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Requirement Determination

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Presentation on theme: "Requirement Determination"— Presentation transcript:

1 Requirement Determination
Chapter three

2 Outline Requirements elicitation Problem statement
Requirements specification Types of requirements Validating requirements Summary

3 What does the Customer say?
Read The Sign Out loud!Bet you said "A Bird in the Bush", right? Read it it again!, It says a bird in the the Bush! Similarly, we often do not hear what the customers say, because we assume we know what they say.

4 Identifying the Requirements: System identification
Two questions need to be answered: How can we identify the purpose of a system? What is inside, what is outside the system? These two questions are answered during requirements elicitation and analysis Requirements elicitation: Definition of the system in terms understood by the customer (“Requirements specification”) Analysis: Definition of the system in terms understood by the developer (Technical specification, “Analysis model”) Requirements Process: Contains the activities Requirements Elicitation and Analysis. Requirements identification consists of two activities: Requirements elicitation and Analysis The identification of objects and the definition of the system boundary are heavily intertwined with each other.

5 Techniques to elicit Requirements
Bridging the gap between end user and developer: Questionnaires: Asking the end user a list of pre-selected questions Task Analysis: Observing end users in their operational environment Joint Application Development (JAD) Scenarios: Describe the use of the system as a series of interactions between a concrete end user and the system Use cases: Abstractions that describe a class of scenarios.

6 Deliverables and Outcomes
Deliverables for Requirements Determination: From interviews and observations —interview transcripts, observation notes, meeting minutes From existing written documents — mission and strategy statements, business forms, procedure manuals, job descriptions, training manuals, system documentation, flowcharts

7 Deliverables and Outcomes (Cont.)
From computerized sources — Joint Application Design session results, CASE repositories, reports from existing systems, displays and reports from system prototype

8 Traditional Methods for Determining Requirements
Interviewing individuals Interviewing groups Observing workers Studying business documents

9 Interviewing and Listening
One of the primary ways analysts gather information about an information systems project Interview Guide is a document for developing, planning and conducting an interview.

10 Guidelines for Effective Interviewing
Plan the interview. Prepare interviewee: appointment, priming questions. Prepare agenda, checklist, questions. Listen carefully and take notes (tape record if permitted). Review notes within 48 hours. Be neutral. Seek diverse views.

11 Interviewing and Listening (Cont.)


13 Choosing Interview Questions
Each question in an interview guide can include both verbal and non-verbal information. Open-ended questions: questions that have no pre specified answers Closed-ended questions: questions that ask those responding to choose from among a set of specified responses

14 Interviewing Groups Drawbacks to individual interviews:
Contradictions and inconsistencies between interviewees Follow-up discussions are time consuming New interviews may reveal new questions that require additional interviews with those interviewed earlier

15 Interviewing Groups (Cont.)
Interviewing several key people together Advantages More effective use of time Can hear agreements and disagreements at once Opportunity for synergies Disadvantages More difficult to schedule than individual interviews

16 Nominal Group Technique (NGT)
A facilitated process that supports idea generation by groups Process Members come together as a group, but initially work separately. Each person writes ideas. Facilitator reads ideas out loud, and they are written on a blackboard or flipchart.

17 Nominal Group Technique (NGT)
Group openly discusses the ideas for clarification. Ideas are prioritized, combined, selected, reduced. NGT exercise used to complement group meetings or as part of JAD effort.

18 Directly Observing Users
Direct Observation Watching users do their jobs Obtaining more firsthand and objective measures of employee interaction with information systems Can cause people to change their normal operating behavior Time-consuming and limited time to observe

19 Analyzing Procedures and Other Documents
Document Analysis Review of existing business documents Can give a historical and “formal” view of system requirements

20 Analyzing Procedures and Other Documents (Cont.)
Types of information to be discovered: Problems with existing system Opportunity to meet new need Organizational direction Names of key individuals Values of organization Special information processing circumstances Reasons for current system design Rules for processing data

21 Analyzing Procedures and Other Documents (Cont.)
Useful document: Written work procedure For an individual or work group Describes how a particular job or task is performed Includes data and information used and created in the process

22 Analyzing Procedures and Other Documents …
Example of a procedure


24 Analyzing Procedures and Other Documents (Cont.)
Potential Problems with Procedure Documents: May involve duplication of effort. May have missing procedures. May be out of date. May contradict information obtained through interviews.

