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PMIWDC Chapter Orientation Session

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Presentation on theme: "PMIWDC Chapter Orientation Session"— Presentation transcript:

1 PMIWDC Chapter Orientation Session

2 Objectives PMIWDC Chapter Introduction
PMIWDC Chapter Management and Board Structure PMIWDC Chapter Member Benefits Q&A

3 Expectations Before we begin……….
Are there any questions that you would like to have answered during this presentation?

4 PMIWDC Chapter Introduction
The largest component of PMI in the world Over 10,000 members Nearly 200 volunteers Not for profit organization Formed in 1978 Run and managed by volunteers Chapter events and activities attract all levels of business and government managers, executives, and PMPs Provide a framework for professional networking and social interaction among its members Offer reduced cost PMP certification prep courses (4/year) Offer opportunities to earn in excess of 300 PDUs a year

5 PMIWDC Vision and Mission
To Serve Our Members and Promote Exceptional Project Management! MISSION To promote the profession of project and program management among our members and within our communities; offer opportunities to educate, connect, and develop leaders of today and tomorrow.

6 19 PMIWDC History 2013 2011 35th Anniversary 2005
Largest Chapter in the world 2013 35th Anniversary 2011 Membership reaches 10,000 2005 Membership reaches 5,000 1999 Membership reaches 1,000 1978 Chartered (8th PMI Chapter) 19

7 PMI Recognition 2010 Component Award for Leadership, Planning & Operations Component Award for Collaboration & Outreach 2011 Recognition of Excellence Award for its Component Volunteer Program 2012 PMI Chapter Award for Leadership, Planning and Operations Recognition of Excellence PMI Chapter Award for Volunteer Programs

8 How do we do it? Volunteers Members

9 Chapter Management Governed by Chapter Bylaws and Policies
All volunteer boards: Governance Board (strategic) Operations Board (tactical) Potomac Management Resources (PMR) Full-service association management company in Alexandria, VA providing administrative, financial management, board facilitation, communications, member and event planning services Org chart with PMI > PMIWDC (+other chapters) > Governance (10 Directors at Large) vs. Operations (28 amount of VPs & AVPs)

10 Board Structure Board of Directors - Governance Board
CEO CFO COO Directors-at-large Board of Directors - Operations Board Programs Professional Alliances Professional Development Networking Operations Services Local Communities Educational Partnerships Finance Volunteer Coordination Technology Membership Marketing

11 New Members – What to Expect
Member Number Assigned by PMI PMIWDC uses same number PMIWDC Chapter Distribution List Chapter communications Chapter eNewsletter Access to Members-Only Site Discount rates for chapter events Receive a New Member Welcome Postcard to attend one Chapter dinner meeting for FREE New Member Raffle (Meet & Greet area)

12 Benefits of Membership
Professional Development Networking We are going to breakdown the benefits of membership into 3 major categories: Professional Development – includes opportunities for PMIWDC chapter members to earn PDU’s as well as tools and opportunities to help you grow from entry level to executive leadership Networking – includes opportunities for PMIWDC chapter members to make new connections for employment, partnership, and other collaboration opportunities Education – includes opportunities for PMIWDC chapter members to attend PMP Prep Courses or earn Scholarships In reality there is strong overlap between these three major categories of benefits. Education

13 PMP Maintenance 60 PDU’s for every 3 Year Cycle Required

14 Earning PDU’s Attend PMIWDC Events Attend Local Training Events
View Online Presentations ( Present at a PMIWDC Event Volunteer with PMIWDC Document your PM Experience

15 Documenting PDU’s Many events will provide instructions
Try “myPMI” Smart Phone App PDU Reporting Tutorial Link to for actual reporting Username and Password Required

16 PMIWDC Events Monthly Dinner Meetings Monthly Chapter Talks Events
Annual PMIWDC Project Management Symposium Luncheon Meetings Other PMI Events PM After Hours Breakfast Meetings (PM in the AM) Other local community events Professional Development (Networking) Dinner (1 slides of detail) / Online Videos Symposium (1 slide of detail) Luncheons Breakfasts PM in AM Toastmasters Other Events (Throughout DC, VA) – MAP OF AREA with thumbtacks

