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St Charles’ RC Primary School Year 5

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1 St Charles’ RC Primary School Year 5

2 School mission Mission statement
Mission statement St Charles’ is our school with Jesus at the heart, where we share the joy of the Gospel. We work to be the best we can be and live life to the full. We respect and care for each other in a welcoming place. Together we follow in Jesus’ footsteps in our living and learning

3 Catholic Life of St Charles’
Come and See RE curriculum Daily worship Children join in with whole school liturgies, assemblies and celebrations Planning and leading liturgies Charitable giving – Children in Need, Cafod, Macmillan, Daft as a Brush. Mini Vinnies

4 Footsteps Behaviour system Building positive relationships
Footsteps are followed throughout school We are sensible We listen carefully We care for God’s world We are the best that we can be We tell the truth We are polite and considerate We include everyone

5 Structure of the school day
8.50am Classroom doors open 9.00 am School begins 12.00 pm Lunch 1.00pm Afternoon session begins 3.15 pm School ends

6 Daily Routines Children enter the classroom from their outdoor area. School day starts at 9am and doors open at 8.50am. Snack time Children can bring a snack in for the afternoon Water Water bottle – clearly labelled Lunchtime Universal Free School Meals – please complete form Hot or cold meal options – banding system

7 Reading Comprehension Skills
Daily Routines Day Lesson 1 9.00 – 10.00 Lesson 2 Break 10.30 –10.45 Lesson 3 Lunch Lessons 4 and 5 1.00 – 3.00 Mon 1:1 Reading English PaG WS Lit Welcome Maths RWI Spelling RE Tue English Handwriting Creative Curriculum Wed Reading Comprehension Skills PE PPA AT1 Science Thurs KS2 Lit Swimming Computing Fri Spelling and Quiz LD WS Liturgy Celebration

8 Uniform The uniform is white shirt, navy or grey trousers, navy pinafore or skirt and a maroon cardigan or jumper. Black flat shoes and the school tie. Jumpers, cardigans and coats can be purchased from school. Order forms are in the pack. PE kit is a white polo shirt, navy shorts and black sand shoes. No jewellery.

9 Cornerstones Curriculum
This year our school have introduced a new way of teaching Topics across the school. Cornerstones is a scheme of work that has been has been developed to ensure that you will have full coverage of the National Curriculum. Each lesson is linked to an essential skill and English is integral to all topics, giving children the opportunity to use their reading, writing and language skills across the curriculum. What are the main principles? Every topic is introduced with a memorable experience as a hook into the learning to engage children. Each topic also has an innovative challenge to work towards as the weeks progress.  Every topic across the school is taught alongside the cornerstone's principles: starting with the engage stage, developing the learning, exploring the innovating challenge and then expressing what the children have learned and enjoyed.  It uses History, Geography and Science as the main drivers but plans for wide coverage of creative and expressive Art, D.T., Music and Dance. Each topic links directly to History, Geography or Science knowledge, building on existing skills and understanding to ensure that learning is progressive and continuous.

10 Curriculum Map: Topic Year 5 Allotment
Land use; Food origin; Geographical skills and fieldwork; Map work; Climate Beast Creator Local fieldwork; Contrasting locations Pharaohs Human and physical Features of Egypt; The River Nile; Tourism Ancient Egypt Stargazers Significant individuals - Galileo Galilei, Isaac Newton; 1960's Space Race Locating physical features Hail Caesar The Roman Empire Comparing Britain and Italy; Using maps; Locational knowledge; Human and physical geography Off with Her Head! Historic maps The Tudors

11 Maths Arithmetic tests KIRF half termly (Key Instant Recall Facts)
Board work and times tables daily Fluency, reasoning and problem solving embedded throughout the week

12 English Reading Comprehension skills GPS RWI Spelling Programme
Writing through different genre – in roadshow

13 Raised Expectations Presentation of work and children
Handwriting – Nelson Productivity Following the Footsteps Always working to be the best they can be Please ensure that the children arrive no later than 9:00 as teaching begins straight after registration

14 Handwriting Nelson handwriting

15 End of Year Four Expectations
Assessing without levels Progress over time

16 Homework Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Reading
Spelling Quiz Mental Maths sent home. Mental Maths Mental Maths Quiz GPS Homework

17 Homework Activities: Children should be reading for a minimum of 10 minutes per night and having reading records signed. Upper Key Stage Two children can record their own comments in the reading records. Reading will be mainly from their School Reader but can also include comics, newspapers (how Newcastle United got on!) magazines, online reading and books from home e.g. reading a chapter book at bedtime with Dad. Please also comment on these in the Reading Record if you wish to – we’d love to hear about the children’s love of all types of literature. Spellings are taken from our Spelling Curriculum and the spellings for the full half-term are sent with the weeks they will be tested indicated. These will be a mix of the spelling pattern for the week and the year group word lists. GPS (Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling) homework is sent home on a Tuesday when the lesson is taught and due back in the following Tuesday. Mental Maths facts to learn are sent home on Monday to be practised at home throughout the week. They will be revisited regularly through the week in school and a selection of the facts tested on Fridays.

18 General information Marking Policy Text messaging service
Medical needs Please label all clothing Water bottles Please inform staff of who will be picking up or dropping off your child Information is available on school website Open door – any concerns speak to the class teacher Trips – Hawkhirst

19 Some important dates for Autumn half-term.
Thank you Some important dates for Autumn half-term. 26th September Safeguarding training for volunteers at pm 28th September Brighten up the Harvest Year of Mercy liturgy. All welcome. 30th September MacMillan Coffee Morning – all welcome 9.00 am 12th October School Photographs 18th October NSPCC in school. Assemblies for KS1 and KS2. 19th October Sign up for Parents Evenings/ Consultations 3.15 pm 21st October Last day of this half term. School day ends at 3.15 pm 31st October School re-opens after half term 8.50 am

20 Please go into the New Hall to see our Curriculum Road-show and have a closer look at the resources and other things that your children will be doing this year. Thank you.

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