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Introducing Templates and Generics in C++

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1 Introducing Templates and Generics in C++

2 Overview Value of templates Generic functions Generic classes

3 Value of templates Added to original C++ specification
Valuable in the creation of reusable code Used to create generic functions and classes In which the type of data acted upon is specified as a parameter Allows one function or class to act on several different types of data without having to code specific versions for each type.

4 GENERIC FUNCTIONS (a.k.a. template functions)

5 Generic function Defines a set of operations that are applied to various types of data. Requires the keyword “template” A pattern for what could be a function.

6 General form of header:
Generic function General form of header: template <class Ttype> ret-type func-name (parameter list) Body: { // body of function } Example of header: template class X void swapargs(X &a, X &b)

7 Example generic function swapargs()
template <class X> void swapargs (X &a, X &b) { X temp; temp = a; a=b; b=temp; }

8 Example main using swapargs()
int main() { int I =10, j=20; double x=10.1, y=23.3; char a=‘x’, b=‘z’; cout<<“Original i, j “<<i<<‘ ‘<<j<<‘\n’; cout<<“Original x,y “<<x<<‘ ‘<<y<<‘\n’; cout<<“Original a,b “<<a<<‘ ‘<<b<<‘\n’; swapargs(i, j); swapargs(x, y); swapargs(a, b); cout<<“Swapped i, j “<<i<<‘ ‘<<j<<‘\n’; cout<<“Swapped x,y “<<x<<‘ ‘<<y<<‘\n’; cout<<“Swapped a,b “<<a<<‘ ‘<<b<<‘\n’; return 0; }

9 What happens? “template” preceding the function definition tells the compiler to create a generic (or template) function. “X” is a placeholder for the generic type. In main(), swapargs() is called using 3 different types of data. This causes the compiler to generate 3 different versions of swapargs(), each for a different type. Called “generic functions” or “specialized functions.” Act of generating referred to as “instantiating.”

10 More about generic functions
More than one placeholder type may be declared for a function. The keyword class to specify a generic type is traditional, but keyword typename may also be used. Generic functions may be overridden for “explicit specialization.” Example: void swapargs(int &a, int &b) This “hides” the generic swapargs() only for ints. Alternative syntax: template<> void swapargs<int> (int &a, int &b) Generic functions may be overloaded (different parameter lists).


12 Generic class Defines all the algorithms used by that class
Actual type of data being manipulated is specified as a parameter. Useful when the class uses logic that can be generalized.

13 Example (2 generic data types)
Generic class heading General form template <class Ttype> class class-name Example template <class Qtype> class queue Example (2 generic data types) template <class Type1, class Type2> class myClass

14 Generic class: object creation
To create a specific instance of a generic class: class-name <type> ob; For previous examples: queue<int> a, b; // creates 2 integer queues myClass<int, double> ob1(10, 0.23);

15 Example generic class #include <iostream> using namespace std; template <class Type1, class Type2> class myClass { Type1 i; Type2 j; public: myClass(Type1 a, Type2 b){i=a; j=b;} void show() {cout<<i<<' '<<j<<'\n';} }; int main() myClass<int, double>ob1(10, 0.23); myClass<char, char *>ob2('X', "This is a test");; // show int, double; // show char, char * system("pause"); return 0; }

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