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Carlos G. Toledo Parada (you can call me Carlos) Email: Office: Ross 326 Hours: MWF 9-10:45am.

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Presentation on theme: "Carlos G. Toledo Parada (you can call me Carlos) Email: Office: Ross 326 Hours: MWF 9-10:45am."— Presentation transcript:

1 Carlos G. Toledo Parada (you can call me Carlos) Office: Ross 326 Hours: MWF 9-10:45am

2 Agenda for the day Talk about your responses for class expectations.
Go over some of the questions in the entrance tickets Get into teams to share ideas you found interesting and called your attention, or simply to summarize aspects o the readings. Relate WOVE to the learning outcomes Work on assignment 1

3 Expectations for the class
Become better written and oral communicators Be able to share knowledge and ideas with other people effectively. “ I want to communicate my ideas clearly” “I want to be able to talk with classmates” “I want to be challenged intellectually” “Hopefully this class will enable me to excel in my major & help me in the long run” “I expect to become a better writer” “I expect to grow as a writer and strengthen my skills” “I want to be able to interact with my classmates”

4 Entrance ticket questions

5 Get into your teams and introduce yourself
Get into your teams and introduce yourself. Share ideas you found interesting and called your attention, or simply summarize aspects of the readings.

6 Based on the learning outcomes in your SG pp 13 & 14, each group explains in their own words to the rest of the class: What you will be learning to do in each assigned mode. How the skills in your mode might be useful to you in your future lives.

7 Place-based course Listen to the following clip and share what you notice about how Barb connects to her home. Does she mention any geographical location? How does she relate to the place? What kind of memories she relates to?

8 Assignment 1: Where I’m From (First Impressions essay)
We are all from somewhere. Place is more than a physical location or a set of coordinates we can type into a GPS. Memories, feelings, events, and people we associate with a particular place, as well as about the physical landscape characteristics (e.g., rural, urban, mountains, lake, skyscrapers). The focus of this assignment, then, is to describe the place you call home: it might be your block, neighborhood, town, city, state.

9 To describe your home, consider the following:
How do you define “home”? What makes a home a home? What makes your home “home”? What does it look like: rolling fields of corn, dirt roads, concrete streets, major highways? When you think of home, what events and experiences do you associate with it? What immediately comes to mind? Why are these impressions, memories, and experiences important to you? Pick two or three experiences, memories, or people that you can describe briefly but specifically

10 English 150 Sections DB/DM

11 Readings for next week (with entrance ticket with a question/reaction)
Chapter 1 on Critical Thinking (pp 14-23)

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