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Regional Land Transport Plan 2015 – 2021 Regional Transport Committee

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1 Regional Land Transport Plan 2015 – 2021 Regional Transport Committee
1 December 2014

2 Intervention Logic Mapping (ILM)
Overview of process Intervention Logic Mapping (ILM) Problem statements presented at last RTC Review problem statements Incorporating feedback from RTC, context of Government Policy Statement, Regional Policy Statement, 2012 RLTS Draft confirmed by sub-committee and circulated to RTC Basis of objectives and prioritisation criteria Prioritisation by Transport Officers Group

3 Challenges Freight Increased maintenance costs on local roads
Reliable travel times Supporting efficiency (e.g. local access, HPMV) Transport Choice Providing alternatives to cars Largely an issue for Christchurch where network at capacity Earthquake Repair of roads Support of central city redevelopment On-going land use changes

4 Challenges Safety Reducing deaths and serious injury
5. Resilience and long term sustainability Resilient infrastructure (natural hazards, alternative routes). Long term sustainability (fossil fuels, climate change, public health, demographic changes) Land use & transport integration

5 Objectives Addressing current and future demand
Freight - providing for increased demand People - emphasis on alternatives to cars where appropriate Increasingly free from death and serious injury Earthquake recovery is supported Resilient and supports long term sustainability Investment in land transport is efficient

6 Prioritization Process
Priority 1: Looking after what we have Maintenance, renewals, existing public transport and road safety promotion Priority 2: Completing projects already started / committed Priority 3: Improvement projects with high strategic alignment Scored by TOG across 5 criteria based on challenges and objectives Priority 4: Other improvement projects Those >$5M regionally significant All others shown in Appendix 1.

7 Priority 1: Looking after what we have
Maintenance is core business for councils and NZTA Over 80% of Council and NLTF expenditure in Canterbury Most of the network does not have capacity issues i.e. main focus is on maintenance / keeping it fit for purpose is Ensuring there is sufficient funding and that it is spent efficiently are the priority issues. One Road Network Classification being developed Maintenance and renewals includes earthquake repairs

8 Priority 2: Finishing what we have started
Regionally significant projects are: Roads of National Significance (RONS) Phase 1 of An Accessible City (Central City redevelopment) Central bus exchange and suburban interchanges at Riccarton and Northlands Wigram Magdala link Ferrymead Bridge Mingha Bluff to Rough Creek

9 Priority 3: Improvements with high strategic alignment
Rolleston to Lyttelton / Brougham Street Corridor Waimakariri Bridge cycleway 10 urban cycleway in Christchurch Public transport projects An Accessible City projects (further prioritisation required) 16 intersection safety projects in Christchurch 3 State Highway safety projects (Ashley to Belfast, Rakaia to Ashburton, Pineacres) 13 network improvement projects with Christchurch Rolleston CSM2 intersection upgrade Lyttelton Tunnel deluge system

10 Priority 4: All other improvement projects
Only regionally significant ones shown in main body of RLTP (rest in Appendix 1) Port of Timaru - under $5M but of strategic importance and may become higher priority with further investigation

11 Recommendations for sub-committee to consider
Any further changes as a result of councils' decisions on their programmes, particularly CCC Further TOG review of priority rankings and consideration of listing all regionally significant projects in priority order or similar Amendments to text to clarify link between issues / objectives / priority projects. Correction of errors

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