25 Analyzing Procedures and Other Documents (Cont.)
Formal Systems: the official way a system works as described in organizational documentation (i.e. work procedure) Informal Systems: the way a system actually works (i.e. interviews, observations)

26 Analyzing Procedures and Other Documents (Cont.)
Useful document: Business form Used for all types of business functions Explicitly indicate what data flow in and out of a system and data necessary for the system to function Gives crucial information about the nature of the organization

27 Analyzing Procedures and Other Documents (Cont.)

28 Analyzing Procedures and Other Documents (Cont.)
Useful document: Report Primary output of current system Enables you to work backwards from the report to the data needed to generate it Useful document: Description of current information system

29 Analyzing Procedures and Other Documents (Cont.)

30 Contemporary Methods for Determining System Requirements
Group Support Systems Facilitate sharing of ideas and voicing of opinions about system requirements CASE tools Used to analyze existing systems Help discover requirements to meet changing business conditions

31 Contemporary Methods for Determining System Requirements (Cont.)
System prototypes Iterative development process Rudimentary working version of system is built Refine understanding of system requirements in concrete terms

32 Joint Application Design (JAD)
Intensive group-oriented requirements determination technique Team members meet in isolation for an extended period of time Highly focused Resource intensive Started by IBM in 1970s

33 JAD (Cont.) FIGURE Illustration of the typical room layout for a JAD Source: Based on Wood and Silver, 1995

34 JAD (Cont.) Session Leader: facilitates group process
JAD Participants: Session Leader: facilitates group process Users: active, speaking participants Managers: active, speaking participants Sponsor: high-level champion, limited participation Systems Analysts: should mostly listen Scribe: record session activities IS Staff: should mostly listen

35 JAD (Cont.) End Result Documentation detailing existing system
Features of proposed system

36 CASE Tools During JAD Upper CASE tools are used
Enables analysts to enter system models directly into CASE during the JAD session Screen designs and prototyping can be done during JAD and shown to users

37 Using Prototyping During Requirements Determination
Quickly converts requirements to working version of system Once the user sees requirements converted to system, will ask for modifications or will generate additional requests

38 Using Prototyping During Requirements Determination (Cont.)
Most useful when: User requests are not clear. Few users are involved in the system. Designs are complex and require concrete form. There is a history of communication problems between analysts and users. Tools are readily available to build prototype.

39 Using Prototyping During Requirements Determination (Cont.)
Drawbacks Tendency to avoid formal documentation Difficult to adapt to more general user audience Sharing data with other systems is often not considered Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) checks are often bypassed

40 Requirements Determination using Agile Methodologies
Continual user involvement Replace traditional SDLC waterfall with iterative analyze – design – code – test cycle Agile usage-centered design Focuses on user goals, roles, and tasks The Planning Game Based on eXtreme programming Exploration, steering, commitment

41 Agile Usage-Centered Design Steps
Gather group of programmers, analysts, users, testers, facilitator. Document complaints of current system. Determine important user roles. Determine, prioritize, and describe tasks for each user role. Group similar tasks into interaction contexts. Associate each interaction context with a user interface for the system, and prototype the interaction context. Step through and modify the prototype.

42 Scenarios Scenario (Italian: that which is pinned to the scenery)
A synthetic description of an event or series of actions and events. A textual description of the usage of a system. The description is written from an end user’s point of view. A scenario can include text, video, pictures and story boards. It usually also contains details about the work place, social situations and resource constraints. Central to most scenario based design is a textual description or narrative of a use episode. This description is called a scenario. The scenario is described from the user point of view and may include social background, resource (e.g. disk space, time) constraints and background information. The scenario may describe a currently occuring use, or a potential use that is being designed and may include text, video, pictures, story boards, etc.By using a narrative it is possible to capture more information about the user's goals, and the context the user is operating in. The context might include details about the work place or social situation, and information about resource constraints. This provides some more help in understanding why users do what they do. In much current design work the users goals and context are often assumed implicitly, or may not be taken into account.The scenario then becomes the design object or artifact and may be augmented and rearranged as the design evolves. It can become a hypothetical interaction scenario for a new design and allow better understanding of the new design. It is also desirable to maintain a history of past scenarios as a way of capturing past design rationale.In one sense scenarios are not really new in design activity. It's extremely common in design to imagine "what if" situations, or to walk through a design in ones mind or in a group. Scenario based design is an effort to make some of what we do already more conscious and explicit.