17 Monthly Dinner Meetings
Fairview Park Marriott – Falls Church, VA ~ 3rd Monday (January, April, July and October) 5:00 PM - Registration Opens 5:00 PM - PMIWDC Members Only Book Club Meeting 5:30 PM - PM Tools 5:30 PM - Networking Reception & Cash Bar 6:15 PM - New Member Meet & Greet 7:00 PM - Dinner & Cash Bar 7:45 PM – Dinner Presentation 9:00 PM - Adjourn Additional Activities – Quarterly Orientation Sessions 3rd Monday of January, April, July and October 400+ Attendees Resume and Job Table Name Tags and Stickers and Lanyards – N New, L Looking, H Hiring

18 Monthly Chapter Talks Events
Fairview Park Marriott – Falls Church, VA ~ 3rd Monday (Months where no dinner meeting is held) 5:00 PM - Registration Opens 5:00 PM - PMIWDC Members Only Book Club Meeting 5:30 PM - PM Tools 6:00 PM - Networking Reception & Cash Bar 6:00 PM - New Member Meet & Greet 6:45 PM – PM Talks 7:45 PM - Presentation Concludes, Stay for Continued Networking! 3rd Monday of every month that Dinner is not held. If you register for the PM Talks, you are automatically registered for the PM Tools at no extra cost! A $20 savings for the same 2 PDUs, you will get light appetizers while you listen to our PM Talks speaker and still get home to your family and friends for dinner. As a bonus, we have 2 networking opportunities- before the PM Talks and after!

19 eView Chapter Meeting Archive
More than 100 videos and growing Dinner meetings PM Tools sessions Free PDU Opportunities Only available to PMIWDC members

20 Annual Project Management Symposium
Something for everyone…. Don't miss out on PMIWDC's biggest event of the year, Provides chapter members and businesses an exceptional opportunity to connect, and provide unique opportunities to learn, expand, and develop leaders of tomorrow Designed to: Match the interests, skills and experiences of our members to the needs of businesses looking for exceptional project managers Provide educational and motivational experience for attendees through well vetted speakers

21 Monthly Luncheon Meetings
PDU available for attendance Informal format with 20 to 100 attendees depending on the meeting location No cost (brownbag lunch) at most locations! Locations: - Chantilly - Department of Labor - Fair Lakes Fairview Park - Skyline - Internal Revenue Service - McPherson Square Washington Circle - Tyson's Corner - Reston

22 Other PMI Events PM in the A.M. at the National Press Club (Washington, DC) Toastmasters (PMIWDC#01 in McLean) Prince William County, PM Saturday Winchester (Shenandoah Valley), Quarterly Charlottesville Community Dinners PM After Hours in Rosslyn

23 Benefits of Membership
Professional Development Networking Education

24 Career and Social Networking
Industry Specific Events Online Job Board - No cost to members Post a resume or search for jobs PM Symposium Annual event Sponsors – some looking for new hires (Access to PMIWDC Job Board/Resume Database) Speakers – Career driven topics (up to 6 PDUs) PM After Hours Meet area Project Management professionals in a relaxed, casual atmosphere Held five to seven times per year Local area restaurants and hotels Attendance ranges from 50 to 100 Food, Drinks, Icebreaking games, and more!! Discussion Groups Event Awareness LinkedIn

25 Benefits of Membership
Professional Development Networking Education

26 PMP® Certification Preparation Courses Scholarships
Education PMP® Certification Preparation Courses Scholarships

27 PMP Preparation Courses
PMIWDC's classes help students prepare for PMP exam Taught by instructors with years of practical project management experience Attendees should have a background in project management fundamentals Structured according to the PMBOK® Guide knowledge areas Exam prep courses offered approximately 4 times/year Agile prep courses are also offered

28 Scholarships George Patton Memorial Scholarship assists PMIWDC chapter members in funding continuing education coursework. Clay Myers Memorial Academic Scholarship promotes academic & professional development for pursuing for-credit education in project management at qualifying institutions. The scholarships award a maximum of $2,000 to one or more applicants, twice per year.

29 Visit our Website Tips for navigating the large website
Remember vs.

30 Stay Informed

31 Volunteering PMIWDC is a Volunteer led organization
Benefits include being part of a dynamic organization, PDUs, and networking Volunteer Opportunities include: Networking Programs Finance Professional Development Outreach Membership Records Management Communications and more special projects

32 Thanks to our Sponsors Thank you to our sponsors for making these benefits possible. Mention that many of the benefits discussed in this presentation are largely due to our sponsors!

33 We are here to meet your needs!
Q&A Welcome to PMIWDC We are here to meet your needs! If you have ideas or comments or questions, please send them to us at: Or stop any Board Member or Volunteer at any PMIWDC event - you will recognize them by their name badges Talk to PMIWDC volunteers in the back of the room Q/A

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