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Kindergarten Classroom News

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Presentation on theme: "Kindergarten Classroom News"— Presentation transcript:

1 Kindergarten Classroom News
Mrs. Lawton A peek at the week Mark your calendar Reading: We are learning letters and sounds M, N, P, S, T, A Math: We are learning how to count and count objects Science: We are learning What is Science? Social Studies: We are learning about community helpers Writing: We are learning the beginning stages of how to write September 2nd – Muffins with 9:00 September 5th - no school, labor day A Note from Your Teacher: No school on Monday. I hope you all have a wonderful and relaxing Labor Day We are still out of ice cream as of ice cream. Ice cream has been ordered and as soon as it arrives we will begin selling ice cream again. Thank you for your patience Henry Wheeler - August 2nd Saul Matias - August 20th August birthdays

2 Upcoming tests & assignments
Classroom News August 12th – 16th Ms. Kristi DeRoche + Mark your calendar * A peek at the week + reading: “Because of winn dixie” making inferences vocabulary: chaos, hero, develop, celebrate language: Linking verbs spelling: synonyms Words: welcome, foggy, rumbles, thriller, fossil, willow, slender, blanket, blossom August 12th – 1st Day of School August 22nd- open house September 2nd- no school, labor day A Note from Your Teacher: n Text*text*text*Text*text*text* Upcoming tests & assignments r Reading- Unit 1 Test 1 Wednesday August 22nd Language- Chapter 1 Test- Thursday August 23rd Spelling – homework due Friday August 24th August birthdays z Mrs. DeRoche- August 5th Wayne Smith- August 13th Kailey Barnes- August 25th

3 Fabulous is 1st Grade Classroom News
Ms. Kristi DeRoche + A peek at the week + Spelling words: n reading: “Because of winn dixie” genre comprehension skill language: Linking verbs Define it, find it in a sentence, use it in a sentences spelling: synonyms Upcoming tests & assignments r Reading- Unit 1 Test 1 Wednesday August 22nd Language- Chapter 1 Test- Thursday August 23rd Spelling – homework due Friday August 24th Vocabulary words z Development Chaos Illustrate hero

4 You may need to download the font smiley monster so the fonts will work correctly!
I got the cute symbols from this font – Pea da lovely damanda doodles If you teach just Math, Science, & SS- page 1 is for you! If you teach just ELA- page 2 is for you! If you are self contained- Page 1 & 3 may be your best bet and copy them back to back! Before printing, go to save as  change file format to PDF  rename it  hit save. This will allow it to print correctly! Another option is to upload this to your class website so all of the students will have access to this newsletter at home. It can also serve as a study guide for the week! Hope this helps!! 

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