43 More Definitions Scenario: “A narrative description of what people do and experience as they try to make use of computer systems and applications” [M. Carroll, Scenario-Based Design, Wiley, 1995] A concrete, focused, informal description of a single feature of the system used by a single actor.

44 Scenario … Scenarios can have many different uses during the software lifecycle Requirements Elicitation: As-is scenario, visionary scenario Client Acceptance Test: Evaluation scenario System Deployment: Training scenario Scenarios are not really new. They have been commonly used to imagine "what if" situations and also in code walk-throughs.

45 Types of Scenarios As-is scenario: Visionary scenario:
Describes a current situation. Usually used in re- engineering projects. The user describes the system Example: Description of Letter-Chess Visionary scenario: Describes a future system. Usually used in greenfield engineering and reengineering projects Can often not be done by the user or developer alone Example: Description of an interactive internet-based Tic Tac Toe game tournament Example: Description - in the year of the Home Computer of the Future.

46 A Visionary Scenario (1954): The Home Computer in 2004
Is this a fake picture? Some people claim that it is. But even if it is a fake, if we would have published it in 1954, it would have been a visionary scenario for 2004, that proved wrong:-)

47 Additional Types of Scenarios (2)
Evaluation scenario: Description of a user task against which the system is to be evaluated. Example: Four users (two novice, two experts) play in a TicTac Toe tournament in ARENA. Training scenario: A description of the step by step instructions that guide a novice user through a system Example: How to play Tic Tac Toe in the ARENA Game Framework.

48 How do we find scenarios?
Don’t expect the client to be verbal if the system does not exist Client understands problem domain, not the solution domain. Don’t wait for information even if the system exists “What is obvious does not need to be said” Engage in a dialectic approach You help the client to formulate the requirements The client helps you to understand the requirements The requirements evolve while the scenarios are being developed Don’t expect the client to be verbal if the system does not exist (greenfield engineering) Engage in a dialectic approach (evolutionary, incremental engineering)

49 Heuristics for finding scenarios
Ask yourself or the client the following questions: What are the primary tasks that the system needs to perform? What data will the actor create, store, change, remove or add in the system? What external changes does the system need to know about? What changes or events will the actor of the system need to be informed about? However, don’t rely on questions and questionnaires alone Insist on task observation if the system already exists (interface engineering or reengineering) Ask to speak to the end user, not just to the client Expect resistance and try to overcome it.

50 Scenario example: Warehouse on Fire
Bob, driving down main street in his patrol car notices smoke coming out of a warehouse. His partner, Alice, reports the emergency from her car. Alice enters the address of the building into her wearable computer , a brief description of its location (i.e., north west corner), and an emergency level. She confirms her input and waits for an acknowledgment. John, the dispatcher, is alerted to the emergency by a beep of his workstation. He reviews the information submitted by Alice and acknowledges the report. He allocates a fire unit and sends the estimated arrival time (ETA) to Alice. Alice received the acknowledgment and the ETA.

51 Observations about Warehouse on Fire Scenario
Concrete scenario Describes a single instance of reporting a fire incident. Does not describe all possible situations in which a fire can be reported. Participating actors Bob, Alice and John What type? As-is, visionary, evaluation, training?

52 After the scenarios are formulated
Find all the use cases in the scenario that specify all instances of how to report a fire Example: “Report Emergency“ in the first paragraph of the scenario is a candidate for a use case Describe each of these use cases in more detail Participating actors Describe the entry condition Describe the flow of events Describe the exit condition Describe exceptions Describe nonfunctional requirements Functional Modeling (see next lecture) Next goal after all the scenarios are formulated is to find all the uses cases in the scnario

53 Requirements Elicitation: Difficulties and Challenges
Communicate accurately about the domain and the system People with different backgrounds must collaborate to bridge the gap between end users and developers Client and end users have application domain knowledge Developers have solution domain knowledge Identify an appropriate system (Defining the system boundary) Provide an unambiguous specification Leave out unintended features => 3 Examples. Challenging activity End user with knowledge about the application domain, usually not very vocal, often unclear about IT requirements and even afraid, what the new system is going to do the daily Routine. Subject matter expert, knowledgeable about the subject, available for the creation of entity objects and for the provision of taxonomies or their formation. Developer with solution domain knowledge (design knowledge, implementation knowledge), often not very knowledgeable about the small and large problems of the application domain.

