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The Cold War: Vietnam, Détente, and Reagan.

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1 The Cold War: Vietnam, Détente, and Reagan.

2 Agenda Bell Ringer: AP Practice Questions (7)
2. Lecture: Vietnam and End of Cold War (20) 3. Primary Interpretation, Hawk vs. Dove. (20) Writing Exercise 4. What led to the downfall of the Soviet Union? Analysis 5. Political Cartoons during the Cold War (10) 6. Compare and Contrast: Leaders during the Cold War (10) 7. 8. Reagan tells Jokes about the Soviet Union… (5)

3 After Kennedy Lyndon Johnson elected in 1964, a gradual increase in troops would occur under his leadership. While the war is initially supported, over time as war continues, support wanes. First instance of graphic footage shown to the public. What is seen prior? 1968 is the pivotal year.

4 Escalation of Vietnam French were involved in conflict since 1955.
We aided the French, then made it our own conflict in the mid 1960s. It lasts nearly ten years, with the final blow coming when Saigon is taken by the Viet-Cong in 1975 and South Vietnam falls to Communism. By 1968 we would have over 500,000 troops there. Draft is active in USA.

5 Détente and an End to Vietnam
By this time, Era of détente begins. A relaxing of aggression towards the United States. Nixon goes to China in 1972, a Communist country. Soviets take notice, and wonder if Nixon is attempting to steal China from the Russians. Soviets invade Afghanistan in 1979, turned into “their” Vietnam.

6 Reagan’s stance on Communism
He was strongly against Communists, and after the détente of the 1970s he moves to make America fight Communism once again. He wanted to increase military strength of the USA.

7 Star Wars The Strategic Defense Initiative was a program designed to create a “forcefield” around the USA. Focused on strategic defense OF the borders, not against the Soviets. ICBM’s to x-rays, some of this stuff was unrealistic.

8 Mikhail Gorbachev Came to power and completely changed the Soviet Union. He changed the policy of a closed society in favor of political and economic reform. Withdrew forces from Afghanistan in 1988, major defeat for Soviets.

9 Perestroika and Glasnost
Glasnost – Openness of the government. It is meant to discourage corruption by creating a government that has no secrets. Perestroika – Restructuring of the government. It was thought that it would make Communism more efficient by incorporating free-market aspects. In the end Communism would collapse.

10 Fall of the Wall Reagan famously said, “Gorbachev, tear down this wall” The wall finally opened up in November, 1989. Many Eastern Germans would leave for the West. The Soviet Union would collapse in 1991, signaling the end of the Cold War.

11 http://www. youtube. com/watch
Tear down this wall Soviet Jokes

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