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5th Training Workshop 16th November 8:30 -16:30

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1 5th Training Workshop 16th November 8:30 -16:30
Financial Investigation Coordination in Cyprus: Hercule III Programme Anti-Fraud Training This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of EUC and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union. Financial Investigation Coordination in Cyprus [OLAF/2016/D1/014]

2 The European Anti-Fraud Office
The role of OLAF In combating Financial Crime in Europe” ***** By Dr. Alexander Apostolides.

3 In a nutshell : “OLAF investigates fraud against the EU budget, corruption and serious misconduct within the European institutions, and develops anti-fraud policy for the European Commission.”


5 “With billions at stake, OLAF and Ukraine commit to deepening cooperation against fraud”
A clandestine factory of counterfeit shampoo was dismantled, two individuals arrested and 229,000 bottles of counterfeit shampoo as well as 805 kg of chemical products were seized in early February in Spain thanks to information provided by the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF). Joint customs operation at check-point Albita, Romania #Ukraine owes its citizens to eradicate legacy of #fraud & #corruption-OLAF Dir. at signing of cooperation agreement Joint planning of operations to tackle smuggling in Finland

6 OLAf’ s Mission : The only EU body mandated to detect, investigate and stop fraud with EU funds. Part of the European Commission but has, in its investigative function, an individual independent status.

7 OLAF fulfils its mission by:
Carrying out independent investigations into fraud and corruption involving EU funds Contributing to strengthening citizens’ trust in the EU Institutions Developing a sound EU anti-fraud policy.

8 OLAF’s Field of Work: All EU expenditure: the main spending categories are Structural Funds, agricultural policy and rural development funds, direct expenditure and external aid Some areas of EU revenue, mainly customs duties Suspicions of serious misconduct by EU staff and members of the EU institutions.

9 Between , OLAF: Concluded over 1400 investigations Recommended the recovery of over €3 billion to the EU budget Issued over 1600 recommendations for judicial, financial, disciplinary and administrative action to be taken by the competent authorities of the Member States and the EU

10 Workload in 2015: 219 new investigations & 304 concluded investigations Average duration of concluded and on-going investigations in 2015: 21 months. The average duration of the selection phase, in which OLAF assesses the incoming information and decides whether to open an investigation, was 1.7 months OLAF had 398 on-going investigations at the end of 2015 OLAF had 422 staff members, the majority of whom work on investigations


12 OLAF in Action, Videos To watch:
Operation Velvet Glove: A Fictional reconstruction of a real investigation on fraud carried out by OLAF Joint Customs Operation "Barrel" : Operation "Barrel" was an initiative of the Polish Presidency of the Council of the EU and coordinated by the Polish Customs Service with the cooperation of the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF).

13 Chatham House Rule When a meeting, or part thereof, is held under the Chatham House Rule, participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed.

14 Chatham House Rule Originated at Chatham House to provide anonymity to speakers and encourage openness and the sharing of information (1927 refined 1992 and 2002) It is now used throughout the world as an aid to free discussion. The world-famous Chatham House Rule may be invoked at meetings to encourage openness and the sharing of information.

15 How The rule Works: Meetings, events and discussions held at Chatham House are normally conducted 'on the record‘ Rule occasionally invoked at the speaker's request. In cases where the Rule is not considered sufficiently strict, an event may be held 'off the record'.

16 How The rule Works: Chatham House will take disciplinary action against one who breaks the Rule his is likely to mean future exclusion from all institute activities Such action is rare, but rigorous implementation crucial to effectiveness and for Chatham House’s reputation as a trusted venue for open and free dialogue. For events not organized by Chatham House, actions taken because of a violation are entirely at the discretion of the organizer.

17 How The rule Works: Sometimes speakers need to be named when publicizing the meeting You Can say within a report what you yourself said at a meeting under the Chatham House Rule The Rule is more about the dissemination of the information after the event - nothing should be done to identify, either explicitly or implicitly, who said what. The Rule can be used effectively on social media sites such as Twitter as long as the person tweeting or messaging reports only what was said at an event and does not identify speaker

18 “An aid to free discussion”
Allows people to speak as individuals Express views that may not be those of their organizations,. People usually feel more relaxed if they don't have to worry about their reputation or the implications if they are publicly quoted. Widely used by local government and commercial organizations and/or research organizations.

19 “Re-enforcing the Anti-Fraud infrastructure: Best Practice Initiatives” Conference “Re-enforcing the Anti-Fraud infrastructure: Best Practice Initiatives” is the last part of training sessions under the project “Financial Investigation Coordination in Cyprus” (FICC), funded by the Program Hercule III, European Anti-Fraud office (OLAF). For information and registration please contact Athina Kyriakou Programme and details at:

20 Thank You!

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