54 Defining the System Boundary is difficult
What do you see here? Another interesting issue with finding objects is to define which objects are inside the application domain and which ones are outside of it. Sometimes it helps you to get a clearer understanding of the overall system. Look at the figure in this slide. What does it show? A bunch of black and white dots? Given that I will tell you that it contains a system (that is an object model can be found) how would you start with looking for objects?

55 Defining the System Boundary is difficult
What do you see now? Turn the slide around. Turn it upside down. Look at the “problem domain” from all angles. And suddenly you might experience what I would call the “gestalt experience”. You will see the application domain. Now there is no recipe for finding it. You might find a very low level object, such as an ear or you might find a high level object such as the shape of a dog. In fact, if you look carefully you will find a dalmatian dog. Once you understand that you are looking at a dog, a lot of the black and white pixels in the total figure are not part of your system and you can easily find the boundary of the system by trying to trace the outline of the Dalmatian. However, don’t be lured into thinking that this is the system you have been looking for. Always be alert that the real system might be something totally different. For example, if you turn the dog upside down, you might be able to see an eagle taking off from a river, with a poor dead victim in its claws!

56 Defining the System Boundary is difficult
What do you see now? However, don’t be lured into thinking that this is the system you have been looking for. Always be alert that the real system might be something totally different. For example, if you turn the dog upside down, you might be able to see an eagle taking off from a river, with a poor dead victim in its claws!

57 Example of an Ambiguous Specification
During a laser experiment, a laser beam was directed from earth to a mirror on the Space Shuttle Discovery The laser beam was supposed to be reflected back towards a mountain top 10,023 feet high So the laser beam was pointing to a mountain miles high. The operator entered the elevation as “10023” The light beam never hit the mountain top What was the problem? The computer interpreted the number in miles...

58 Example of an Unintended Feature
From the News: London underground train leaves station without driver! What happened? A passenger door was stuck and did not close The driver left his train to close the passenger door He left the driver door open He relied on the specification that said the train does not move if at least one door is open When he shut the passenger door, the train left the station without him The driver door was not treated as a door in the source code!

59 Requirement specification
Requirements Process :problem statement Requirements elicitation Requirement specification :functional model :nonfunctional requirements Analysis This is an Activity diagram showingh the activities and products of the requirements engineering process. Analysis Model :dynamic model :analysis object model UML Activity Diagram

60 Requirements Specification vs Analysis Model
Both focus on the requirements from the user’s view of the system The requirements specification uses natural language (derived from the problem statement) The analysis model uses a formal or semi-formal notation We use UML.

61 Types of Requirements Functional requirements
Describe the interactions between the system and its environment independent from the implementation “An operator must be able to define a new game. “ Nonfunctional requirements Aspects not directly related to functional behavior. “The response time must be less than 1 second” Constraints Imposed by the client or the environment “The implementation language must be Java “ Called “Pseudo requirements” in the text book. Constraints (“Pseudo requirements”): Imposed by the client or the environment in which the system operates The implementation language must be Java ARENA must be able to dynamically interface to existing games provided by other game developers Functional requirements: Describe the interactions between the system and its environment independent from implementation “An operator should be able to define a new game. “ Nonfunctional requirements: User visible aspects of the system not directly related to functional behavior. “The response time must be less than 1 second” “The server must be available 24 hours a day” “The implementation language must be Java “

62 Functional vs. Nonfunctional Requirements
Describe user tasks that the system needs to support Phrased as actions “Advertise a new league” “Schedule tournament” “Notify an interest group” Nonfunctional Requirements Describe properties of the system or the domain Phrased as constraints or negative assertions “All user inputs should be acknowledged within 1 second” “A system crash should not result in data loss”. Note: Many nonfunctional requirements can be rephrased as functional requirements. Example: “All actions are undoable” can be rephrased by adding a functional requirement for each undoable action. For example, the use case “Advertise new league” yields a new use case “Cancel advertised league” to undo the effects of the first one.

