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Chapter 2 Jeopardy Maps as Models of the Earth

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1 Chapter 2 Jeopardy Maps as Models of the Earth
Hosted By Mrs. Gorglione

2 200 400 600 800 1000 Multiple choice Vocabulary Vocabulary II
Fill in the Blank Fill in the Blank II Bonus 200 400 600 800 1000

3 Multiple Choice 200 Answer: b. a map
Question: What is a model of the Earth’s surface? a. a landmark b. a map c. a sphere d. a circumference Answer: b. a map Home

4 Multiple Choice 400 Answer: a. axis
Question: What line connects the North and South Poles? a. axis b. north c. equator d. sphere Answer: a. axis Home

5 Multiple Choice 600 Answer: c. magnetic declination
Question: What is used to find true north on a compass? a. equator b. prime meridian c. magnetic declination d. cardinal directions Home Answer: c. magnetic declination

6 Multiple Choice 800 Answer: b. map
Question: What model of the Earth has distortion? a. globe b. map c. meridian d. latitude Home Answer: b. map

7 Multiple Choice 1000 Answer: c. roads
Question: What would you see on a topographical map? a. stars c. roads b. lines of latitude d. conic projection Answer: c. roads Home

8 Vocabulary 200 Answer: Equator
Question: The imaginary circle halfway between the two poles. Answer: Equator Home

9 Vocabulary 400 Answer: Cardinal Directions
Question: north, south, east, and west Answer: Cardinal Directions Home

10 Vocabulary 600 Answer: lines of Latitude
Question: another word for parallels Answer: lines of Latitude Home

11 Vocabulary 800 Answer: Mercator
Question: the most common cylindrical projection Answer: Mercator Home

12 Vocabulary 1000 Answer: Lines of Longitude
Question: distance east or west from the prime meridian Answer: Lines of Longitude Home

13 Vocabulary II 200 Question: the map projection that shows distance best Answer: Equal-Area Home

14 Vocabulary II 400 Question: a system made of 25 satellites Answer: GPS

15 Vocabulary II 600 Question: the difference in elevation between the highest and lowest points Answer : relief Home

16 Vocabulary II 800 Question: the way tops of hills are shown on topographic maps Answer: Closed Circle Home

17 Vocabulary II 1000 Answer: Contour Line
Question: line that connects points of equal elevation Answer: Contour Line Home

18 Fill in the Blank 200 Question: A compass needle points to the ____________. Answer: Magnetic North Pole Home

19 Fill in the Blank 400 Question: The longitude line at 0° is called the _______ . Answer: Prime Meridian Home

20 Fill in the Blank 600 Question: The projection that is best at mapping the poles is _______________________. Answer: azimuthal Home

21 Fill in the Blank 800 Answer: Sphere
Question: The Earth is shaped like a(n) __________________. Answer: Sphere Home

22 Fill in the Blank 1000 Answer: Topographic
Question: A map that shows surface features of the Earth is a(n) _______________________ map. Answer: Topographic Home

23 Fill in the Blank II 200 Question: People use a _____________________ to describe location and direction. Answer: Reference Point Home

24 Fill in the Blank II 400 Question: The longitude line at 0° goes through the __________________. Answer: North Pole or South Pole Home

25 Fill in the Blank II 600 Question: Information about a place stored on computers is called ____________. Answer: GIS Home

26 Fill in the Blank II 800 Answer: Steep
Question: Two contour lines that are close together show a _____________ slope. Answer: Steep Home

27 Fill in the Blank II 1000 Question: Lines of latitude and lines of longitude form a _____________ system on globes and maps. Answer: Grid Home

28 Bonus Question Topic: Multiple Choice Answer: 22. B 23. C 24. C Home

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