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Pre-AP English I January 26, 2016

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1 Pre-AP English I January 26, 2016
As you come in. . . Turn in your short answer assignment homework. Staple them together (answer sheets only) and be sure your name is on them. Work turned in with no name will be thrown in the trash and you will receive a 0. While you wait for class to begin, work on your vocabulary assignment.

2 Topic & Essential Questions
Exploring Poetic Voices: Poets Perspectives about Poetry Essential Questions: What is poetry? What can a writer learn from studying an author’s craft and style?

3 Learning Objectives Explore beliefs about and experiences with poetry.
Understand the process of making meaning from a poem. Compose a poem expressing perceptions of poetry.

4 Exploring Poetic Voices: Poets Perceptions About Poetry
What is poetry? Read the quotations from poets about poetry. Select one that RESONATES with you. Write your interpretation of the quote in your C-Notes. Share briefly your interpretation with your table group. Be sure to listen intently to each member of your group. Ask follow-up questions to clarify their interpretations.

5 Exploring Poetic Voices: Poets Perceptions About Poetry
What is poetry? Take 30 seconds and write down the characteristics which you believe make-up poetry. Be prepared to share with the class. Describe your experiences with poetry in your daily life.

6 Exploring Poetic Voices: Poets Perceptions About Poetry
Read “Poetry” by Pablo Neruda. While you read… Identify images in the poem that capture your attention. What do these images say about Neruda’s feelings about poetry? Use METACOGNITIVE MARKERS ? for questions that you have * for comments on the text underline verbs ! for a connection to the text

7 Exploring Poetic Voices: Poets Perceptions About Poetry
Analyzing Stylistic Techniques Repetition. What words/phrases are repeated? Why? Verb choices. What do they say about the poet’s attitude toward poetry? Anaphora. What effect does this type of repetition have on the poem? Form. What form is this poem?

8 Homework On a separate sheet of paper (DO NOT do this assignment in your book), respond to the Quickwrite prompt on page 193. Then, using the TEMPLATE at the bottom of the page, write your own poem about poetry. Both are due tomorrow. Continue working on your vocabulary for the week.

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