63 Types of Nonfunctional Requirements
Constraints or Pseudo requirements Quality requirements

64 Types of Nonfunctional Requirements
Usability Reliability Robustness Safety Performance Response time Scalability Throughput Availability Supportability Adaptability Maintainability Constraints or Pseudo requirements Quality requirements

65 Types of Nonfunctional Requirements
Usability Reliability Robustness Safety Performance Response time Scalability Throughput Availability Supportability Adaptability Maintainability Implementation Interface Operation Packaging Legal Licensing (GPL, LGPL) Certification Regulation Constraints or Pseudo requirements Quality requirements

66 Exercise Find definitions for all nonfunctional requirements on the previous slide and learn them by heart Understand their meaning and scope (their applicability).

67 Some Quality Requirements Definitions
Usability The ease with which actors can use a system to perform a function Usability is one of the most frequently misused terms ((“The system is easy to use”) Usability must be measurable, otherwise it is marketing Example: Specification of the number of steps – the measure! - to perform a internet-based purchase with a web browser Robustness: The ability of a system to maintain a function even if the user enters a wrong input even if there are changes in the environment Example: The system can tolerate temperatures up to 90 C Availability: The ratio of the expected uptime of a system to the aggregate of the expected up and down time Example: The system is down not more than 5 minutes per week.

68 Nonfunctional Requirements: Examples
“Spectators must be able to watch a match without prior registration and without prior knowledge of the match.” Usability Requirement “The system must support 10 parallel tournaments” Performance Requirement “The operator must be able to add new games without modifications to the existing system.” Supportability Requirement

69 What should not be in the Requirements?
System structure, implementation technology Development methodology Parnas, How to fake the software development process Development environment Implementation language Reusability It is desirable that none of these above are constrained by the client. It is desirable that none of these above are constrained by the client. Fight for it!

70 Requirements Validation
Requirements validation is a quality assurance step, usually performed after requirements elicitation or after analysis Correctness: The requirements represent the client’s view Completeness: All possible scenarios, in which the system can be used, are described Consistency: There are no requirements that contradict each other. Requirements validation is a quality assurance step, usually after requirements elicitation or analysis. Completeness: All possible scenarios, in which the system can be used, are described, including exceptional behavior by the user or the system Problem with requirements validation: Requirements change quickly during requirements elicitation. Inconsistencies are easily added with each change Tool support is needed!

71 Requirements Validation (2)
Clarity: Requirements can only be interpreted in one way Realism: Requirements can be implemented and delivered Traceability: Each system behavior can be traced to a set of functional requirements Problems with requirements validation: Requirements change quickly during requirements elicitation Inconsistencies are easily added with each change Tool support is needed! Requirements validation is a quality assurance step, usually after requirements elicitation or analysis. Completeness: All possible scenarios, in which the system can be used, are described, including exceptional behavior by the user or the system Problem with requirements validation: Requirements change quickly during requirements elicitation. Inconsistencies are easily added with each change Tool support is needed!

72 We can specify Requirements for “Requirements Management”
Functional requirements: Store the requirements in a shared repository Provide multi-user access to the requirements Automatically create a specification document from the requirements Allow change management of the requirements Provide traceability of the requirements throughout the artifacts of the system. DOORS provides a proven, reliable foundation for a requirements-driven development process to achieve seamless communication, tight collaboration and efficient validation throughout the enterprise. DOORS provides: ・Gap analysis of unaddressed requirements. ・Graphical volatility displays that help users identify areas of greatest change. ・Traceability analysis to help identify areas of risk. ・Point-and-click views depicting relevant data for each type of user role. ・Comprehensive, multi-level impact reports highlighting everything from the requirements to the tests that are likely to be affected by the next change. RequisitPro: RD-Link is Ring-Zero technlogy that enables traceability between IBM/Rational RequisitePro and Telelogic DOORS. 

