1.4 cm away from the tip of the pipe. Repeat to all the other pipes. Get a home depot wooden ruler and you can paint it black or any color. Make 16 holes on the skinny side of the ruler, where it will be hanging. To make a hole, use a drill of 1/16 bet. The holes must be 1.5 cm. away from each other. After that, cut with scissors 102 cm. of wrapping twine. Put the string through a needle, so that you can easily go through the holes of the pipes.

4 How to assemble my instrument:
Grab the handle of the ruler and tie a knot in the first screw from the end of the string. Have another person keep holding the ruler, as you put the string through the pipes and the screws. Now, put in order the pipes from longest to small. Put the needle through the holes of the longest pipe. Then, go through the screw, next to the one you tied a knot, and go through it twice with the needle and string. Go to the next screw and go through it twice. Grab the next pipe(that goes in the order) and go through the holes with the needle. Go to the next screw and go through it twice with the string. Repeat step 12, 13 and 14 until you get to the last screw.

5 How to assemble my instrument:
Once you get to the last screw, get ready to tie a knot. Before you do, have the other person grab the end of the string, as you line up the pipes and have them leveled. Make sure that the pipes are hanging from 2.3 cm. away from the screw. To get the chime handle, to bang the pipes, use can use the metal side of your pencil, a bamboo skewer, or if your lucky you can use an unscrewed top handle of an old coffee pot.

6 Background Research In science we learned about the parts and types of the wave. My instrument is in the percussion area, and the sound travels by transverse waves. My instrument makes sound as you bang it with the handle. When you hit percussion instruments hard, it changes the volume to loud. Since the pipes are in different lengths, that’s how you depend on the pitch. So, the small pipe would be high in pitch. The medium that is vibrating is the metal of the pipe.

7 Wave diagram Wave length

8 Experimental Design How can my instrument change pitch/frequency?
How can my instrument change volume/amplitude? Hypothesis: If I shorten the pipe, then the pitch will be higher. Materials: Pano tuner app The longest pipe (19.7 cm) The medium pipe (15.5 cm) The smallest pipe (13.5 cm) Handle of the instrument Procedure: Use your pano tuner and start playing the longest pipe. Record your data of the amount of Hz. Repeat three times. Play the medium pipe and record your data. Repeat three times. Finally, play the smallest pipe and record data. Repeat three times. Hypothesis: If I hit it hard, then the volume will be louder. Materials: Decibel meter The longest pipe (19.7) Handle of the instrument Procedure: Hit the pipe softly. Measure the volume using the decibel meter and record your data. Repeat three times. Hit the pipe a little harder and repeat step 2. Hit the pipe even harder and repeat step 2.

9 Data and Results Testing the Change in Pitch
Testing the Change in Volume Length of pipes Measured in Hertz 1st cm 609.4 Hz 2nd cm Hz 3rd cm Hz 4th cm Hz 5th cm Hz 6th cm Hz 7th cm Hz 8th – 13.5 cm Hz 1st trial 2nd trial 3rd trial Average Soft 80 dB 90 dB 75 dB 81.6 dB Medium 85 dB 92 dB 89 dB Hard 91 dB 100 dB 97 dB

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