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Leadership of the Faithful

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2 Leadership of the Faithful
The Caliph == head of state in a Caliphate leader of the Islamic community Caliph means "successor" or "representative".

3 #5 - How did Islam Spread ? 10.2 After Muhammad’s death Abu- Bakr, loyal friend of Muhammad elected Caliph “leader” First four Caliphs expand Islam – all had personally known Muhammad. Used Qur’an and Muhammad’s actions as guides to leadership Islam was a religion that was distinctly Arab Parallels with Christianity and Judaism

4 Rightly Guided Caliphs
Why known as the “rightly guided” caliphs First Caliphs who followed Muhammad Jihad – “striving”, inner struggle against evil, also armed struggle against non believers/Holy War guarantee entrance into paradise

5 Spread of Islam Islam unites all Arabs What is a Jihad?
Qur’an says to spread faith. What is a Jihad? Inner struggle (good vs. evil) Holy War- Against non believers Koran on the conquered: People of the book Religious tolerance Byzantine and Persian Empires

6 Divisions within Islam – Present-day Sunni – 83% Shities 16%
Believe first four Caliphs were “rightly guided” Muslim rulers – follow Muhammad’s example “Sunna” No Dynasty Shites have distorted meaning of passages in Qur’an Shi’a aka Shites Only recognize 4th Caliph Ali – descendant of Muhammad is the rightful leader Muslim rulers should descend from Muhammad Sunnis leaders too lavish Sunni have distorted meaning of passage in Qur’an

7 Sufism: Muslim Mystics
No Materialism Devotion to a spiritual path

8 Similarities Semitic Origins Devine Revelation
Judaism, Christianity, Islam – All accept The prophets-Abraham the first Devine Revelation Judaism- Mt. Sinai-Moses Christianity- Jesus is god/Messiah Islam- Mohammad - Mt. Hira – Allah is god

9 Similarities Ethical Orientation Linear concept of History
Good vs. Evil Obedience vs. Disobedience to God Ethical Code Linear concept of History Creation God works throughout history.

10 Similarities Holy Books Ethical System 10 Commandments 5 Pillars
Torah – It is composed of the Five Books of Moses and 39 other important Jewish texts. Bible – For Christians the Old & New Testament. Koran – For Muslims writings of Mohammad which are revelations from God to Mohammad Ethical System 10 Commandments 5 Pillars Life after death

11 Similarities Devotion to traditions in Torah, Bible and Koran
Stories of Adam, Abraham, Noah, Moses

12 Differences No intermediaries (Priests) No saints
Angels were just messengers

13 Wars of Expansion First Four Caliphs expanded Islam 6,000 miles - Atlantic Ocean to Indus River Conquered Damascus and Jerusalem Conquered Persian Empire & then Northern Africa In the year 711, Muslims entered Spain

14 Battle of Tours - 732 Charles Martel Islamic Army is defeated
The Hammer Tours, France Islamic Army is defeated Christianity is preserved in Europe

15 Reasons for Success 1. Well Disciplined & expertly commanded army
2. Weak empires Byzantine & Persian empires fought one another to exhaustion 3. Offered hope & equality – no poll tax 4. Forbade forced conversion – Jews & Christians “People of the Book” pay tax & exempt from military duties

16 Contribution of Islamic Culture
750 Abbasids New Dynasty of Caliphs rule for next 500 years Preserved & translated into Arabic the Greek Sciences, Philosophy, Persian History & Literature 9th Century created the House of Wisdom – Building on the Greek & Persian developments in Math, Medicine, Geography

17 Islamic Architecture Alhambra,Granada,Spain Dome of Rock-Jerusalem
Iran Alhambra,Granada,Spain Dome of Rock-Jerusalem


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