In the traceability matrix below, we can see DOORS requirements (the columns) being traced to RequisitePro requirements (rows). The software requirements (SR's) in Requisite Pro are being driven by the system requirements in DOORS (SAMPLE's).It is possible to use RD-Link for many different usage scenarios. DOORS could contain "master requirements", "tests", "implementation requirements", anything that is important for traceability. And RequisitePro could hold either dependent requirements or master requirements that DOORS will then depend on.And traceability can be established either direction, either "trace to" DOORS or "trace from" DOORS depending on what problem is being solved. When the requirements in DOORS change, RequisitePro is updated and traceability/suspect flags set appropriately. Thus, RequisitePro and DOORS can be used in a cooperative fashion.

73 Tools for Requirements Management (2)
DOORS (Telelogic) Multi-platform requirements management tool, for teams working in the same geographical location. DOORS XT for distributed teams RequisitePro (IBM/Rational) Integration with MS Word Project-to-project comparisons via XML baselines RD-Link ( Provides traceability between RequisitePro & Telelogic DOORS Unicase ( Research tool for the collaborative development of system models Participants can be geographically distributed. DOORS provides a proven, reliable foundation for a requirements-driven development process to achieve seamless communication, tight collaboration and efficient validation throughout the enterprise. DOORS provides: ・Gap analysis of unaddressed requirements. ・Graphical volatility displays that help users identify areas of greatest change. ・Traceability analysis to help identify areas of risk. ・Point-and-click views depicting relevant data for each type of user role. ・Comprehensive, multi-level impact reports highlighting everything from the requirements to the tests that are likely to be affected by the next change. RequisitPro: Another Requirements and use case management tool The IBM/Rational RequisitePro solution is a requirements and use case management tool for project teams who want to improve the communication of project goals, enhance collaborative development, reduce project risk and increase the quality of applications before deployment. Uses advanced integration with Microsoftィ Word to provide a familiar environment for activities such as requirements definition and organization Incorporates a powerful database infrastructure with real-time Word document synchronization to facilitate requirements organization, integration and analysis Enables detailed attribute customization and filtering to maximize informative value of each requirementハProvides detailed traceability views that display parent/child relationships and show requirements that may be affected by upstream or downstream change. Performs project-to-project comparisons using exportable XML-based project baselinesハIntegrates with multiple tools in the IBM Software Development Platform to improve accessibility and communication of requirements RD-Link is Ring-Zero technlogy that enables traceability between IBM/Rational RequisitePro and Telelogic DOORS. 

In the traceability matrix below, we can see DOORS requirements (the columns) being traced to RequisitePro requirements (rows). The software requirements (SR's) in Requisite Pro are being driven by the system requirements in DOORS (SAMPLE's).It is possible to use RD-Link for many different usage scenarios. DOORS could contain "master requirements", "tests", "implementation requirements", anything that is important for traceability. And RequisitePro could hold either dependent requirements or master requirements that DOORS will then depend on.And traceability can be established either direction, either "trace to" DOORS or "trace from" DOORS depending on what problem is being solved. When the requirements in DOORS change, RequisitePro is updated and traceability/suspect flags set appropriately. Thus, RequisitePro and DOORS can be used in a cooperative fashion.

74 Different Types of Requirements Elicitation
Greenfield Engineering Development starts from scratch, no prior system exists, requirements come from end users and clients Triggered by user needs Re-engineering Re-design and/or re-implementation of an existing system using newer technology Triggered by technology enabler Interface Engineering Provision of existing services in a new environment Triggered by technology enabler or new market needs Greenfield Engineering Development starts from scratch, no prior system exists, requirements are extracted from end users and client Triggered by user needs >>>>> Example: Develop a game from scratch. Re-engineering Re-design and/or re-implementation of an existing system using newer technology Triggered by technology enabler >>>>>Example: Reengineer an existing game Interface Engineering Provide services of existing system in new environment Triggered by technology enabler or new market needs Example: Interface to an existing game, the game was developed for a local computer, now we want to offer a multiplayer-version, that can be played in a LAN-party.

75 Prioritizing requirements
High priority Addressed during analysis, design, and implementation A high-priority feature must be demonstrated Medium priority Addressed during analysis and design Usually demonstrated in the second iteration Low priority Addressed only during analysis Illustrates how the system is going to be used in the future with not yet available technology High priority (“Core requirements”) Must be addressed during analysis, design, and implementation. A high-priority feature must be demonstrated successfully during client acceptance. Medium priority (“Optional requirements”) Must be addressed during analysis and design. Usually implemented and demonstrated in the second iteration of the system development. Low priority (“Fancy requirements”) Must be addressed during analysis (“very visionary scenarios”). Illustrates how the system is going to be used in the future if not yet available technology enablers are available

76 Requirements Analysis Document Template
1. Introduction 2. Current system 3. Proposed system 3.1 Overview 3.2 Functional requirements 3.3 Nonfunctional requirements 3.4 Constraints (“Pseudo requirements”) 3.5 System models Scenarios Use case model Object model Data dictionary Class diagrams Dynamic models User interfae 4. Glossary

77 Nonfunctional Requirements
3.3.1 User interface and human factors Documentation Hardware considerations Performance characteristics Error handling and extreme conditions System interfacing Quality issues System modifications Physical environment Security issues Resources and management issues

78 Nonfunctional Requirements (Questions to overcome “Writers block”)
User interface and human factors What type of user will be using the system? Will more than one type of user be using the system? What training will be required for each type of user? Is it important that the system is easy to learn? Should users be protected from making errors? What input/output devices are available Documentation What kind of documentation is required? What audience is to be addressed by each document?

79 Nonfunctional Requirements (2)
Hardware considerations What hardware is the proposed system to be used on? What are the characteristics of the target hardware, including memory size and auxiliary storage space? Performance characteristics Are there speed, throughput, response time constraints on the system? Are there size or capacity constraints on the data to be processed by the system? Error handling and extreme conditions How should the system respond to input errors? How should the system respond to extreme conditions?

80 Nonfunctional Requirements (3)
System interfacing Is input coming from systems outside the proposed system? Is output going to systems outside the proposed system? Are there restrictions on the format or medium that must be used for input or output? Quality issues What are the requirements for reliability? Must the system trap faults? What is the time for restarting the system after a failure? Is there an acceptable downtime per 24-hour period? Is it important that the system be portable? Is it important that the system be portable (able to move to different hardware or operating system environments)?

81 Nonfunctional Requirements (4)
System Modifications What parts of the system are likely to be modified? What sorts of modifications are expected? Physical Environment Where will the target equipment operate? Is the target equipment in one or several locations? Will the environmental conditions be ordinary? Security Issues Must access to data or the system be controlled? Is physical security an issue? Will the environmental conditions in any way be out of the ordinary (for example, unusual temperatures, vibrations, magnetic fields, ...)?

82 Example: Heathrow Luggage System
On April 5, 2008 a system update was performed to upgrade the baggage handling: 50 flights were canceled on the day of the update A “Bag Backlog” of 20,000 bags was produced (Naomi Campbell had a fit and was arrested) The bags were resorted in Italy and eventually sent to the passengers via Federal Express What happened? Initial explanation: Computer failure in the high storage bay area in combination with shortage of personal

83 Exercise Reverse engineer the requirements for the Heathrow luggage system Use the requirements analysis document template Use available information on the internet. Questions to ask: How are the bags stored after passengers have checked, but before they enter the plane? How are the bags retrieved from the storage area? What about existing luggage systems (“legacy systems”)? Scalability: How many users should the new luggage system support? How can this be tested before deployment? Throughput: How many suit cases/hour need to be supported?

84 Exercise Solution Available information on the internet. Examples
Examples of requirements: Automate the processing of No-Show passengers Use a high bay storage area (“high rack warehouse”) Provide a chaotic storage capability Combine two existing luggage systems (“legacy systems”): Early (hours before) and last minute checkins The system must be tested with 2500 volunteers The throughput must be at least suitcases/hour.

85 Additional Readings Scenario-Based Design Heathrow Luggage System:
John M. Carrol, Scenario-Based Design: Envisioning Work and Technology in System Development, John Wiley, 1995 Usability Engineering: Scenario-Based Development of Human Computer Interaction, Morgan Kaufman, 2001 Heathrow Luggage System:

86 Review Questions What is requirement?
How requirement differs from analysis? What are the different methods to elicit requirements? Explain traditional and modern methods What is the advantage of modern methods for requirement than traditional methods How scenario is used to elicit requirements? Explain types of requirements

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